

  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I hate when someone asks a common question, someone answers wrongly with some misinformation, and the OP then says "thanks that's what I thought too!" Basically, people tend to accept the answers they want to hear.
  • crazymama2two
    my husband is passed out drunk and im getting no *kitten*...this is probably a good thing.. im useless tonight :) but still...a girl can ***** can't she? :)
  • crazymama2two
    I hate when someone asks a common question, someone answers wrongly with some misinformation, and the OP then says "thanks that's what I thought too!" Basically, people tend to accept the answers they want to hear.

    so should i eat my exercise calories back? no? okay, thanks, tha'ts what i thought too.
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    I hate when someone asks a common question, someone answers wrongly with some misinformation, and the OP then says "thanks that's what I thought too!" Basically, people tend to accept the answers they want to hear.

    so should i eat my exercise calories back? no? okay, thanks, tha'ts what i thought too.

    LOL haha

    And lets not forget all the DAMN TOM THREADS!!!!
  • crazymama2two
    I hate when someone asks a common question, someone answers wrongly with some misinformation, and the OP then says "thanks that's what I thought too!" Basically, people tend to accept the answers they want to hear.

    so should i eat my exercise calories back? no? okay, thanks, tha'ts what i thought too.

    LOL haha

    ohmyeff..im soooo sick of them...you are women, right? are you effin SURPRISED when this **** happens?? take a midol for ****s sake!

    And lets not forget all the DAMN TOM THREADS!!!!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Where to begin

    *My hair is falling out
    *My husband has started smoking AGAIN...we both quit 7 years ago. He started briefly again last year and quit and now back at it. I can't stand the freakin smell, it makes me want to puke!
    *We had a huge wind storm and it blew the shingles right off our roof and one hit the side of my vehicle that I have only had for 6 months. Now there are huge scrapes all down the passenger side.
    *My computer won't boot up so I am using an old one that only works sometimes.
    *I lost my motivation and drive to complete the 30 day shred
    * I am just tired and cranky and stressed and annoyed
  • crazymama2two
    my husband is passed out drunk and im getting no *kitten*...this is probably a good thing.. im useless tonight :) but still...a girl can ***** can't she? :)

    im confused - what got deleted? i thought i said a girl can dream can't she?? *sigh*
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    my husband is passed out drunk and im getting no *kitten*...this is probably a good thing.. im useless tonight :) but still...a girl can ***** can't she? :)

    im confused - what got deleted? i thought i said a girl can dream can't she?? *sigh*

    LOL I thought you put something way dirtier than that hahahaha sorry love....
  • crazymama2two
    my husband is passed out drunk and im getting no *kitten*...this is probably a good thing.. im useless tonight :) but still...a girl can ***** can't she? :)

    im confused - what got deleted? i thought i said a girl can dream can't she?? *sigh*

    LOL I thought you put something way dirtier than that hahahaha sorry love....

    LOL a girl can *kitten* can't she? :) ;what the hell else could i ahve put? ROFL!!! i hafta go to bed...
  • BonitaAppleBomb87
    I hate when people ask me why do I go to the gym when I'm already skinny?? Ummm if I was than I would be able to fit in a f**king 0 in which I can't , I go to the gym so I can be healthy physically , & mentally.. I mean I'm grown I can do as I damn well please.. Please don't hate because I have the will power you wish you had... Oh and another thing I hate is when people your around all the time that know your trying to make a change in your life style far as eating, offers you stuff you know can't eat, or is extra high in calories I mean wtf?? Why would you ask me that?? Ughhh people really urks me , but woooo felt good to get this out lol
  • TonysMiss
    TonysMiss Posts: 128 Member
    Pissed off that I feel like I have to choose between a life with my boyfriend and my F**KED up 17 (18 in 2 weeks) daughter. Pissed off that I am not loosing weight....but I'm only focused on the scale. I do actually feel better. = ) Ready to go rip the kids out of the car by my building that have the bass so loud it's all I can freaking hear! Hmmmm........what else? OH! I absolutely hate my commute. People drive like they are the only ones on the road. I say if you can't talk, text, eat or what ever your doing and stay in your lane then pull the F**K over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, Thanks! Think i feel mo betta. (Wait, is that bad grammar) ;-)
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member

    I hate the iPhone app for mfp is better than the android app.

    Me too.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    I'm new so my rants are limited, but I'm still picking up trends: :laugh:

    * Those who don't follow instructions and wonder why they aren't losing weight.

    * Those who whine and complain about losing weight, ask what they can do... and then argue when they don't like the answer (or better yet, keep asking).

