What to do with clothes?



  • l3xii
    l3xii Posts: 160
    Like Tamanella mentioned, I'm going to have a clothing swap party when I'm a bit lighter - though I'm going to do so before my goal weight so that I have some clothes to "tide me over" before then. Basically the idea is you set a date and invite a whole bunch of friends - give them enough advance notice to clean out their closets - and make a night of it! Put the clothes in a big pile in the middle of the floor and you can hold up piece by piece, if someone likes it, they try it on, if not, it goes in a "donate" bag. You might come out with some neat new things, or not, but it should be fun either way (hopefully you have fun friends, hehe).
    sounds like fun i need to try this
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    I'd recommend that you donate or sell most of what no longer fits. I looked into tailoring my better pants, and it was disappointing to find that it costs nearly as must to have the pants tailored as it does to buy them new. I will be saving one pair of big pants as a reminder of my former size. Putting them on and seeing how big I used to be is enough motivation to stay on track.

    The aforementioned site to donate business clothing is http://www.dressforsuccess.org/

    Good luck.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    try to make some cash off them by bringing them to a consignemnt store....some of my stuff sold and I was glad to have the few buck from them...other wise you can do a tax write off by donating them....just don't keep them as having fat clothes just in case is dangerous to fall back to.

    maybe if you belong to a gym you put up a posting or I have sold a lot of things on Craigslist and clothes might go for people transitioning to that size.

    try it all and then after a few weeks just donate them outright so they are not cluttering up your space and time and mind thinking about them
  • RiaLucia
    RiaLucia Posts: 121
    I agree w/pretty much everyone else--donate most of it, tailor the exceptional pieces (I plan to do this to my all time favorite pair of slacks that I've had for 10 years and have to wear safety-pins in the waist to keep up), and keep, like, ONE pair of pants just so you can do one of those pictures where you hold them up and say, "Can you believe I used to fit into THIS?"
  • I was able to find people at the gym and friends that needed the clothes i shrunk out of. The pay it forward works and you may find some people that are able to give you clothing for your new size that are not outdated. Definatley dont keep them its too easy to put them back on =( . If you need a reference for the size you were at use a picture. Its a better reminder of the journey.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    Check out the brands you usually buy & see what their resale value is on eBay. I have a lot of clothes from J. Crew and their resale value is typically pretty high (and the stuff sells almost immediately!). The nice part about this is that I can take the $$ I earn and buy new stuff in smaller sizes on eBay without actually having to shell out $$ from my own pocket. The stuff that wouldn't sell, I'm giving to a friend or donating. Sounds mean, but I don't have $$ to buy a whole new wardrobe.
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    Yay for you! That is a great feeling! I am not sure if someone has mentioned this yet or not. But I work at a victims of crimes center where we see mostly victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Call your local program and see if they accept donations. Much better then trying to sell them on ebay. Unless you are a great seller, it can be a hassle.
    And celebrate!

    agreed! Or somewhere that takes in people from natural disasters, etc..or the mission...homeless people would be very grateful...
  • I_Got_This_23
    I_Got_This_23 Posts: 27 Member
    I too went shopping at the thrift store today for the first time. Agreed, it was a fun and inexpensive way to bridge over your wardrobe as you're shrinking. I also say donate, or sell to a consignment shop. Keeping those clothes is a subconscious way of telling yourself you might fail. No room for that kind of mentality in this battle!
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    Last weekend I gave a huge bag of clothes away to someone I love dearly. They fit the recipient perfectly except for the length. It is so nice to know that I never, ever have to see those clothes again in my closet. The bare closet space feels as liberating a losing a pound or two.

    Whatever your method, I'd recommend getting rid of the clothes.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Get rid of them!! If you were within 10 pounds of goal, I'd agree with the woman who was hesitant but you've got a ways to go and not having those clothes around "just in case" may help you stay motivated. I get where you're coming from - I've done this weight loss journey several times too but I refuse to keep my bigger clothes. Once they're too loose, they're gone! The only thing I have kept is one pair of "before" pants just so I can take one of those pictures where my whole body fits in one side. LOL!

    You can do it!! Don't let fear and past experiences hold you back!
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