Can't eat enough or over eating works?

I'm either eating under my daily goal calories or hardly reaching my goal. I eat a lot so I feel stuffed and can't seem to eat anymore. If I add more calories to reach my daily caloric intake, then I go over in all the other set numbers such as cholesterol, sodium, fats and sugar. I haven't lost any weight, well I haven't measured myself or stepped on the scale either. I guess I'm trying to zig zag my caloric intake since it looks like I am stuck at this weight.

Check out my diary and tell me what you think?

I'm not exercising due to a back injury, but I'm watching what I eat as well as trying to stay active and walk more at work rather than sit all day.

Am I the only one having this problem? I drink plenty of water as well. Help me!!!


  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    try eating more in the morning and less at night. have a high calorie (but healthy) breakfast like oatmeal or an all natural almond butter and jelly sandwich. Have something with fewer calories at lunch time and for dinner have veggies. include snack thru the day but don't eat past 7pm :)
    hope this helps!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    peanut butter!!! 2 Tablespoons of mine is like 220 calories. I really do not worry about other stuff like sugar or fat. I just worry about calories. JMO
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Until I bumped my calories up a bit I didn't lose anything either, well that and eating the majority of them during the day. I don't eat at least a few hours before bed and that made a big difference.
    I rely on a few staples to help me get in the extra calories as I eat pretty clean so that translates into a lot of veggies . . . ha ha. Try add in in some nuts, brazil nuts are higher in calcium than most (and as I can't have dairy I often pop a few each day), and you can find lots of variety of unsalted nuts at any natural food store. I also have avacado in my salads, or sliced in ground turkey wraps on taco night, and eat spoonfuls of natural peanut butter, of butter up a couple of whole wheat crackers with it.

    Once I made these changes it made all the difference . . . and this was at a time I had a crazy job and didn't find much time for exercise.
  • campi_mama
    campi_mama Posts: 350 Member
    Okay, I looked at your diary briefly. My first question is if you set your own values or are you following MFP suggestions... calories, fat, carbs etc? My suggestion would be to set it up using MFP guidelines and try it for a week and see how you do. If you want to do higher protein, lower carbs, that's fine, but your current set up seems a bit extreme in my opinion. I'm no expert, but I also think you need more good fats. You have to play with it and tweak it till you find what works best for your body. If what you are doing isn't working, try something else till you find the right balance. Good luck!