Fender Acoustic Guitar anyone?

I'm 100% aware this is NOT a selling website haha. But just thought I would see if anyone is interested.
I received an Fender Acoustic Guitar December of 2007. I was really into it ... until I got it. I have ZERO coordination.
I have played it maybe five times. Then bought a Hurley guitar case for it that I'm about 90% sure the tags are still on it.
It's just collecting dust in my closet and I would love for someone to enjoy it. I don't even know what to sell it for? The guitar was $200.00- 250.00 and the Case was $90.00 of course I don't plan on asking the full price. Any advice?



  • Marcellus_08
    Marcellus_08 Posts: 253
    Got the price and selling with with case and EVERYTHING for $200.00 + shipping.

    Thanks already to the tons of people who have messaged me:)