
Are you vegan? If so, how long have you been vegan and how vegan are you? What do you love about being vegan? Dislike? Why & how did you become vegan?

If you aren't vegan, have you ever considered being vegan? No, why?

Just wanted to start a little topic about veganism :-D

I have been vegan for about 9 months. I am VERY vegan (if one would categorize it, I suppose). I only purchase vegan shoes, clothing, health care (besides my levothyroxine which I'm sure was tested on non-human animals at one point), and beauty products. I avoid any beer or wine with isinglass, I avoid any food that says 'sugar' if it does not state it is beet sugar, evaporated cane sugar, or certified vegan, I also do not eat fast food at all because a McNugget or chicken wing was likely cooked right next to my fries.


  • andreahanlon
    andreahanlon Posts: 263 Member
    I wanted to be vegan last year after reading a few books about the great health benefits, but I have been unsuccessful longterm. I think it's because I live with someone who loves meat/eggs/yogurt, so that kind of stuff is always around. I still want to pursue veganism in the future BUT I am a leather loving nutritional vegan-wannabe, not an all-out lifestyle vegan (just nutritionally).

    For me, the choice of pursuing veganism is totally about what is best for my body and optimum health because I am convinced that whole-food vegetarian/vegan lifestyles are the most healthy.
  • JustAGirl1986
    Hi, I'm new to the forum, although not new to mfp. I'm not a vegan but I am a vegetarian. I've been a vegetarian for a year. It started as an effort to lose weight and ended up become a moral thing for me. Although I'm not a vegan, I find necessary uses of animals disturbing and do try as much as possible to not use those products (canvas shoes, non-animal tested make up/hair products, etc.) I can't say I would NEVER consider being vegan, because I don't like to say never, but it isn't in my immediate future as I've been used to being a vegetarian for only a year.
  • IngeborgB
    IngeborgB Posts: 27
    I am a vegan since 2 years back. Usually pretty strict. I don't wear leather or anything, but could possibly imagine it IF it was from flee market or similar thing. Before going vegan i was a vegetarian for 5 years, so it felt like a natrual step to take when I moved out of my parents house (my family love their meat!).

    The only times i cheat on my veganism is when I travel to places where veganism is hard. Like, i was for a long week-end in Romania recently, without access to a kitchen, which was very hard. How do you other vegans act in situation like this? Only eat fresh fruit for 5 days?

    I do feel better as a vegan, healthier. I know my values are good, cus I checked them out.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    Vegan here...for two years but vegetarian for 8 years before that. Going vegan, according to my doctors, has nearly put my Lupus into remission, so it's definitely the best thing I've ever done for my body!
  • karilynn27
    karilynn27 Posts: 190 Member
    @free range----Have you ever wondered where your meat comes from? I advise you to read about the benefits of being a vegetarian and where pork, chicken and beef comes from. The USDA approves all different types of slaughterhouses that tourture and kill your meat without any remorse. How do you feel about that?
    You can find protein in a lot of different foods. It doesn't have to come to rotting flesh. Read Skinny ***** or Slaughterhouse. You will change your mind about meat and the USDA overnight.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    My daughter is vegan, I eat very little meat and substitute much dairy. Unlike freerange who is not well informed on nutrition, I know there are definite benefits to a plant based diet.

    I have high cholesterol, dairy and meats are my is best to eliminate or minimize those product. Man does not need to ingest dairy products like they do. High meat intake also will produce gout which is quite painful. It was considered a rich man's disease in the old days as only the rich could afford that much meat. I try to buy only from humane sources as far as animal products go.

    I think everyone should be able to select and follow the diet they desire without harassment.
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    Tagging for later :wink:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    my 2yo is a bacon hound, but otherwise slowly turning vegetarian (not necessarily vegan, but def more fruit & veggies than any other food group).

    Not a vegan myself, but do enjoy utilizing recipes from Kristen's Raw Chocolate cookbook :)
  • karilynn27
    karilynn27 Posts: 190 Member
    My daughter is vegan, I eat very little meat and substitute much dairy. Unlike freerange who is not well informed on nutrition, I know there are definite benefits to a plant based diet.

    I have high cholesterol, dairy and meats are my is best to eliminate or minimize those product. Man does not need to ingest dairy products like they do. High meat intake also will produce gout which is quite painful. It was considered a rich man's disease in the old days as only the rich could afford that much meat. I try to buy only from humane sources as far as animal products go.

    I think everyone should be able to select and follow the diet they desire without harassment.

    Well said woman!!!
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    @free range----Have you ever wondered where your meat comes from? I advise you to read about the benefits of being a vegetarian and where pork, chicken and beef comes from. The USDA approves all different types of slaughterhouses that tourture and kill your meat without any remorse. How do you feel about that?
    You can find protein in a lot of different foods. It doesn't have to come to rotting flesh. Read Skinny ***** or Slaughterhouse. You will change your mind about meat and the USDA overnight.

    Let me take a stab at this one, my pork comes from,,,,, pigs? My beef comes from ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, cows? and my Chicken,,,,,,,,,,,,,, see where I'm going with this?

