Brazil Butt Lift Has Arrived! Anyone Else Doing It?

Matiara Posts: 377 Member
Just when I was on the verge of marching into my local post office and demanding my package, Brazil Butt Lift arrived yesterday. I'm not starting until Sunday, but I watched all of the workouts with the exception of Sculpt yesterday. It looks like hard work, but I'm looking forward to it. I actually did 5 minutes of Tummy Tuck and *really* felt it. I'm a little sore in the abs today.

I wish that all of the workouts were filmed on the beach entirely. I've found that with workout DVDs, the brighter and happier the background, the better it is for my morale. However, that is my only complaint (if it could even be called such). The nutrition guide has some nice recipes that I've incorporated into my dinner menu for next week.

For those who don't know my sad story, my body gains muscle easily, even moreso when I use weights of any size. My butt was absolutely fine, but I got bored with my routine and changed up from doing my lower body workout videos that were 75% mat work/25% squats and lunges to Exercise TV routines that were 95% weighted squats and lunges/5% mat work. It made my butt bigger, which I did not want. I just wanted to maintain while doing something new. I'm tall and with my long limbs, my butt now looks like I'm carrying a basketball in my jeans. Very disproportionate from the rest of me.

I knew that to undo the "damage", I needed to go back to a routine similar to my old one, but since being bored with my old mat videos is what led to the change in the first place, I still wanted to try something new, I orderd BBL because it seems to be exactly what I'm looking for and I've heard almost nothing but good things about Beachbody products. Hopefully, my bum will be looking better than ever when the shirtsleeve weather arrives and I can't hide it under my jacket anymore.


  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    Hope it works for you! I'm interested on seeing how effective the work out is!
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    StillSossy is doing that one...she loves it. She's the only one I know who is though, sorry!
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    I'm about to start Turbo Fire but I thought maybe after that I'd try Brazilian Butt Lift. Would love to follow you progress on it though.
    Good luck!
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    Sossy got me doing it,

    I <3 It!!!

    I got bored after two months, but then again I have a short attention span, I plan to go back to it as soon as I finish turbojam

    I saw results even within the short time I did it. My thighs are smaller and butt is rounder. I have always had a large butt, and I love it, i just wanted it rounder and less jiggly. Its very nice now =]
  • Angie80281
    Angie80281 Posts: 444 Member
    I have it, but I'm working my way through Insanity before I start this one. I've still got another six weeks to go, but I'm looking forward to it. I've heard great things about it. Good luck!
  • purrteetea
    i just do a few repetitions of donkey kicks before for me :happy:
  • TJtastic
    TJtastic Posts: 97 Member
    To those of you who have tried BBL --- is there a lot of jumping? I have knee issues and can't do a lot of jumping or running. Not suppose to do lunges or squats but I do - that doesn't bother me quite as bad. I bought the 30 days Shred video and did 10 minutes of it and it about killed me. Now I'm hesitant to buy videos without getting several inputs first.
    Interested to know how it is.... :)
  • AmyQwith2
    AmyQwith2 Posts: 59 Member
    i really, really want to do it! i have another week to go in insanity and then doing p90x...then that's next up on my list!
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I'll be sure to keep everyone apprised of my progress. I'll also try to keep up with my food log. That's a challenge for me.

    I have Hip Hop Abs on hold at my local library. They have 8 copies and I'm around #40 in line, so I"m hoping that I'll be number one once I get done with two rounds of BBL. After that, I want to try Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, Rockin, Body, and possibly Zumba. With all of that and the hybrid combinations, I guess I"m set for the next couple of years or so. :)

    I have reached my goal body three times in the past four years and then completely lost my motivation due to boredom and apathy. Then, my clothes start to get tight and I get motivated all over again. I don't want that to happen this time. I want to reach my goal and *stay* there and I figure that having a shiny new toy every few months will help to keep me motivated.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    So, I started yesterday. Here are my stats:

    Chest 37 (1 inch from goal!)
    Bust 41 (2-3 inches from goal)
    Waist 31.5 (5-6 inches from goal)
    Lower Abs 35.25 (down from near 41 in January!)
    Hips 40.25 (ugh - 4 inches from goal)
    R Thigh 20.5 (1 inch from goal)
    L Thigh 21.5 (1 inch from goal)

    Weight 170

    I'm doing the "Too Big" schedule (obviously) and the workouts for yesterday were Booty Basics and Bum Bum.

    Booty Basics is just a 15 minute demonstration of some of the more complicated moves. I don't think that doing it along with the model is absolutely necessary, but I did it anyway. The first day is the one and only time that Booty Basics is on the calendar.

    Bum Bum kicked my butt, no pun intended. It's 30 minutes and by minute 10, my heart rate was at its max and I had to back off a little. By minute 15, my sweat was dripping on the floor and I thought that I"d ordered Insanity by mistake and Leandro was Shaun T in a clever disguise. When it was done, I was so spent that I had to sit for a few minutes and was actually nauseated. I drank a glass of chocolate milk and started to feel better about 10 minutes later. The endorphin rush after I cooled down was quite nice.

    I'm a little sore today on the sides of my hips and the backs of my thighs. It's noticeable, but not overwhelming. I've been doing a lot of kickboxing based workouts lately and a lot of the moves are similar to Bum Bum. So while it was a shock to my muscles, it wasn't a major one.

