Why Isn't My Scale Budging?

I have been watching what I eat, low calories, low fat for the last 6 weeks. I have been running more and doing 30 day shred. I am drinking much less. I have had a few bad calorie days (like Easter, and my dd's bday) but I generally try to eat well.

I started with a couple of weeks of 1000 calorie days, and was told to eat more... so I did, I try to stay around 1200 calories.

My scale has NOT budged. Why bother diet and exercise if it isn't moving? I'm SO frustrated. WHat am I doing wrong?


  • hedleyrocks247
    hedleyrocks247 Posts: 185 Member
    Are you eating back your excersise calories??
  • alb_photog
    alb_photog Posts: 110 Member
    I wasn't the first 3 weeks... and the last 3 weeks, yes.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    It's really hard to tell without being able to see your diary. If you make it public, perhaps we can offer some better insight. You may be one of those people that needs MORE than 1200 calories. I noticed you only have 14 lbs to lose (they say the last 10 are the hardest to lose for a reason).
  • kimberlyAjohnson
    kimberlyAjohnson Posts: 136 Member
    Don't calculate your own calories. Allow MFP to do that for you based on the amount you want to lose every week (if you're not already). You may not be eating enough.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    What did you set you weight loss goal to? I would suggest no more than 1 pound per week, maybe even less. To answer your question more completely we need to be able to see your food diary. Usually failure to lose is related to trying to lose too fast or not measuring your portions very carefully.
  • hedleyrocks247
    hedleyrocks247 Posts: 185 Member
    What did you set you weight loss goal to? I would suggest no more than 1 pound per week, maybe even less. To answer your question more completely we need to be able to see your food diary. Usually failure to lose is related to trying to lose too fast or not measuring your portions very carefully.

    100% agreed!! You don't have a lot to lose, so the slower the better!
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    I was told to give it a month after eating all your calories back. I haven't stepped on the scales for almost 2 weeks... it takes time for your body to adjust.
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    I can tell you that once you're within 10-15 lbs of your goal weight, your body is much slower to let go of any additional weight, and you may plateau often. That happened to me so often that I quit weighing myself, except for maybe once/mo.

    One thing I did, to break through my plateaus, is eat more and adjusted my goals. I started with 1200 cal/day, and nothing happened. I increased my cal. by decreasing my weight loss goals/wk (going to .5 lbs/wk instead of 1). That helped a lot. It seems like it would be slower, but it's not any slower, just less frustrating. You'll feel fuller, have more energy, and the weight will come off.

    Also, when you get really close (like 5-10 lbs), you need to be really tight with your nutrition. Weight loss is 80% nutrition. A clean diet is really a must when you get to that point.
  • tifferdawns
    Hey Andrea -

    You definitely need to eat your calories back - you body is starving if not and holding on to calories, which will do the opposite of what you want.

    What kind of calories are you eating? I almost always lose when I have a good "clean" week. Albeit only a half pound or pound. I have noticed when I eat crap-ish food, even if I stay under my allotted calories, I gain. I have really been trying to avoid anything processed, high fructose corn syrup, white breads, grains and rice. When I stick to this, I do MUCH better.

    I gained 5 lbs in the last couple weeks and stuck to my clean diet this last week and lost 2.

    I know we have similar weight loss goals and frustrations, so hopefully this helps.... I'm still searching for the magical formula myself!
  • alb_photog
    alb_photog Posts: 110 Member
    Diary is now public. And don't judge today's diary...... I watched the royal wedding and had an extra coffee I don't usually take.
  • R_is_for_Rachel
    R_is_for_Rachel Posts: 381 Member
    hi, are you measuring yourself aswell? it maybe that you are turning fat to muscle - and as you may be aware, muscle weighs heavier than fat.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I gained 2 lbs this week despite staying strictly under target. These things happen. The weight will come off eventually.
  • rjsbailey
    rjsbailey Posts: 78 Member
    hi, are you measuring yourself aswell? it maybe that you are turning fat to muscle - and as you may be aware, muscle weighs heavier than fat.

    true- i have only lost 4 lbs in three weeks but I lost 9 inches over-all. I remind myself daily even though the scale hasn't moved in 9 days I am still getting smaller and more fit! measure- it is good advice!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    More fat less carbs. Reasonable low effort cardio and strength training. Appropriate calorie level. Reduce stress about it 'cuz it can stop loss dead in it's tracks.
  • smileybsa83
    You're not tracking sodium...I wonder if maybe that's too high, causing you to retain water. And are you sure of your portion sizes and calories in any homemade items? Inaccurate measuring could cause you to go over.

    Don't give up...be proud that you're working at it, and keeping yourself healthy regardless of weight.