Running Woes

The bane of runners everywhere: chaffing.

I've tried body glide. It works for a while but I guess I sweat it off or something because my poor thighs look like a war zone. I tried bicycle shorts under my shorts but the material got so freaking hot and made me uncomfortable. Anyone got a tried and true trick? My thighs would appreciate it...


  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    Either spandex or Vaseline works.
  • jamiek89
    jamiek89 Posts: 105
    Vaseline. Lots of vaseline. That's what I use for 5km runs. Or I wear 3/4 length leggings which yes they do get hot to run in but I like that! I have a friend who uses that burns bandage stuff. Its like a big clear plastic bandaid, acts like a second skin, and shes into doing 10-15km runs, and all of her weight is carried in her thighs if you get me drift.....