HRM yay or nay??



  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    I would have to agree, I have one and I love it. However, I went cheap on mine, so now I'm wondering what's a good one that I could purchase? I don't want to go above maybe $150 - $200, and there's so many I'm not sure which to choose.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I would say to get one so that you have the most accurate information. I have been on here for almost two months and using the calorie counts on MFP and on my exercise bike. They were pretty consistent with each other so I figured they must have been pretty accurate. Then I bought a heart rate monitor, and found out I was burning about half of what the website and my exercise machine were telling me. I also learned that the workout I thought was my light workout burned almost the same amount as the workout I thought was much harder.

    I bought a Polar FT4 for $90 at Sports Authority. It seems to be a good option.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    For the people with HRM... do you subtract your BMR from the total number of calories? I saw a thread on this the other day.
  • thisisabbie
    thisisabbie Posts: 521 Member
    YES!!! A HRM is best investment ever towards your fitness goals!

    I have the Polar F11 and love it. There are better models out there (at a much higher price tag!) but the F11 does everything I need it to...
  • aeneadelacroix
    I saw something about subtracting BMR a few days ago as well - I hadn't been doing it, but it does make sense. Has anyone been doing this?
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    For the people with HRM... do you subtract your BMR from the total number of calories? I saw a thread on this the other day.

    Anyone? I've been thinking about getting a HRm, but I want to make sure I will be recording my burned calories correct! Help!
  • skeele
    skeele Posts: 72
    I think an HRM will be my next investment as far as weight loss is. I've heard good things about the Polar ones. Any others I might want to consider?
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    So to the ones who have one, do you feel mfp is over the actual calories burned or under estimated? I was curious about HRMs as well. Something like the 30 day shred. I calculate it at around 20 min circuit training, but with the 3 different levels I would think there would be a difference in calories burned. :)
    So is $100 about average for one? Is it complicated??? :)
  • sliceofsarah
    sliceofsarah Posts: 141 Member
    Yay for HRM!

    I started MFP without a heart rate monitor and went without one for about 3 months and then a month ago I got one, so I have seen both sides! I love my HRM because it is an easy way to measure how hard you are pushing yourself (my Polar FT4 beeps when I go out of my goal heart rate range) and the thing I love the most is the more accurate measure of how many calories I burn! I burn way more calories on the treadmill than the treadmill ever told me I did, which has given me more motivation to start running (before when I only had the treadmill reading to go off of, I was really discouraged from ever going on the treadmill, because I felt like I was working so hard, but then not burning nearly as many calories as I did on my at-the-time-fav, the elliptical). Many more reasons why I love it, but I won't list them all here. In short, I recommend!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I didn't have one and was letting MFP guess my burn. Wasn't losing much, very, very slowly (like weeks to lose one darned pound!)

    Bought the HRM and log for every exercise and have lost several pounds since! MFP estimates A LOT higher than what I'm actually burning so it's no wonder I wasn't losing.

    The other thing is, while working out I can simply glance at my wrist to see my heart rate and if I'm in the zone. It beeps at me when I fall below or am close to going over. This allows me to make sure I'm working at my optimum levels and not slacking off or getting dangerous.

    In short, I love mine and feel it was a very valuable purchase! In the event it dies I'm buying another immediately! I have a Polar FT4 for the record.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    Thank you so much! :) It sounds kind of fun to use as well. Off to look at them! :)
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    For the people with HRM... do you subtract your BMR from the total number of calories? I saw a thread on this the other day.

    Anyone? I've been thinking about getting a HRm, but I want to make sure I will be recording my burned calories correct! Help!

    yes, I subtract 1 cal per minute. So if I run for 45 minutes and burn 320 cal, I only log and eat back 275, since I would have burned about 45 laying on the couch, which is what I would have been doing had I not been running!

    Polar does NOT take those cals into consideration, the polar people have confirmed this, you DO need to subtract them out if you want it to be close to accurate.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Thanks robin. :smile;
  • rmbibbs
    rmbibbs Posts: 2 Member

    I have had a HRM for about 4 years now.... I really don't like to workout without it. I use it to more accurately account for my calories burned as well as use it to push my workouts (maintain desired heart rate during workout). While it may be somewhat of an investment... I think it is totally worth it. I use the Polar and once it is customized for you... it will definitely give more accuracy then the workout machines... Good luck.

  • Windi38
    Windi38 Posts: 164 Member
    most definitely a YAY here....

    I bought one a few months ago. Was amazed at the difference my actual calorie burn was compared to pre-set numbers on here, other sites, and the machines at the gym. Way lower!

    I also love it because it gives my average heart rate, and time spent in each 'zone'. It's really helped me track how I'm changing as I continue to work out.

    I started bicycling several times a week over a month ago, and when I started I would ride for about 12 miles, and burn 500+ calories. As I got used to the rides, the same mileage got me less calories. I also felt better so I started doing longer rides to maintain that 500+ calorie burn. I'm now up to 20 miles, and 700 or so calories. Notice that that is 8 more miles and ONLY 200 more calories!! Because I'm getting into shape. And I'm seeing it all on the hrm as I go along.

    And I'm using it to track my walks...I find I'm also having to walk harder and longer to burn the same calories as a month ago.

    It's pretty awesome!

    I have a Polar FT7. LOVE IT!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,276 Member
    I told myself if I was still on track and moving forward on this journey by May then I would buy a HRM. I just ordered a Polar FT4! Can't wait until it arrives so I can see how many calories I'm really burning during Zumba, biking, swimming, walking, etc. This thread motivated me to make the purchase today so thanks to everyone's helpful comments on why they like their HRM!:flowerforyou:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,742 Member
    I wouldn't go so far as to say getting one was a waste, but I rarely ever use mine. I lost the bulk of my weight using MFP's estimates, but I kept reading about how HRMs were so much more accurate, so I gave in and bought one. I wore it for a while, and the calorie burns it gave me were considerably lower, so I think MFP's estimate were more accurate for me. The calorie burn is just an educated guess, whether it's MFP or a heart rate monitor. That said, I think it was worth it to me just to see what my actual heart rate is for certain workout programs, and I'll probably wear it from time to time, but I never have found it to be a good tool for me to estimate calorie burn.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I saw something about subtracting BMR a few days ago as well - I hadn't been doing it, but it does make sense. Has anyone been doing this?

    No. MFP doesn't use your BMR to set your calorie goal. It uses calories burned from normal daily activity. That's why you specify if your days are normally sedentary, lightly active, active, or very active. There's not a single reason why you would then need to subtract calories.
  • xxx29
    xxx29 Posts: 60 Member
    Wow, you're going against the grain, here, but I'm with you. I don't have a HRM, but you make sense that they are both an estimate based upon the average. I've been losing weight at the MFP rate by following the MFP calorie plan. So, tell me why, again, I need to spend $100-200 on a HRM? I'd rather spend it on HEALTHY food I REALLY LIKE.
  • BrandNewMia
    BrandNewMia Posts: 461
    I have a Polar FT7 and I love it, it was worth every penny! My only regret is not getting one with GPS (WAY out of my price range!), but maybe in the future!
    For the people with HRM... do you subtract your BMR from the total number of calories? I saw a thread on this the other day.

    Yes, I do subtract my BMR from the calories burned during exercise.