Quitting all sweets in May...who's with me?!!



  • sarahdeptula
    I don't know how this is possible...but I've already lost 2 lbs since yesterday.....??? =) Hey! Whatever works...I'm not complaining. =)
  • tdjones00
    tdjones00 Posts: 68
    I was doing good until I saw the skinny cow chocolate crispers on sale for $0.50. They were good and only 120 calories, but I am back on it.
  • slbeutler
    slbeutler Posts: 205
    I am joining this challenge. I already started today. I did put two splendas in my coffee, does that count?
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Okay I will try this, I am a big chocoholic fan so this could help me!:sad:
    I will post if I crumble and then I would like some support to get
    back on the wagon. How's that ?
    I will also post on the good days.

    Today I already had a Russell Stover chocolate marshmellow egg.
    ( I need help):cry:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Just had some sweet tarts. Remember those when you
    were a kid. We have candy here in the office. I took it
    without even thinking. So I am reporting it.
    May 2, 3 :cry:
  • EnuffaMyButt
    EnuffaMyButt Posts: 111 Member
    Ok - I'm in. My battle will be slightly different however, I'm in it for the haul with you! My battle will be to eliminate the artificial sweeteners. Namely, splenda! I will still eat my fruit though. Who is battling with eliminating (or cutting down on) splenda? I think this is definately an area that is making it difficult for me to loose weight. Has anyone had any experience with this at all? What have your results been?
    We should call ourselves something The SWEET Team! lol :happy:
  • rlmiller73190
    rlmiller73190 Posts: 342 Member
    This may be a really reall stupid question, but am I still allowed to eat peanut butter?

    I haven't had any, ad I know there's sugars in it.. but I was just curious..
  • EnuffaMyButt
    EnuffaMyButt Posts: 111 Member
    ARGH Well, I caved in last night and couldn't take it anymore. I ate an Atkins bar (that I found in the back of my cupboard)! You would have thought I had found gold when I spotted it. LOL - - Maybe my attempt at quitting sweets is going to be harder than I thought. I think I will beging to just make better choices.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I was on a 2 day trip and I blew it! But I am back again today!
  • mt_nest
    mt_nest Posts: 37 Member
    I just gave up sweets for 40 days for Lent. And, surprisingly, I'm not craving them like I used to now. Moral of the story: if you can stick with it, you will probably stop wanting them for good. I'm allowing myself just a bit now and then, but nothing like I used to.
  • mt_nest
    mt_nest Posts: 37 Member
    Know what? I changed my mind. I'm in for the challenge.

    Yesterday after I wrote about how I haven't been eating as many sweets since I gave them up for Lent, I don't crave them as much. Well, I had to make some dessert for an employee lunch yesterday, so of course I "had to" test the cupcakes out. Later last night I was absolutely craving a bowl of ice cream, so I indulged in that, too.

    You can guess how I felt this morning when I had to get to the gym. I felt like I had been run over by a truck. I ended up not doing much because I just didn't feel like it. Ugggh! I'm IN!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I was good all day until the evening when I had a wine spritzer.
    There definitely is sugar in that. :tongue:

    May 2,3,4 :sad:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I have been doing good today so far, but how about sugar in Coffeemate Powder,
    flavored vanilla? Just had two teaspoons in my coffee.
    Should I go back to low fat cream again?
  • EnuffaMyButt
    EnuffaMyButt Posts: 111 Member
    I have been doing good today so far, but how about sugar in Coffeemate Powder,
    flavored vanilla? Just had two teaspoons in my coffee.
    Should I go back to low fat cream again?

    I don't use those so, I'm not sure. I would imagine there is a considerable amount of sugar in those powders, espcially the flavored ones. I'm down to 2 splenda packets a day. (It was significantly more before) I think we just need to choose our poisons and learn to cut back. Many folks have the will power to eliminate sugars totally. I however, won't even begin to fool myself into thinking I can, will or even want to. I'm just trying to make better choices. Good luck
  • ktbear27
    ktbear27 Posts: 29 Member
    This is awesome!! I had decided to give up sweets in May on my own, and today I stumbled across this thread! I'm right there with all of you, trying to stay focused and away from sweets this whole month. So far so good!
  • naturalbeauty47
    I haven't had ANY candy since Monday!! Yay me!! Candy is my weakness...I eat it almost everyday so I'm so proud of myself. Those Chick, Ducks & Bunnies Sweettarts are sitting on the table and haven't been touched...and they are my fav!
  • mt_nest
    mt_nest Posts: 37 Member
    I was doing fine until last night when we hosted a commuity pot-luck at our house. Someone brought key lime pie. It was down hill from there. Once I had my first taste, I couldn't stop. I did limit it to a small piece. But then I had to have a piece of pecan pie (a small one again, but definitely blowing it).

    Of course, this morning I woke up feeling groggy and sluggish. I wish I could remember that when I'm contemplating eating something like that. I pray that I will start using my God-given ability to do that.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    So far this challenge is sucking for me. I have definitely not
    eaten chocolate since I started this challenge. That is the
    only thing though.

    Not too bad on Mother's Day, I did have some wine and
    my hubby and I shared some ice cream Will try harder
    this week. This challenge is tougher than I thought. :tongue:
  • sarahdeptula
    Ugh...I went 5 days without sweets....then all of the sudden on Friday I had a sweets binge, and it lasted until this morning!!!! But, I have to say that I didn't want that much of it today....and I'm going back on my plan. Lets see if I can make it through this next weekend. =) I'm not giving up!!!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Way to go Sarah!!

    You have the willpower. No chocolate yesterday again for me.
    Oh I didn't tell you guys.
    Guess what I got for Mother's Day. A chocolate fondue
    set from my daughter.:sad: My reputation preceeds me :laugh:
