Time of Month (question for the girls obviously)

luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
So this might seem like a silly question, but is it normal to feel hungrier during your time of the month??

I know you can gain water weight which explains the 2-3 lbs. extra on the scale. But I had been doing sooo well with eating really healthy foods and staying within my calorie goals (within reason-minus those weekends full of little temptations & social events..haha); but I was doing so well and not really feeling hungry.

But time of month rolls around and I feel like I am starving 24-7 & wanna eat everything in sight!!! I'm somewhat new to all this health/body stuff and have been extra interested in learning/absorbing everything I can.

Is this normal? Does anyone know why this happens? Any suggestions on tricks of getting through it without eating my entire kitchen? haha. Many thanks in advance. :)


  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Im in the same boat! Any tips are appreciated!
  • Windi38
    Windi38 Posts: 164 Member
    happens to me every month! LOL don't know how to fix it, other than ignore the hunger because you know it's because of TOM! :)~
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    i am currently having the same problem... i ate a whole pizza just now..... Im ashamed..... i need to know as well...
  • jeninne
    jeninne Posts: 412 Member
    For some of us- yes. It's a hormone issue. We just have to plan well and eat what we should, not what we crave! Yeah, sounds easy enough- not. I sometimes get the munchies around ovulation time, too. We have it rough- haha
  • Lightjulesloves2run
    Lightjulesloves2run Posts: 91 Member
    Good news! Ur normal! Yes..I am starving and want to eat all the time during that time. I just let myself snack on all the fruit and veggies I want. I drink tons of water and I usually lose by the end of the week!
  • SammyLynn010
    SammyLynn010 Posts: 293 Member
    Well if it isn't normal then we are both abnormal! lol

    I want to eat everything in site when TOM is here. But I combat it by exercising more so that I can eat more. Make sure that you are drinking LOTS of water too, that can help make you feel more full.

    Hope this helps!
  • luppic8
    luppic8 Posts: 580 Member
    It's hormones ladies! Lie SammyLynn010 said...drink lots of water!
  • aclark6818
    aclark6818 Posts: 209 Member
    Good news! Ur normal! Yes..I am starving and want to eat all the time during that time. I just let myself snack on all the fruit and veggies I want. I drink tons of water and I usually lose by the end of the week!

    I agree completely--the week before can be rough too--stick to the veggies & fruits to get you through that "deadly" time!!!
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    For some of us- yes. It's a hormone issue. We just have to plan well and eat what we should, not what we crave! Yeah, sounds easy enough- not. I sometimes get the munchies around ovulation time, too. We have it rough- haha

    I agree! Rough! haha
  • Rubino469
    Rubino469 Posts: 12
    Period symptoms are excess hunger, backache, headache,cramping and water weight. So yeah it's normal and I say for this time of the month if you are hungry eat but eat healthier. exp..fruit/veggies/yougurt/popcorn. If you crave chocolate or salt eat it but in moderation, cause if you deny yourself then you will eventually cheat or just give up. ;)
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    Me too! Just the other day, I was soooooooo ravenous. I logged all my stuff, saw how much I'd already eaten (not over), and that I didn't have room for more, so I stopped. And it was hard. And the next day, I realized why I'd been insatiable....But it really took a lot of will power to not reach into the pantry and start munching on everything that was there. Hang in there!
  • afewmilesofnight
    i just started today and i went over my calories by 400 calories! ugh. i usually allow me one day of eating bad, then i get back to it the next day. i have to be careful because i want a lot of salt and that just makes the water weight worse!
    i do notice that if i exercise during my tom i don't get cramps!
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Period symptoms are excess hunger, backache, headache,cramping and water weight. So yeah it's normal and I say for this time of the month if you are hungry eat but eat healthier. exp..fruit/veggies/yougurt/popcorn. If you crave chocolate or salt eat it but in moderation, cause if you deny yourself then you will eventually cheat or just give up. ;)

    Hmmm...I guess I never realized it was a symptom of it. Guess never watched what I ate before so probly never even realized a difference during tom. Gonna try sticking with healthy snacks-Thank you.
  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    Yes, it's completely normal and due to hormones. :P Fruits and veggies are great healthy snacks that you can eat quite a bit of, and drinking plenty of water will also help to make you feel more full. Exercise is great too, because not only does it help to reduce cramping, but you can afford a few extra calories to boot afterwards.
  • RiaLucia
    RiaLucia Posts: 121
    It is my understanding that when you're on your period, your body does require a slightly higher caloric intake. To me this makes sense, because when you're menstruating, your uterine walls are contracting in a way to clear itself out, right? So your body is doing some extra work. I've read that this can typically require anywhere from 100-300 more calories. I tried Googling this and finding a super credible site, but I've mostly come up with message board and wiki-type results. Also, hormonal shifts definitely come into play too, causing you to seek out sugar, fat, and salt.
  • DRay64
    DRay64 Posts: 69 Member
    Lea, you are not alone. I could eat 24/7 during that time of the month. Chocolate and cheese are the foods of choice. Some days I don't do so well other days I do. Thank God it only lasts a few days.
  • DRay64
    DRay64 Posts: 69 Member
    Lea, you are not alone. I could eat 24/7 during that time of the month. Chocolate and cheese are the foods of choice. Some days I don't do so well other days I do. Thank God it only lasts a few days.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    It is my understanding that when you're on your period, your body does require a slightly higher caloric intake. To me this makes sense, because when you're menstruating, your uterine walls are contracting in a way to clear itself out, right? So your body is doing some extra work. I've read that this can typically require anywhere from 100-300 more calories. I tried Googling this and finding a super credible site, but I've mostly come up with message board and wiki-type results. Also, hormonal shifts definitely come into play too, causing you to seek out sugar, fat, and salt.

    Hey! Makes sense and good info. Thanks! Yeah, I tried googling it and also came up with nothing but message board/wiki results. ~All that + hormones is probly = super hungry me! :)
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    i just started today and i went over my calories by 400 calories! ugh. i usually allow me one day of eating bad, then i get back to it the next day. i have to be careful because i want a lot of salt and that just makes the water weight worse!
    i do notice that if i exercise during my tom i don't get cramps!

    I crave sweets! Ohh jeeezz! Well here's to us getting back on track tomorrow:drinker: !
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I find if i;m on track the entire month before- ToM is much better, with less symptoms. This last time for me, i only had the day my period arrived (it arrived late evening) and the next day as hard for cravings. I have huge carb cravings during this time and its so hard to stay true. I only had a little slip up (wayyy better than normal) and ended up with no weight gain at all during that week, scale just stayed teh same.