need your review on my diary

shimmergal Posts: 380 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi MFP friends, I need your help! . I am stuck at my current weight since the past 6+ weeks and therefore need your help as to what I am doing wrong and how I can get to my GW. Please take a look at my diary and comment on it.

Although the scale is stuck, I have lost couple of inches around my waist and hips. (as per my 12 week measurement retake, I have lost 3.5 " on my waist, 1.5" hips and my body fat is reduced by 2.5%). However, my scale does not seem to budge. I want to get to a healthy weight range (around 135) for my height (5ft 5") and age (late 30's).

MFP SW - 158, CW 152.2, GW 135.
thanks much in advance


  • willimh
    willimh Posts: 227 Member
    I viewed your diary and it looks okay. You may not be eating enough for the amount of calories you are burning a day and your water intake looking kind of low. Try and eat maybe 1/2 of those exercise cals back and try to drink no less than 64oz of water a day. Hopefully that will give you a window to look through and good luck. Congrats on your inches moving. That is very important to.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I would say you need to eat more vegetables on a daily basis and you should keep your calorie consumption more consistent from day to day. You should also think about cutting out the coffee. Your body doesn't need caffeine and over time it becomes immune to the appetite suppressant and diuretic properties of coffee. Long term caffeine consumption can also cause the body stress which makes the body release more cortisol.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    I only looked at the past week or two, but it looks like your calories are either way over or way under. You've gotta stick to your budget more. You have to have a calorie deficit to lose weight. It's good that you're losing inches, and sometimes, more athletic bodies means they won't sit at that "ideal" weight, they'll be a little bit more. The amount of calories you're eating is a good amount to maintain what you're at, especially with working out! And you're obviously toning up, or you wouldn't get smaller!

    Maybe instead of the nuts as a snack, try some fresh veggies. They still give you the crunchiness & feeling of fullness, but without as many calories! Or narrow it down to a single type of nut. Pistachios have the least amount of calories, so you can have more to "fill you up" without as many calories! :-) Hope this helps, as your SW=my eventual longterm GW!!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    yeah after looing over it for a weeks worth, you need to clean up the diet a little more with more veggies and nuts, maybe some salmon or tuna in there, more protein at breakfast and stay consistently above 1200 cals net on any given day. For the most part it looked like most days you were way under which is probably slowing down your fat loss.
  • katyrose221
    katyrose221 Posts: 69 Member
    I was in the same boat recently. (Literally, stuck at the 150/152 range for WEEKS). Then recently I started reading about sugar and carbs and all that. Sunday I started low-carbing (less than 100 per day, though my goal is 50). This means getting carbs from veggies and only a little grain (usually I have one slice of whole wheat bread with an egg and cheese for breakfast). It seems contrary, because it also means upping your fats. But since Sunday I am down to 145.5 (as of this morning; I don't log it into MFP more than once a week, though). I haven't exersiced once.

    Couple things to look into:
    Paleo diet
    Primitive Blue Print.

    I would definitely do some reading before you start the low carb. Also it needs to be a lifetime committment, it is not a short fix.

    Good luck!
  • alygoo615
    alygoo615 Posts: 35 Member
    I saw that you're zig-zagging your calories to jumpstart your metabolism which I have heard usually works pretty well. I see your daily goal is 1210, and assuming you weigh-in on Friday mornings, I looked at your calories from last Friday to this past Thursday. You went over your limit by 878 calories. The zig-zagging only works if you still have a deficit. Although you still should have a deficit while only going over an average of 125 a day, you should make sure that you are under the calories alloted to you by MFP. So if you are zig-zagging but your goal is 1210 a day, make sure that your weekly input ends up averaging 1210 calories a day.

    If this isn't working maybe try to up your calories without zig-zagging. So net 1410 instead of 1210. When your body gets close to it's natural ideal weight- for you it might be higher than 135 it is going to slow down the weight loss. I am only losing an average of 0.5 a week because I am only 10 lbs away from my goal.
  • shimmergal
    shimmergal Posts: 380 Member
    Thank you for your comments. This is great feedback and a real eye-opener for me. I'll rev up my diary and see how it goes.
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