i never crave pizza or chocolate...



  • zoebea33
    zoebea33 Posts: 74 Member
    Totally agree with you all, i allow myself a small bag of quavers most days because if i didn't come the weekend i'd want a huge bag :tongue:
  • Vick_MN
    Vick_MN Posts: 34
    I have the same mindset that you do. I have cleaned up a TON out of my diet but if I want pizza (or something else bad), I eat it. I very seldom go over my calories-probably once or twice a month only. This balance works for me and I don't feel at all like I am dieting. I have been losing 1 pound to 1.5 pound a week and am down 26 pounds since I started at the end of January. I will never stick to any program if I can't eat what I like to eat. I can honestly say that the only thing that I have "given up" is pop and that was a personal choice that I made back when I started this. I feel that I can continue on with this program for a long time because I have been able to develope new habits without feeling deprived or like I am missing out on something.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    i'm glad to see so many like-minded people! it makes me so sad when i see someone completely stressing over whether they should take 2 bites of a mini-snickers. if that were me, in another 3 or 4 weeks i'd be eating 2 bags of mini-snickers and washing to down with root beer, easy!
  • I suggest reading this book called Skinny *****, by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin. It will explain the reason for craving addictions. She also promotes veganism but if you skip to chapter 10 it will explain why we have these addictions and how it hinders own weight loss goals. Good luck
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    I suggest reading this book called Skinny *****, by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin. It will explain the reason for craving addictions. She also promotes veganism but if you skip to chapter 10 it will explain why we have these addictions and how it hinders own weight loss goals.

    i've read that book - it was interesting, but most of what was in there was not for me.
  • jnite
    jnite Posts: 108 Member
    Totally me!!!!!:bigsmile: I eat the same as I did before only in smaller portions. I only have 15-20 lbs to lose and so far have lost 12 since February. This is something I want to be able to stick with so I decided to just cut my portions and eat the same stuff. Last night I had my 12" meatball sub, almost all of my cals for the day, so I did go over by about 400 cals, but I also find if I don't have one large meal and go over my cals at least once a week I end up not losing. Works great for me too!!!
  • MeekMeals
    MeekMeals Posts: 517 Member
    I plan for it, but yeah, I eat something if it really really want it.

    yes, agreed! that's my rule too. there are actually 3 rules i have for non-healthy food:

    1. plan for it
    2. log it and be accountable for it
    3. enjoy it - if you've covered steps 1 and 2, there's no reason to feel guilty about it!

    LUV THIS!!! I do that too! If you look at my food diary "yes its embaraasingly public", you'll see one week where i had a dark chocolate bar EVERYDAY! oop! you also will see moscato some days, ciroc... I'm trying to do the "Clean as possible" thing now. But I workout like a HAWK!! But yes moderation is essential. And do what works for you!!! Thats my motto! We should make a "eat in moderation" club/group!!!!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    We should make a "eat in moderation" club/group!!!!

    dig this.
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    I still eat most of the stuff I did before, except Debbie snacks, Hostess, stuff like that. Way too many empty calories. Usually even more than candybars. Which I also stay away from, but gave in because of Easter.
  • mlh612
    mlh612 Posts: 311 Member
    I suggest reading this book called Skinny *****, by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin. It will explain the reason for craving addictions. She also promotes veganism but if you skip to chapter 10 it will explain why we have these addictions and how it hinders own weight loss goals. Good luck

    Love that book.. Read it and own it! It's one of the reasons I quit soda cold turkey and I have cut out most of my caffeine (there are a few days where caffeine is still a must or snoozing at my desk I go).... :wink:
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I had pizza tonight. I also have a Kinder Bueno bar that I will be eating later. I simply don't want to live a life where I never have chocolate or cake or pizza or various other things that I like. I log what I eat even if I do go over my calories for the day. If I cut all junk food out of my diet then there's no way I'll stick to it but if I have it occasionally I'll be fine.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I eat pizza when I am in Italy but not in England as it's not as good and wheat does bad things to me. I don't like chocolate much, I eat a small bit maybe once every week or two if I am low on calories by the evening.

    I am not mad keen on either. Give me fresh fruit any day of the week!
  • rjanson
    rjanson Posts: 6 Member
    I never drink soda, I'm not actually a fan of pizza, I prefer home-made turkey/veggie burgers to fast food burgers (although Carl's Jr... but I have managed to stay away from that!), and I quit caffeine (coffee/black tea) cold-turkey.

    But I do like dessert/chocolate. :)

    I've been buying Trader Joe's dark chocolate mints. A serving size is 6; I have one or two after my evening meal, and I get the sweetness and a fresh minty-taste that helps prevent me from wanting more food!

    So yes I definitely agree with moderation. I'm not perfect and I want to make a permanent and realistic change.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,546 Member
    but that's because i eat pizza every week - sometimes more than once! - and chocolate everyday. i know it sounds like a pretty screwed up tactic, but this totally works for me. you know the age old advice - "if you don't buy it and keep it in your house, you won't eat it"? well, that does *not* work for me. if i have a craving for something, i will totally go to the grocery store at 3 in the morning in my pajamas to go and get it! i know, i know...i have no pride. or no shame. :tongue:

    i do want to lose weight, and i want to be healthier. as of yet, i have no interest in adopting a completely 'clean' diet - i dig my cheez-its and cadbury eggs too much! and the occassional dr. pepper, though i'm pretty much a water drinker now. i'm sure my outlook could change, but for now, you will not find me eating baked chicken breast and broccoli every night for dinner. now, if you want to bbq that chicken up, then i'll be interested!

    my point is, i feel like i've found a pretty good balance that i can work with forever. i never feel deprived, and i rarely cave in to a bingeing streak (which used to be a very common occurence). sometimes i will find myself sitting on the couch with a good book and potato chips and lemon bars. like yesterday. :blushing: but that's the first time i've just sat and ate a ton of junk in months!

    sure, i'm probably losing weight slower than a lot of people, but i'm almost up to 30 pounds lost, it has been about 8 months, and i feel absolutely *no* sense of burnout. which is really quite lovely.

    anyone else out there have their cake and eat it too?

    So I saw your title of the thread and thought "I hate this person!" But then I read the thread (thanks UpEarly!) and I so totally agree with your philosophy. For those folks who can give up carbs and eat perfectly clean, I am really impressed. I can't do that though. I've done every diet out there and I'll lose the weight but it piles right back on because I'm not willing to eat like that the rest of my life. Since joining MFP in August, I've lost 23 lbs. and hit my goal weight and I feel awesome. I'm not deprived, I'm rarely hungry and I eat what my family eats for dinner. I've cleaned up what I eat because sometimes the calories just aren't worth it, but (don't look at my diary recently, we went out of town and I ate whatever I wanted the whole time-it's not a pretty thing!) for the most part it's all portion control. I think I'll go eat some dark chocolate right now as a matter of fact!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    So I saw your title of the thread and thought "I hate this person!"

    hah! if i had had water in my mouth when i read that, it totally would have gone out my nose! thanks for the chuckles!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I don't eat those things daily, or even pizza weekly, but i allow them. If i get too restrictive, i binge. Have been eating exceptionally clean lately and really enjoying the lack of cravings i'm having- seems if i allow one, i can use my willpower and not eat more but i crave for hours. If i eat clean and reduce carbs i'm full and cravefree. Its a balance i'm constantly working on.
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    The pants don't lie, and they're definitely getting looser.

    That is the most awesome weighloss/fitness quote ever!

    It should be on the wall in front of every scale!
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