Save my Diet

Ok folks so here it the honest truth, I am awful at diets,,,, and I need help.

I'm a huge fast food eater and am trying to change my naughty ways

But I have no idea what to shop for our what to eat...

grocery lists, snack ideas, and recipe links are all appreciated.

Also I'm not sure if this is an important fact but I'm a light excerciser


  • StrawberryDrip
    For a while just stick to trying to be within your calorie goal and eventually you'll realize what's better to eat because you'll be able to eat more, that's how I ended up changing over from fatty foods; i was hungry so I decided that if I ate healthier things I could eat more
  • shastar
    shastar Posts: 21 Member
    I look up the fast food name in MFP database before I order. Doesn't take long to find out how many calories are in each menu item. Pretty soon, I didn't go to our favorite fast food place anymore because there was nothing on it that had low enough calories. Then started going to fast food places where menu items actually were reasonable, like Applebees. Look at the restaurant's menu items on MFP's database BEFORE you even go and it will begin to soak in.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    Try to add a fruit or vegetable to every meal and snack. What kind of fruits and veggies do you like? Buy those, and some kind of protein that you like--chicken, tofu, beans, whatever works for you. Cook it with either no oil or just a tiny bit. Try to cut down on processed foods. Make small switches--brown rice for white rice, whole wheat pasta for regular and eat smaller portions. Make small changes and you'll see big differences but it won't feel like too much work.

    Find some low cal snacks that you like, my go-to snacks are a banana with 1 T natural peanut butter (200 cal) or 2 white cheddar rice cakes with 2 wedges of Laughing Cow cheese and an apple (a little over 200 cals)
  • CindyN58
    CindyN58 Posts: 39
    For some snacks try Chapman's Frozen Yogurt Bars (90 cal.)
    Kellogs Special K Granola Bars (90 cal.)

    Apples, Pears, Bananas,

    Mcains Thin Crust Pizza

    Sensible Portions Vege Chips

    Handi Multigrain 100 calorie Bagels

    These are a few things I can think of at the moment.
    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • aanddplusoanda
    aanddplusoanda Posts: 189 Member
    For a while just stick to trying to be within your calorie goal and eventually you'll realize what's better to eat because you'll be able to eat more, that's how I ended up changing over from fatty foods; i was hungry so I decided that if I ate healthier things I could eat more

    This is great advice and it has worked for me. After awhile you get to using your imagination for meal ideas. :)
  • feliciapeters
    First & foremost, stop thinking this is a "diet" this is about living your life in a healthier way, & making better choices. If you give up everything you like, if you feel deprived you wont stick with it which is why many people diet, lose weight, go off the diet and gain it back

    track everything for a week. dont change anything. then really LOOK at it. was that mcdonals worth it? was that candy bar or whatever?

    Then try adding just one or two better choices, even if you still eat fries, have HALF an order & a salad or fruit. Do that for two weeks. Sometimes slow gradual changes work best.

    Some sort of movement every day, short walk, exercise video, even some jumping jacks. I bet in 2-3 weeks you'll see some lose AND find it easier to adjust to a healthier lifestyle.

    add some fresh fruit, salads etc. THe 100 calories snack packs of things are great when you feel like a little something sweet or salty or whatever.

    I keep cold grilled chix in the fridge at all times & munch on it whenever im hungry between meals

    And WATER-LOTS & LOTS & LOTS of water
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    A pretty typical day for me is:
    Breakfast - Oatmeal or cereal with 1% milk (I like Kashi Go Lean or Cheerios) and some fruit
    Snack - Greek yogurt
    Lunch - Sandwich on whole wheat bread with 2% cheese & light mayo or mustard (I cook my own chicken in advance and cut thin slices, lower sodium than lunch meats) and celery/carrot sticks or salad with fat free dressing
    Snack - Celery with peanut butter or hummus or some cottage cheese
    Dinner - Chicken, Tuna Salad or a Turkey Burger with steamed veggies or salad
    Snack/Dessert - Fruit with whipped cream, cereal, fat free or sugar free pudding
    I also usually have a protein shake or smoothie with protein powder on days I work out.

    I usually eat 1200 - 1600 calories a day depending on if I work out or not and how much I work out. Planning your meals in advance helped me a lot. I would put them in my diary a day or two in advance when I first started so I could see how many calories were in everything and make adjustments if I needed. The more you do it the easier it gets to know how many calories are in things and what you can fit in each day. Also when you grocery shop it is best to try and stick with the outside aisles. Fruit, veggies, yogurts, eggs, meats and stay away from the processed foods. Also switch to whole wheat breads/pastas and brown rice instead of white. Good luck t you and feel free to add me as a friend!
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    I started off going lighter on the fast food. Happy Meal instead of Quarter Pounder. Then I started packing my lunch. Tuna and crackers are my favorite anyway.

    I'm a biiiig snacker. My new favorites are,

    I'll bread and (oven) cook a bag of shrimp, they keep in the fridge for about a week. Dip them in a little light garlic mayonnaise.
    Cocoa Mini Wheats (for the chocolate cravings.)
    SmartPop with garlic powder or cinnamon