online dating

Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
Anyone tried it or trying it? I'm a pretty introverted person, so it's been seeming to be the best route, but recently having my messages ignored a lot has gotten me down about it. =/


  • jenttifer
    jenttifer Posts: 90 Member
    I'm introverted, too, and always found it easier to meet people online. At first it would hurt to be 'rejected' online, but then you have to realize how anonymous the whole thing is. It's not like you're saying hi to someone in a bar and they are completely ignoring you. Plus...when you come across someone you may not be very interested in, you don't have to waste your time, either. It's just the nature of the beast...don't take it personally...and realize there are sooo many people on those sites that you'll meet people eventually.
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    I met my husband on match "dot" com so I'll forever sing its praises! Go for it! It's 2011... the bar scene is old skool. Good luck!
  • Ninjitsu
    Ninjitsu Posts: 163
    Many people use it now and seems to have some great results.

    Personally, I married someone I met on a dating site years ago (before it was cool to date online).

    She was a nutter.

    Just be sure you get to know whomever it is (and get proof of what they tell you) before you buy into a lifetime of "happiness."
  • mbowman323
    mbowman323 Posts: 216
    I so go for it as well. I meet my fiance online and couldn't be happier.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Look at it like being a matter of probability. The more messages you shoot out, the better chances you'll have with getting a reply. I met my wife on Match about 4 years ago.
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    I did it on and off for years and that is how I eventually met my current wife.
  • biggerpix
    biggerpix Posts: 96
    Been stuck in online dating forever. No luck. There are a lot of weirdos online, a lot of married men. Once you get through that, it's ok I guess. Some people meet some great people online. luck.
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    I met my husband of 4 years online and am happier than I have ever been. Keep trying don't get to let down by the people that ignore you. You probably wouldn't like them anyway.
  • lisa35120
    lisa35120 Posts: 230 Member
    Well... I can't really relate to this because I never tried a dating site & I met my husband at work. I do know several people who have had great relationships with people they met online though, and 2 of them have since gotten married.
  • Amandamccl
    Amandamccl Posts: 380
    awwwwww my fitness pal hugs. . you'll find someone special I know it
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I met my husband of two years online. I went on a LOT of dates before finally meeting "the one" . There are also a lot of scammers so beware..

    My best advice is not to invest too much time into any one person before you meet them.. Keep a lot irons in the fire at one time. From the time I first chat with someone until my first meeting I usually tried to make within one week.. No sense in wasting time on someone who you don't have any real-life chemistry with. With my husband we chatted for three weeks before meeting, but that was only because he lived 250 miles away from me. I was convinced that it was not going to be any big deal because I didn't really think he was anything special while we were chatting online, but I figured why not give it a shot.. BEST move I ever made. From the first time I met him in person I knew he would be the love of my life.
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    Met my gf of 11 years (next week) online - not through a dating site, but on the old Napster mp3 forums. Finding someone online really isn't all that different from doing it in the real world. You just have to be patient, keep a good attitude, and you'll find someone eventually.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I so go for it as well. I meet my fiance online and couldn't be happier.

    Me too!
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    If you feel you have a spark go for it. it doesn't matter how you meet someone only that they treat you good
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Anyone tried it or trying it? I'm a pretty introverted person, so it's been seeming to be the best route, but recently having my messages ignored a lot has gotten me down about it. =/

    That's because you are a man.

    Any reasonably attractive woman with a well-written profile gets a minimum of DOZENS of responses per day. (I used to online date and went on a lot of dates, so I had a great profile!) At first, I tried to respond to everyone but it was just impossible.

    So here are some tips:

    -When you respond to a profile, mention something specific from the profile. Show that you actually READ it!

    -Don't write a novel. I used to feel so bad when I'd get this long email from some guy giving me his whole life story, but I never ever went out with any of those guys. Not one.

    Your response should be sincere, playful if you can manage it, no more than about 10 lines and should mention something from her profile.

    -Don't give up! Even though I didn't respond to everyone, I did go back and check responses later on. I ended up in a fairly lengthy relationship with someone I hadn't even noticed at first because his reply came on a day that I got a lot of replies. But I saw it later on (months, in fact) and contacted him.

    -Before you write your profile, do some market research. First, do a search on guys similar to you. Read their profiles. 99% of them will be gawdawful. Take notes and learn how to improve yours. Then do the reverse-- do a search on the types of girls you want to meet (or men--I don't know your orientation) and see what they seek. Highlight things about you that meet those. THEN re-do your profile. You'll see--99% of profiles are just awful, self-indulgent, often quite depressing drivel. It's pretty easy to improve on that. ;)

    -Don't send your replies out in the middle of the night. Yes, we do notice what time it was sent. If you send a girl a reply at 3AM, she's going to think you're only looking for a hook-up.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I actually met my boyfriend through someone that I met on a dating site.
    Weird, I know.
    But I wouldn't have met him without the site.
    plentyoffish dot com. :)
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I met my hubby on ...

    It's pretty cool to see all the people on here who have had success with online dating!
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Phil, you so funny
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Phil, you so funny

    That's just how I do.