Fat Burn Zone Vs. Aerobic (Anerobic)



  • revjames
    revjames Posts: 75 Member
    finding it all a bit confusing. 47 years old resting HR 55 and a max of 173 so 85% works out at 148 - if I run at my normal rate of 10.5kmh it goes to 162 - but I feel fine and could go for an hr like it. Someone told me I was overdoing it so today I tried interval - 5 mins at 60-70% then 5 mins at 85% so watching the HRM it went like this 8kmh for 5 mins then 9.5kmh for 5 mins gradually dropping to 7.5 and 8.5 which felt like walking.

    After an hr I was sweaty but didnt really feel like I had done that much.

    Would I be better off just sticking to 10.5kmh and forgetting that my heart rate is a bit higher?

    I tried to see what my max HR was by running at 14kmh for 3 mins and it wouldnt go past 172 so the calcs are not far out!