
Hi Everyone,

My name is Nikki & I am new to the site. I'm originally from Michigan but currently reside in sunny California. I'm blessed to live in a beautiful city. As I stated I'm new here so I'm looking for friends & people to keep me accountable & motivated. I have a few people who work out with me & keep me motivated but hey you can never have enough right? :) anyways my current progress is that I've started this journey seriously on December 28th 2010 & since then I've lost 70lbs (4 months exactly) I'm super excited about my weight loss & of course want to continue. I'm doing this natural...good ol diet & exercise. Although I dont have too much of a diet lol. I workout every day or at least 6 days a week & I went into this with a different mindset that had helped me tremendously. I am Christian & I made a promise to honor God with my body so I need to get healthy & fit to run the race He has for me! Its worked for me thus far & I pray it will continue.

Well thats my story. I'm not sure how this works but feel free to chat or ask me anything you want or stop by & say hi :) I'm friendly lol.



  • luppic8
    luppic8 Posts: 580 Member
    Hi Nikki! Welcome! I'm from So Cal too! You are gonna love this site. The people on this site are very motivating and helpful! I've been on it for a few weeks and I have already lost 7 lbs (5 before MFP) I have a great a great buddy list and I would be honored to add you to it! I used to work in the fitness arena, so I promise to help you in any way I can. Please feel free to add me to your buddy list! Good luck with you journey!
  • Nikki_GodzPrincess
    Thank you so much for the warm welcome. I would like to meet new friends to help me on my journey and I can help them as well. Lets keep each other motivated :) I'm glad to be apart of the site. Friend me