    And really I love it when they water board my beef before killing it. :)
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    @free range----Have you ever wondered where your meat comes from? I advise you to read about the benefits of being a vegetarian and where pork, chicken and beef comes from. The USDA approves all different types of slaughterhouses that tourture and kill your meat without any remorse. How do you feel about that?
    You can find protein in a lot of different foods. It doesn't have to come to rotting flesh. Read Skinny ***** or Slaughterhouse. You will change your mind about meat and the USDA overnight.

    Let me take a stab at this one, my pork comes from,,,,, pigs? My beef comes from ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, cows? and my Chicken,,,,,,,,,,,,,, see where I'm going with this?

    And really I love it when they water board my beef before killing it. :)

    Everyone should just ignore free range. He has admitted on the Paleo support forum that he is just posting to make springs pop out of vegans heads.
    I've been a bad boy, anyone want to see springs pop out of vegans heads?
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    I was a vegan for about a year, but i went back to just being a vegetarian after i was suffering from severe malnutrition. It was my own fault, i was young and stupid, and didn't really grasp what i needed as far as proteins, fats, etc. Its not as easy as it looks to thoughtfully plan each meal, and i admire your dedication and tenacity!! :D
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434

    Why Brian, are you following me around? :blush:
    If you aren't vegan, have you ever considered being vegan? No, why?

    Just using the built in tools to see when someone is trolling. No need to follow anyone around.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    My daughter is vegan, I eat very little meat and substitute much dairy. Unlike freerange who is not well informed on nutrition, I know there are definite benefits to a plant based diet.

    I have high cholesterol, dairy and meats are my is best to eliminate or minimize those product. Man does not need to ingest dairy products like they do. High meat intake also will produce gout which is quite painful. It was considered a rich man's disease in the old days as only the rich could afford that much meat. I try to buy only from humane sources as far as animal products go.

    I think everyone should be able to select and follow the diet they desire without harassment.

    Speaking of not being informed, do some research on cholesterol, please. Will produce gout,,,,, like everyone that eats high meat intake WILL get gout. Gee you are informed. :)
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    I avoid any food that says 'sugar' if it does not state it is beet sugar, evaporated cane sugar, or certified vegan,

    So I really am curious what's the issue with sugar? Is regular ole Domino sugar treated with animal products somehow???

    I'm not flaming, just looking for education 'cause I had never heard of "vegan sugar" ?
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    I avoid any food that says 'sugar' if it does not state it is beet sugar, evaporated cane sugar, or certified vegan,

    So I really am curious what's the issue with sugar? Is regular ole Domino sugar treated with animal products somehow???

    I'm not flaming, just looking for education 'cause I had never heard of "vegan sugar" ?

    Sugar is manufactured using animal bones, so most vegans do not consider it something that is "vegan" unless the label says so.
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    I avoid any food that says 'sugar' if it does not state it is beet sugar, evaporated cane sugar, or certified vegan,

    So I really am curious what's the issue with sugar? Is regular ole Domino sugar treated with animal products somehow???

    I'm not flaming, just looking for education 'cause I had never heard of "vegan sugar" ?

    Sugar is manufactured using animal bones, so most vegans do not consider it something that is "vegan" unless the label says so.

    I had to look that one up. I had no idea, although according to what I found from PETA it is only some sugar, but you can't tell if it was treated or not.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Just ignore Freerange. he's a troll that's just trying to agitate people, as it's made apparent on another thread he's bragging on.

    Not at all, the question was asked, I gave an honest answer. My other post was just a prediction of what, clearly has already happen. YOU CAN"T HANDLE THE TRUTH. I love that line.
  • IslasLorax
    @freerange - many people use their personal beliefs to drive their political activism, i think you'd be hard pressed to find a vegan who only did it because they are that into politics alone.

    Gout is a big hitter in my family as well (sorry I can't see anyone's name anymore, hm), so it is good to know that my veganism is even more awesome!

    I was vegetarian for a few months before becoming vegan, and I did it purely out of compassion and learned about all the great health and environmental benefits later. I think it is a great stepping stone to get to the brighter side ;)

    I agree that travel can be a HUGE issue, especially where travel is limited and other foods are just not available. I'm not sure what to do in that situation. I am going on a cycling trip in a couple of months and packing my own food, but that is not possible for overseas long-term trips for sure. I would hate to visit China, purely because of the food they eat. There was a show, "Idiot Abroad", which cracked me up - but the guy said "They're eating a fetus? They can't even wait until the bloody thing is born and has a chance?" I totally get that is their culture but still sort of puked me out.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    I avoid any food that says 'sugar' if it does not state it is beet sugar, evaporated cane sugar, or certified vegan,

    So I really am curious what's the issue with sugar? Is regular ole Domino sugar treated with animal products somehow???

    I'm not flaming, just looking for education 'cause I had never heard of "vegan sugar" ?

    Sugar is manufactured using animal bones, so most vegans do not consider it something that is "vegan" unless the label says so.

    I had to look that one up. I had no idea, although according to what I found from PETA it is only some sugar, but you can't tell if it was treated or not.

    Interesting a "decolorizer"..... I also saw mention that the same bone char is used to filter water, so I guess some water filters (brita?? not sure?) could contain it also?? Ya learn something every day!