Worried that P90x Yoga is going to make me give up P90x prog



  • faithgin
    faithgin Posts: 32
    It's hard, sometimes I do it and feel awesome afterwards, other times I reach for one of the other videos. Tony won't come to your house and beat your *kitten* for not doing it. Don't beat yourself up over it.
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member

    Can't do 90 minutes of yoga? Do the first 45 of it or whatever you can.

    If you decide to try to stick it out with Yoga X, I would specifically suggest the following, rather than just doing the first 45 minutes:

    Start the DVD, and try to go up to the point where Tony says take a break if you need it -- I think it is sometime around when you are introduced to Reverse Warrior or maybe Triangle poses, hmm, maybe it is right after the chair poses. Anyway, it's some time after when you've been introduced to Warrior II and Reverse Warrior and the like.

    Then, fast forward or chapter skip to the start of the balance poses. After all the work you did so far these balance poses are actually easier on you in the sense of a lot less exertion. You can be pretty wiped out but these are still doable for the most part and you can recover your breath, heartrate, energy. Skip some of the tougher or more technical ones, but at least do Tree, Royal Dancer, the one where you hold your leg out in front of you, bridge (wheel is more advanced and can be rough early on, so stick to bridge), and table.

    Depending on your mood and energy level you can go ahead and do Yoga Belly 7, or skip this, too. That will give you a little extra meat to your abridged Yoga X workout so I would try to work it.

    Definitely do the stretching afterwards, some of the relaxation stuff, to bring yourself down, work on your flexibility, and relax a little especially right near the end. The ohms at the end you can take or leave -- I always leave, just not into that too much plus I have a houseful I don't want to scare.

    Doing the above gives you a good chunk of the workout and also the variety of the workout, yet cuts it to size pretty well. Also, saves you from, or delays you from, having to buy another Yoga disk.

    If you want to explore more of the workout, you can either build up to more and more of the DVD, or you can swap out different parts for other parts. For example, instead of starting like I describe, maybe just do a small bit of the beginning to kind of get in the flow of it and get some initial stretching, then skip *TO* that break I described after chair poses, and do that part instead of the warrior II, reverse warrior stuff.
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    P.S. all this talk makes me wish tonight was Yoga X night -- too bad that was last night =(
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    i HATE the yoga with a passion...i find it so boring...but i still do it anyways

    you can always substitute yoga days for a cardio workout, or some other kind of stretch??
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I will throw in my two cents and keep it brief...

    I am in Phase 3 with only 3 weeks from finishing. I hated Yoga-X when I started. I had no balance, I couldn't hold hardly any of the poses, my flexibility sucked, and it felt like a chore. I kept pushing play and as I went through the routine week in and week out, my balance has improved, my flexibility has improved, I recover quicker from the strength and conditioning workouts from earlier in the week and prepare better for ones to come.

    It has gone from my most hated workout to my absolute favorite. I still struggle and I am in no way an all-star, but I am leaps and bounds better than when I started.

    I firmly believe in Tony Horton's methods behind his madness. All routines in P90X are a puzzle and each routine complements and allows for overall improvement and I think Yoga-X ties all of them together.

    I would just ask that you push through at least 2-3 more routines of Yoga-X...you might actually grow to love it like I did.
  • knewbill72
    knewbill72 Posts: 133 Member
    Do the Yoga. Bring it! I know there's a lot of folks saying its ok to sub it for something Easier. Yoga x brings you pain like you've neverfelt before so its natural to look for a way out. Look for a way in instead and you will appreciate what you will accomplish. It's only 90 minutes of your life and it brings a sweat like no other.

    Hard Right.....Easy Wrong. All the best!
  • lwhippleintx
    Last time I tried p90x yoga made me quit. It was rediculously too hard, I didn't enjoy it and couldn't devote 90 minutes to torture. I LOVE winsor Pilates though and will substitute her accelorated body sculpting DVD. Its an hour and its intense but its no where near as frustrating as yoga x :-) you can watch it free online
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    You can sub it, but if you stick with it you will get stronger. It also sounds like it might help you with the mind over body issues we all have. It is considered ashtanga yoga so it burns a bunch of calories too. P90x yoga was not my favorite kind (and I do yoga) but I pushed through it and by the end I was able to pretty much master every pose--since it was so long and challenging it was probably my biggest mental and physical accomplishment of the whole program.

    ETA: and now you have officially made me miss the binding poses...I'm mostly doing hot yoga now and there really are no binds. So yeah I'm going to have to do the P90x yoga sometime soon. :) thanks for the reminder
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    First time I did it I quit the dvd and went for a 5 mile run and started insanity.
  • imfivebyfive
    I've been doing yoga for about 10 years. Yoga is great because it conditions the body in ways no other exercise can and also reduces stress.

    This is my favorite video and its a 60 minute workout.

  • ShannonECTD
    ShannonECTD Posts: 203 Member
    My husband and i both hate the p90x yoga! It's WAY too long! What i had him do was my CLX recharge video a couple times in a row since its only about 20-30 minutes. It's got a lot of yoga poses and lots of stretching. He liked it a lot better, he's probably the least flexible guy on the planet so this was less repetitive and not nearly as long.
  • BobSassafrass
    BobSassafrass Posts: 85 Member
    Like others have said, there is nothing wrong with subbing it for another cardio type dvd; eg: plyo, kenpo, cardio. I started p90x only doing the cardio dvds, once I felt good enough I moved on to the rest. Doing the cardiox dvd in particular really helped me get ready for the first bit of yogax.

    I will agree that yogax is crazy difficult, but strength wise it only has a few really difficult spots that can be toned down or subbed with jogging in place. Such as the one leg superman kinda thing. The truly hard part is balance for me but I feel like there is no other way to really improve balance other than doing the yoga.

    You should really try and go to some studio yoga classes, bikram is kinda situated the same in that you have half strength and have flexibility. Having a whole room of people, some of which are bound to be in worse shape than you, really helps to motivate.
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    I took it out all together. I use that day as a rest day:)