How much HIIT?

shanna5 Posts: 69
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
I am trying to incorporate some HIIT workouts in (high intensity interval training). I've been reading about it, but am curious how many times a week you should do this kind of training - I've read anywhere from only once a week to 4 times a week. I'm not sure about the length of time either.

Anyone doing HIIT - how long, how often do you do this and what is your routine like? I have read to do 30 seconds all out and then 90 seconds recovery, or 15 seconds all out and 45 seconds recovery. What has worked for you? At this point, I was thinking about 2x a week, 40 mins total.



  • thomasbf
    thomasbf Posts: 47 Member
    Insanity workouts are HIIT and it's 5-6 times per week.
  • llm12
    llm12 Posts: 49
    Jillian Michaels workout videos are big on HIIT training. She talks about it in all of them. Maybe give one of those a shot and see how you like it? I do the 6 week 6 pack and no more trouble zones videos, typically alternating them every other day. I do the videos 6 days a week and have seen a huge change in both strength and inches.

    Where I live, you can try the videos for free on tv through OnDemand. Might want to see if that's a possibility for you before you buy a video.
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    I am trying to incorporate some HIIT workouts in (high intensity interval training). I've been reading about it, but am curious how many times a week you should do this kind of training - I've read anywhere from only once a week to 4 times a week. I'm not sure about the length of time either.

    Anyone doing HIIT - how long, how often do you do this and what is your routine like? I have read to do 30 seconds all out and then 90 seconds recovery, or 15 seconds all out and 45 seconds recovery. What has worked for you? At this point, I was thinking about 2x a week, 40 mins total.


    I do 3 times week and I do 90 seconds all out and 30-60 recovery. I like to do HIIT on weight days it makes using the elliptical and treadmill less boring lol I love to run outside and the hills in my neighborhood are killer so I dont do them on those days!

    I love love HIIT tho, it has really helped me intensify my work out and get me over my plateau! I dont really think there is a limit to it tho, just a different way to get good cardio and get your heart rate to fluctuate. With my HRM I am able to push really hard and work in the high % and then on my recovery I can get back down to low and repeat!

    Oh and I only do for 20-30 min after my 20-30 min weight routine :smile:

    Just go for it, I think you will notice the difference!
  • jsdority
    jsdority Posts: 2 Member
    Most HIIT training when done in terms of cardio lasts around 30 minutes including warm up and cooldown. This involves interval sprints in time frames anywhere from 20 seconds to 1 minute going your hardest followed by a recovery time at your discretion. However, the idea behind HIIT is that you never fully recover between sets of intense bouts. IE. if you sprint for 30 seconds, recover for 1 minute and repeat 5-10 times, by the 3rd or 4th sprint, that 1 minute will not seem long enough... but that's the point!

    You can also incorporate HIIT training in strength. This can be done in a circuit. Go as hard as you can with pullups, pushups, lunges, etc. for 1 minute... go from station to station and rest after each circuit is complete for 1-2 minutes before repeating the circuit.

    In terms of days/ week. This is somewhat up to you and how much time you need to recover. Be aware of too much HIIT training, you can cause overuse injuries with the high intensity. I recommend no more than 2 days per week for cardio. And same for strength.

    Hope this helps!
  • 2X a week is a great way to start... before you know it, you can hang with those daily HIIT routines (like Insanity etc). Another workout that incorporates HIIT training is Turbo Fire... they're great fun! Sometimes different fitness centers who offer it as a class (ie: Hip Hop Hustle, Turbo Kick, etc) will give you the option to come in & sample their class for free... that might be another option to "try before you buy"! :bigsmile:

    Good Luck with them & have fun!!
  • EbonyGemstoneHealth
    EbonyGemstoneHealth Posts: 249 Member
    I do 2-3 days a week of the 30/90 ratio 30 seconds all out craziness (feels like an eternity) 90 seconds of heaven... for 20 minutes not including the 5 minute warmup and cooldown followed by a 30 minute steady state regeneration exercise usually if I have time. I do it the HIIT on the stationary bike right now will slowly progress to the elliptical and then the treadmill (or most likely just sprint outside at my athletics centre on the track),I have fallingoffofthetreadmill phobia! loool
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    If you need a timer you can use the tabata timer if you are going to be doing a homework out.

    You can find it here
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    I do mine 4x a week or more. My sessions can be anywhere from 8-20 minutes. I have 10 seconds rest 30-40 seconds workout depending on what tYpe of workout. You don't have to stick to anything really you can make your own workout. As long as is intense with short time of rest. Y get my workouts from I've done it for about a year and a half and it has worked wonderfully.
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    If you need a timer you can use the tabata timer if you are going to be doing a homework out.

    You can find it here

    Thats the same I used for the longest time. It worked great. Now I use my android with the interval timer app its much more handy.
  • shanna5
    shanna5 Posts: 69
    Thank you everyone! I' excited to give this a try - I need to change it up a bit and have heard that this is the way to go!
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    Jillian Michaels workout videos are big on HIIT training. She talks about it in all of them. Maybe give one of those a shot and see how you like it? I do the 6 week 6 pack and no more trouble zones videos, typically alternating them every other day. I do the videos 6 days a week and have seen a huge change in both strength and inches.

    Where I live, you can try the videos for free on tv through OnDemand. Might want to see if that's a possibility for you before you buy a video.

    I like JM a lot - DVD and am a subscriber of her online programme. I just posted to ask if I should modify her stuff to be HIIT. The reason is she does do interval but for online stuff, it is rep-based and not time-based. So easy to cheat! DVD keeps the rhythm well.

    Just ordered Killer Abs myself. Was debating 6W6P vs Killer abs :)
  • I incorporate HIIT into pretty much every workout I do. If i am doing cardio, I mix up the speeds and intervals constantly. If its weight training I'll throw some squat jumps, jump blocks, etc in between sets.

    Hope this helps! It's very effective.
  • 6ronXtreme9
    6ronXtreme9 Posts: 416 Member
    too much HIIT can tax your body so 3-4 times in a week are sufficient and enough.
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