    Today's schedule is Cardio Axe and High & Tight. Cardio Axe may just kill my uncoordinated self, but as long as I'm moving and sweating, I think I'll be good. From what I remember from my advance viewing of H&T last week, there is a lot of floor work and I should be quite sore tomorrow. Bring it on!
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I've only done one workout so far and there is some jumping. I too have bad knees, as well as a second floor apartment, and I just followed the modifier on the jumpy parts. You have to know your own limits and not risk injuring yourself just to keep up with the uberfits on the video. My knees aren't bothering me today and it was still a heck of a workout.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    So, Day 2

    Cardio Axe was a challenge. I'm not the most coordinated person in the world and I leery of doing it, but I've decided not to be afraid of dance cardio anymore and to do the best I can. I had a few stumbles here and there and had to rewind a couple of times, but once I learned the sequence of moves and stopped looking at the TV, I did much better. Trying to mimic them instead of doing my own thing was messing me up and once I just went by the counts in my head and the verbal cues, the choreo wasn't intimidating at all. I'm sure once I've done it a few times I'll be an old hat at it. I believe it's on the schedule again today and I'm actually looking forward to it.

    I'm disturbingly good at the Samba Tornado. It was really fun and I didn't want to stop doing them. I even did a couple while I was waiting for High & Tight, which is on a different DVD, to load in my player. It really brought out my inner hootchie, which was, again, disturbing. :)

    As a workout, it was very good. I didn't sweat as much as I did with Bum Bum, but I still looked as if I had just gotten out of the shower and it was a respectable cardio session.

    Next was High & Tight. Oh my goodness. After doing that workout once, I will say that if I do it the 2-3 times per week on the schedule and don't see results, then there is something wrong with my body. The standing exercises were challenging, but not horrible. However, the floor exercises literally brought tears to my eyes and that was without equipment. Per the schedule, I'm supposed to use the exercise band and ankle weights next week. I'm going to hang my cutest summer dress in my sightline during the workout for motivation.

    It really hit those muscles that I haven't been working with squats and lunges and made me realize how one dimensional my leg workouts have been. I appreciate that there's a section that focuses on the inner thighs. I've found that to be a neglected area in a lot of the lower body workouts that I've done.

    On to day 3. I believe the schedule calls for Cardio Axe *and* Bum Bum. Mercy.
  • Liliasmama
    Liliasmama Posts: 8
    Mine is in the mail on its way to me! I am almost into phase 3 of P90x and am excited to do this either in phase 3, or right after phase 3! Keep it up, can't wait to hear your results!
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    Day 3 was indeed Cardio Axe and Bum Bum. I am so sore today.

    I did Cardio Axe first. I was much better at the choreo yesterday and I sweat a lot more. About five minutes in, I took my shoes off because I was getting frustrated trying to do turns on my carpet and that made it so much easier. I really picked it up after that.

    I put my shoes back on for Bum Bum. It's going to be the workout that I love to hate. Granted I haven't done Tummy Tuck or Sculpt yet, but Bum Bum kills me. Although, there a hip/shoulder shaking part where Leandro says, "Touch your body. Feel yourself." and I laugh because I'm 12.

    Today is a rest day and I'm gladly taking it.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    So, I owe a week's worth of updates.

    I have a slight correction to make. It's in Cardio Axe when Leandro utters the giggle inducing lines.

    Anyway. I did Sculpt for the first time on Sunday and hated it. I didn't hate it because it's a bad workout. I hated it because the lower body portion is hard. It was on the schedule three times this week and I noticed that my hatred for it is all but gone. It's scary how quickly my body adapted to the workout. I'm using 5 pound weights and I think I will move up next week because the upper body portion isn't challenging with them.

    I added the exercise band and ankle weights to High & Tight this week and "Boy, howdy!" My lower body is stronger than I gave it credit for though, because I got through it without dying.

    Cardio Axe is the one that I look forward to the most. If someone had told me that would be my opinion, I would have laughed because I considered myself uncoordinated. I have the routine down now and there's no more tripping over my feet. I also sweat like I'm doing Insanity during it. I've read reviews where people say that CA didn't even make them break a sweat. They must be in *tremendous* shape.

    OTOH, I still don't care for Bum Bum. It feels the longest though it's only half an hour. However, it's part of the program and I'm sticking to the schedule as it is written. I can't gauge the effectiveness of the program fairly if I make omissions and substitutions. Thankfully, Bum Bum is only once a week.

    The most exciting thing is that I'm starting to see results. I'm trying to wait until day 30 before I weigh and measure myself, so my observations are basically from my eyes and my clothes. My saddlebags are already 99% gone and my jeans slid on like butter last Friday, which was day 6. On Wednesday, I tried on my most unforgiving skirts, the ones that are A line and/or don't have any elastic in the waistbands to speak of. Each and every one got on much easier than the last time I wore them, which was in April. I actually had room between my butt, thighs, and the fabric. I couldn't believe it.

    Sorry in advance for the TMI, but today, I'm extremely bloated from PMS and wearing jeans because Fridays are casual at my office. My jeans feel a little tighter than they did last week (obviously), but they are still comfortable. Usually the waistband digs into my stomach when I'm bloated and that is not the case today. I have room.

    I can't wait to see my 30 day results!
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    Way to go on getting such visible results so far!!!
    Wow - I am definitely thinking about getting this after reading your update. Gotta get through 10 more weeks of TurboFire first though. Weeeeeeeeeeeee :tongue:
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    I"m bumping this to follow your results - I just received my copy yesterday, and a started Day One last night! Cardio Axe tonight!
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Martiara, I hope you post some more of your results! I've done two workouts so far, and have Bum Bum again tonight. I did Cardio Axe last night as well as the Ab workout, and they were tough. The Cardio was tough to keep up with since i am not a dancer, and the ab one was just rough! I feel good after them, though.
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    I am definitely going to try to find this one to download!
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    I reeeaally want to buy it, but am making myself "work for it." When my little bunny on the ticker reaches 5000 workout minutes, I'm so going to buy it!