hypothyroid- anyone experienced any of this?

Hi I just joined this site. I have had trouble with my thyroid since I was a junior in high school and i am about to be a junior in college. I am also Type 1 diabetic (for those who dont know this is juvenile diabetes and I did not get it from unhealthy lifestyle but most likely from genetics or environment toxins- the cause is still unclear). anyway, when my thyroid starting failing my junior year I hit 150 pounds (I am five foot eight), however last year in college my weight was done to 125- I worked hard for this- ran almost everyday and really limited my carbohydrate intake to probably under 20-40 grams a day and ate a high protein diet. I went on a birth congtrol pill last spring and started experiencing thyroid symptoms all over again despite being on synthroid and I started binge eating- chocolate, cookies, pop tarts, candy- anything sugary I could get my hands on! I went off the birth control in Novemeber but these thyroid symptoms still continued- I just started Armour thyroid medication about three weeks ago and while I am seeing improvements in some symptoms (less hair falling out, a little more energy, skin not as dry) I am still binge eating. I was so depressed when my thyroid wsa underactive that I dont know if I I just adopted these unhealthy habits and am having trouble kicking them.. or what is going on? Has anyone else experienced something similar- my weight is up to 190 lbs and I just long for the body that I had last year as this has taken a HUGE toll on my confidence : ( if anyone has gone through anything similar and has any tips or suggestions please let me know!


  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    I have been through something similar, and my advice to you is BE PATIENT, the weight will come off.

    Unfortunately, people with thyroid issues (and diabetes) have the short end of the stick and they need to work even harder than the next guy to keep the weight off. It’s just a fact of life, and something we need to get used to.

    You need to give yourself TIME to get your blood work stabilized. I am in Canada and I don’t think we have Armour here (that’s the pig-gland one, right?), but I’m sure all the meds are the same and you need to give yourself some time to just get back to “normal”.

    For me personally, after a 40 pound weight gain once I originally became hypo (I started off as hyper, then had my thyroid zapped) I was stable for a number of years at 1mcg of Synthroid then my doc decided to decrease me to .88 mcg and I gained 20 pounds again, my metabolism crashed again, you know the story, because it’s the same as yours :smile:

    So it’s now been about a year and a half and I’m back to my original weight. A year and a half to drop 20 pounds. And I work out almost EVERY DAY. I try to concentrate on getting some kind of protein with every meal, basically I live by the Zone diet principal, but I have portion control issues.

    Because of my thyroidism, it takes a lot for me (personally) to get my heart rate super high (150 bpm is a great goal for me), but I usually hover around 135-140. So my calorie burns are going to always be a bit lower than I want. I am not a doctor, but I think you and I have similar issues, so basically we just have to keep MOVING.

    Just keep going, it will get better. I was in your shoes only a short time ago.

  • morticia1960
    I realise these are old posts but they give me hope... I am still waiting for my thyroid levels to be bad enough that I will be given the required medication for hypothyroidism, but since being given the news in November I have been 'feeding' my anxiety with sugar. I can eat perfectly during the day and then when I am alone with my thoughts, I just grab for the sugar - peanut butter or nutella on toast being the fave. I have stayed religiously at 1200 per day for weeks in the past and lost maybe a pound or two at most :(

    I can't wait to feel a little more normal...