
I am new to the P90x I started it about 7 months ago right before planning my wedding... what was I thinking! Things got crazy and I stopped. I am trying to get back into it. My biggest issue is the nutrition. I work alot of hours to put my hubby through college and I just cant seem to eat enough to fuel everything that p90x takes... I need quick meal tips and also I am on a pretty tight budget.... Any help would be GREAT!


  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    "baked" potato 6 min in micro with a little butter. quick, easy, and so tasty. sorry i don't do p90x so i don't know what the diet plan is like.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    You don't need to follow their nutrition. Eat sensibly as it pertains to you. Their nutrition blew my triglycerides off the charts. That's not good. If you bonk during workouts try doing them every other day with 500 calorie deficit per day. Stay away from phase three carb load.