
Hello! This is Terina, 30 years young, married with 3 beautiful rascals. I've been logging on for 5 days now, my sister Jade told me about it, and so far I really like it! Need to lose about 50 lbs with 70 lbs being my ultimate goal. I've been overweight almost 10 years now(almost the whole time I've been married, and that's another can of worms), my weight has fluctuated between 140-220, usually staying between 172-210. I'm in it for the long haul! Cuz it's been a long haul so far! I've started to play all kinds of sports, rugby, basketball, softball, volleyball, and putting myself out there instead of hiding away from the world and eating myself into an oblivion. I'd love to eventually run a marathon. Wish me luck I need it or some will power will be really great ;)