Nothing is working!!



  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    Thanks for all the quick replies. I have been eating fast food a lot more than normal partly because I've been so busy the past week and just broke up with my bf:(.

    Yes my calories may go over my MP allotment, but I am following WW and have hit right about my 36 points daily (not going over or using my extra points either). The ice cream was actually because I was way under that day for points and I knew ice cream would fill them up

    And this is why I love this site so much better than things like WW. Losing weight is really all about the numbers. More calories out than in. And I personally think it's kind of bull for WW to say you don't have to count fruits and veggies, because those things DO Have calories in them too. Which is another reason why ppl have success while ON the WW program (usually), but gain all the weight back when they go off the program.

    Honestly, if I were you, I'd quit WW and just start focusing on the calorie counts and getting your sodium levels down. (You've heard enough about Fast Food, so I won't go there). Sodium will make you retain water which will slow or stall out your weight loss. I track mine, and I TRY not to go over, but I do on occasion. It sucks.... but the more aware you are of what goes into your body, the easier it gets to balance those things. Good luck!
  • brnsgrsbody
    brnsgrsbody Posts: 254 Member
    So to give a bit of background, I joined Weight Watchers back in Sept. and stayed until mid-Nov. I lost about 17 pounds give or take. Then I found MP and decided to quit WW; well that didn't work.

    Several weeks ago I tried Nutrisystem for 2 weeks; didn't loose a pound
    Then I tried on my own; didn't loose anything
    Then I joined WW last week. Initially the scale went down 4 pounds but its right back to where I was. I am carefully and faithfully following WW. I have at least 1 fruit or veggie with EVERY single meal and haven't used much fat as an additive

    I am also going to the gym EVERY day, doing 40-50 minutes of cardio (treadmill or bike) and some machines (leg presses, crunches, etc).

    I am very frustrated.

    My food journal here isn't as accurate as my WW e-tools are, but you get a general idea of what i'm doing

    Any suggestions?

    First of all if you lost 17 pounds on WW the first time something was working! I am going to be very blunt because I want you to understand that weightloss can be frustrating at times until your body starts working with you in a rythym. OK you are buliding alot of lean muscle mass as you work out so your scale weight will not go down as rapidly as you would like. If you would like to see that more rapidly I might suggest you lowering your carb and fruit intake and increasing your protein and fats. There is a great guide to follow in the current Oxygen special edition for ABs that is on the stands. I have been doing it with a friend for two weeks and have lost 5 pounds and definitley see some toning going on. Both she and I work out extrememly hard so we have to modify it just a tad as far as adding a few carbs but we didn't do that until recently. We got wicked results the first week!
    Now all this yo-yo ing from program to program must cease. Just realize that eating healthy ang exercising are a way of life and that you want them for yourself. If you are eating healthy and then have treat here or there it is not the end of the world or a failure to a program. Just pick up your helathy eating at the next meal.
    You also have to eat enough to lose weight according to your goals. Alot of people think that if they eat over 1200 calories a day they are not on a "diet" or they can't possibly be in line to lose weight but that is absolutely a lie! That's why I love MFP. You put in your goal of losing 1-2 pounds a week and it automatically figures your deficit. So the number you are given before exercise is what you can eat and still lose that amount of weight. Once you add your exercise in there you are then given alot more calories. Now that is why I recommend a calorie counter that will accuratley count the calories for you based off your body weight /HR/ and expenditure. I hope this really helps you and that you will stick with it and eat most of your calories per day.
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    BUMP...I feel like I am having the same issues. I'm not losing weight nearly as fast as my settings suggest. I need advice to. What am I doing wrong. It seems like I'm dancing around the same numbers ever week. Its always 2lbs up than 2 lbs down. My weight changes everyday by a couple of pounds. What gives???

    I'm going to open up my diary. Please send me a message if you have any insight. Thanks!
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    start with one small thing at a time. you didn't gain the weight overnight, your body will lose it if you are patient and give it a chance.

    i would cut out the mcdonalds. You ae secretely sabotaging yourself by going there.
  • mrk34
    mrk34 Posts: 227 Member
    There are many ways to attempt to lose weight. One of them is eating food that supports weight loss process.

    If you give this approach your complete commitment, there is no question in my mind that it will work for you, too. But you've got to stop eating food that does not support weight loss.

    You will be amazed how easily and effortlessly you will lose weight when you adopt a diet that consists only of fresh vegetables, fruit, fish, lean meat and whole grains. Also add Omega-3, tea and lots of water.

    You are going to be pleasantly surprised how many of these foods you like.

    The key to success is to eat foods that will fill you up without eating a large amount of calories.

    It worked for me. I lost and kept off 46 pounds.
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    I am sorry you are having a rough time. I have had some plateau issues for a while, going up and down the same 4-5 lbs, and it is quite frustrating. I know everyone wants to jump on the "no processed foods/no fast food" bandwagon, but I have lost 70#s eating exactly how I am now (actually, I eat better now) and so I would only suggest: drink lots of water and move more. Cut out little things here and there and make adjustments. I used to be a bread-a-holic, not anymore. We have loaves go bad sometimes. Never used to happen to me. Also, I don't drink my calories. Stay away from liquid calories (like soda, juice, coffee with sugar). I am a night-time snacker, mainly b/c I always have calories left at the end of the day, but I am trying to stop that and if I am way under calories I just try again tomorrow. No need to fill up on empty calories or gorge on fruit only b/c there are calories left.
    In my humble opinion, the best way to change your life is to do it slowly and not have too high of expectations for the short term. If you want fast food, eat it, but maybe try to plan ahead and pack food in case you won't be home during a meal.
    One last thing, I am the Queen of "I have done it 2 weeks and it didn't work" so I know where you are coming from there, but try to stick with something a bit longer before trying something new. This is a problem I have and am proud to say I am finally seeing my weight start to go down again now that I am nearing week 4 of Couch to 5K. You can do it, be gentle with yourself, and have patience. Treat yourself as you would a dear friend in the same situation.