Just one person....

Hey is there anyone (girl specifically) who would like to keep in touch on a daily basis, and kind of talk about how your eating and excersize went each day? i really need jus one motivational buddy, and threads are kind of hard to do that and stay in touch with. Im currently 155lb, and i realllly want to loose about 30 more pounds by summer. Thats not alot of time, so i relly needa work hard NOW! I work out whenever i can, and my food intake goal is 1200 cal.
ANyone interested? Remember, you would have to be dedicated:)


  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Maybe joining a challenge would be the way for you to go. I am in two of them....they really keep you motivated.

    Good luck : )
  • WhyW8
    WhyW8 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm on here all the time since I started...not that it's been that long (going on week 2 now) and I should def. be in bed right now, but apparently I am obsessed with this site. Add me as a friend if you want. I'm prob. not going to have too many friends on here (hell, I only have about 40 on facebook!) and I just want a few people all trying to reach their goals so I can keep up and see who's doing what and notice if someone is missing, etc. I'm trying to be fit for life here, and there is never a time when I think I will say, OK I'm done now because once you get there you need support etc. to maintain. Anyway, I'm not perfect and I will eat stuff I shouldn't - tonight I went over on calories because I had a few glasses of wine and 10 (yes I counted) potato chips but thats better than the bowl I would have normally eaten and I worked out 5 days in a row this week which is a first for me so I'm cutting myself a little slack today. Anyway, I'm honest and I'm here if you need me! Good luck to you on your journey no matter what!!!
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    you can add me if you want to. i will do what i can. i also am on here all the time (probably 12 out of the 17 to18 hours i am awake everyday) i have a bet with my hubby and only have 27 days left to acheive it. i can also use all the help i can get