help please!

i started off somewhat motivated, and now its completely gone, im not seeing any changes, and i dont know where else to cut calories, i wanna give up i dont know what to do!


  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member
    I'm sure we can help. Need to know what you've been eating though.... Could you either open up your diary for everyone, or if you'd prefer not, add me as a friend and open it to friends, and I'll have a look. Don't give up!!! :flowerforyou:
  • ohthatmomma
    ohthatmomma Posts: 115
    Don't give up!!! Seriously!!!! You are here because you have a mindset to change and I believe that you can do it.

    Honestly, with myself, I ALWAYS start off motivated, but then something kicks in and I am not as motivated as I once was. After a few weeks, or sometimes just days, I decide that it just isn't in me to go any further. But this time around, when I started feeling that feeling, I decided to press on and make certain that I didn't repeat the same mistakes as I had previously.

    If you are cutting calories, great. Are you exercising? Even a little exercise can keep you feeling great and help motivate you. For me, I just let go all sugary, refined floury stuff. I also workout 5 days a week.

    Last week I had a slip-up, but you know, I decided that I had to stop telling myself that it was okay to have a cheat day. A cheat day for me is like living a lie, literally. I would tell myself that having those foods that I was addicted to was okay, when in all actuality they were sabotaging me and my motivation to continue on this healthy journey would decline.

    So, encourage yourself and believe that this isn't the end, this is only the beginning!
  • sebedina
    sebedina Posts: 161 Member
    Don't give up!! I am starting today and am anxious. Make sure you are logging everything you are eating and drinking. Try and eat low fat and avoid white flour products as that creates stodge and heavyness.

    You may be constipated? I know it sounds weird but the days I feel really heavy are because I haven't "been" to the loo.

    Don't give up. Give it another week and weigh in then. And don't eat late at night.

    Good luck.
  • Doogal74
    Doogal74 Posts: 1
    Please don't give up, this really does work if you stick with it. I have had the same problem but I have now realised that some habits take a while to settle and don't come immediately. I have only lost 3 pounds so far but I am determined to get there no matter how long it takes.

    Maybe if you changed your profile slightly to say lose 1 pound or half a week, then that would seem much more acheivable and would help you stick with it?.

    If you need a motivation support I am in need of one too!.
  • ohthatmomma
    ohthatmomma Posts: 115
    Oh... an excellent book to read is Bob Greene's book! All of his books are pretty awesome and that is what helped me this time around, as well! (Sorry for the 2nd post)
  • squeaktones
    squeaktones Posts: 195 Member
    it looks as though you started doing this site sometime this month. that is too early to give up. it took time for all of us to get the size we are and it is going to take time to get it off. i agree with cccaroline about offering advice on your eating. without your food diary being available it's hard to do it. if it's a food plan you need then you can go to it will help you set up a food plan. it's free like this site. it has recipes and exercises that you can do at home without having to go to the gym. i use it and this site too. don't give up on yourself. you are important and worth it.