Time to say hello!

HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hey guys! I've been using the food tracker for a week now, and thought it was time to actually get on the forums!

I'm 35, from England, and am 6ft tall, and (deep breath) 19st. Well, actually, that's 18st 10 now :)

4 lb lost in my first week, and I was a bit discouraged that's all it was tbh. However, i think that my expectations have been swayed by watching too much of The Biggest Loser. I try to keep telling myself they are trained, hard, for 5 hours a day, 7 days a week, and im doing 1-2 hours a day, 5 days a week...but, still...well, y'know :P

So, is 4lb in the first week ok?

The difference I'm feeling this time around is i really don't feel like i'm dieting, but simply eating more....wisely. Knowledge is power they say, so by using this site i see exactly what I'm eating, and its really helping. Surprisingly with making sure i actually eat enough calories, rather than too many!

It'll just be nice to know i'm not alone is this....


  • FluttershySweetie
    FluttershySweetie Posts: 216 Member
    The biggest loser is not at all healthy... my friend has researched these people and most of them when the show is done they pack on the pounds again.... it is not healthy to train that much, unless your going to do it for the rest of ur life. But most of us have to work.... and the slower you lose the weight, the healthier it is and more chances of keeping it off.... It should be a healthy lifestyle change ur looking for not a quick solution to weight loss. Good luck and 4 lbs is decent if not running on the high side.
  • Lazer3
    Lazer3 Posts: 3
    You're not alone....and 4 lbs is actually a lot for one week...regardless if it's your first week or 5th. It's healthier to lose 2 lbs a week, but if you lose 4 and feel fine, I wouldn't worry. :) Glad to hear you're liking MFP!
  • WolffEarl
    WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
    Greetings from the colder north. Now that you got the royal wedding frenzy out of the way and can focus on your own journey again, I would say that 4 lbs a week is quite a bit. When many of us start out we tend to have a lot of extra weight hanging on and so it tends to drop quite quickly, so 3, 4 or even 5 lbs a week are not that uncommon. However once you lose some of this weight, 2 lbs, then 1 lbs, then 0.5 lb a week become the order and recommended loss for the week.
    THis can sometimes lead to frustrations. THe best way to avoid this, in my mind is to focus on the real goal of your journey, Become healthier/fitter and eating better. Both of these are soo much more important than how much weight you lose. I set really simple goals for myself, run a bit faster, exercise most days, eat right, etc.
    And since you mentioned the biggest loser, I would suggest another program (at least here in Canada it is on) called X-weighted. Much more realistic, individuals changing their eating and exercise habits in the space of 6 months. Besides some weightlloss, many of them around 40 to 50 pounds in 6 month, the much more impressive feat is the major change in their measurements and the huge increase in their fitness. THat will give you a much more realistic picture. Happy Journey. Life is good.
  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    Hey, welcome to the forums. 4lbs is actually quite a lot - you'll probably see quite rapid weight loss at first, and then have it slowing down as your body adjusts to the new calorie intake. Don't let that discourage you - it's all moving in the right direction.

    The way I always look at it is that I didn't gain the weight overnight, so what makes me think I'll lose it all overnight? It's far better to eat at a healthy calorie deficit so that your body doesn't go into starvation / fat storing mode over a prolonged period of time, rather than trying to get dramatic results (which usually result in you putting the weight back on once you stop exercising as much or eat a regular amount of food).

    Good luck with your loss. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Wow, so many responses so fast! Much appreciated guys!

    Yeah, im now realising that 4lb is good, and all these replies have made me change my outlook. I really dont feel like im "dieting" at all, I've just realised all the crap i was eating, and now, its much simpler. Some days im almost struggling to hit the 1200-1300 minimum calories! So the hard part isnt keeping my calories lower, its actually getting enough now! I always feel bad after eating dinner, as im always pretty full, even with the new smaller portions. It could also be the change in the actual meals. Before, i would have 2 chicken legs and chips. Now its 1 skinless leg with boiled potatoes and peas, and im stuffed! I know i can pretty much each 1200 totally guilt-free, but i still cant shake that feeling!

    But that stat i read that 4lb fat loss - 14000 calorie deficit made me realise that what i am doing current excercise/eating is working, and should continue to work...its just a matter of time! As the previous poster said, its not going to happen overnight! At least this way im making a lifestyle change, not a 6 week diet that all goes to pot at the end :)

    Btw, i love this community <3
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