    * Those who "want to quit" because they've "only" lost x lbs in the last week. (Look at the big picture - even if you lose 1 lb per week, that's 52 lbs people!!!! This is a lifetime commitment and about your health.)

    * Those that get offended and need to let everyone know about it. Really? You can only be offended if you LET someone offend you. If you're offended it's your own fault for reading their post.
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    He got his, but I didn't get mine!:grumble: :grumble: :blushing:
  • fateschild
    fateschild Posts: 114 Member
    My biggest rant has got to be the people who give you unasked for dieting advice when they have absolutely no idea what your plan is.

    " Oh, your eating a banana. You know you shouldn't eat that. Or your only eating that for lunch, you know you shouldn't starve yourself."

    Drink more water, eat small meals, vegetables, etc. It annoys me because they don't find out what I am doing before they make give some snap advice.
  • alliecore
    alliecore Posts: 446 Member
    *HCG. FREAKIN HCG!!!!! Just.....why?
    *"Should I eat back my exercise cals?" sigh....I know. It's confusing. But that poor horse is nothing but a bloody pile of pulp left to rot at this point!
    *On a personal level, I effing HATE being a OTR trucker's wife. There, I said it. I live my life trying not to complain about it. But I hate it with every breath I take. I hate how seeing my kids miss their daddy. I hate missing their daddy. I hate seeing him miss us. Ugh. I don't feel one bit better.
  • portwood2218
    portwood2218 Posts: 16 Member
    I just LOVE when people post about how perfect they eat and how much they exercise and they have it in their brain that a person can't lose weight at all unless they eat perfectly...like there is no room for error whatsoever. That's great if people eat "clean", but there are many people here that are learning along the way. This is a personal tool/site that is here to help to a person learn about oneself. I know not everyone on MFP is like this, but I believe some people can be rude about such things and should keep their judgements to themselves. No one is perfect.

    Okay, I'm done... that was my rant...I feel better now :)
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    All my rants/hates are about my job:

    1) It irritates the hell out of me that I'm standing there, in the center of my department, obviously wearing business casual, AND a name tag, and a customer will walk in, I'll approach him/her and say 'Good morning/afternoon, can I help you find anything?" and they give me a bewildered look and ask "Do you work here?" I smile sweetly and nod my head while thinking to myself 'No dumbass, I'm a total stranger with a name tag who enjoys helping total strangers in department stores. What do you think?"

    2) When someone complains that I don't have anything in their size and when I walk up to help them, they aren't even trying to look through the items, they are standing about 2 feet from the product waving their head back and forth like Stevie Wonder going "You don't have my size, you don't have my size."

    3) And then today, there was a special "Buy one get one for a dollar, Athletic sneakers only." Okay, what could someone possibly find confusing about that??
    Customer: Oh, so does that mean that if I buy one pair of sneakers, then I can have another pair of sneakers for a dollar?
    Me: Yes.
    Customer: Oh okay, so all the shoes are buy one get one for a dollar.
    Me: No, just the sneakers- mens, womens and children's sneakers only, but you can mix and max. For eg: you can buy a ladies sneaker, and a mens sneaker, pay full price for one, and get the second for the dollar.
    Customer: Oh, okay.... but what about the dress shoes, can I get a pair of dress shoes for the buy one get one or is it just the sneakers? Okay, at this point, I'm ready to choke them.

    4) Parents who have children that are just SCREAMING and the parent laughs and says "Oh, ha ha ha, he hasn't had his nap today." Yeah lady, your kid is a real f'ing gem. Get the f-- out.

    I think that's it.....
  • AlexandraM119
    I absolutely cannot stand when people judge me for dieting or working out, simply because I'm small. Being five to eight pounds heavier than usual is a big deal for me, and the ladies I work with who have no interest in getting in shape tell me I'm ridiculous for worrying about it. I don't even tell them about it! They see me drinking a shake and loudly ask, "Oh God, you aren't dieting are you?!? Give me a break." I HATE that!
  • Choirgirl37
    Choirgirl37 Posts: 255
    *HCG. FREAKIN HCG!!!!! Just.....why?
    *"Should I eat back my exercise cals?" sigh....I know. It's confusing. But that poor horse is nothing but a bloody pile of pulp left to rot at this point!
    *On a personal level, I effing HATE being a OTR trucker's wife. There, I said it. I live my life trying not to complain about it. But I hate it with every breath I take. I hate how seeing my kids miss their daddy. I hate missing their daddy. I hate seeing him miss us. Ugh. I don't feel one bit better.

    You're not the only one! It's hard being married to an OTR trucker. Hang in there.