5k in 3 weeks

I am running a 5k in 3 weeks (May 20th) and I have been running and working out consistently but I am wondering if anyone has a three week program that will get me ready?

The goal is to run the entire thing, no walking. Right now I can run a mile in about 9-10 minutes but I am struggling with the endurance part.


  • Sigra
    Sigra Posts: 374 Member
    I'm on the same thing, 5k is on May 19th I haven't even started training yet, but I need to start today - and so I shall on the treadmill! I'd also like to hear some suggestions for a 3wk plan.
  • angechilada
    angechilada Posts: 21 Member
    Um...there are tons of "couch to 5k" programs that you can follow, but they're all 9 weeks. Maybe you can see if you can start at week 5 or 6? I had to stop when I got up to week 7 because I injured myself, but was able to run a 5k this past weekend without stopping. Training for a 5k properly really takes more than 3 weeks, though. It's not about focusing on running fast, you're supposed to focus on running at a sustainable pace over a long period of time. The couch to 5k programs basically have you running for a gradually longer period of time. A lot of people make the mistake of trying to run it fast, and then end up walking the last bit because your body isn't used to it. Good luck!

    Here's an example of the program:

  • justleeanne
    justleeanne Posts: 251 Member
    You could do c25k from quite far in if you are already able to run about 10 mins. :) www.c25k.com
  • drobb821
    drobb821 Posts: 9
    I did my first 5k last year and while I did have more time than 3 weeks to get ready, I think that you two can do it. What I would do is this... if you can run a mile in 9-10 minutes, going longer distance will most likely require you to slow down a bit. I'd say shoot for something like a 12-minute mile and try to do 1.5 miles today. Take a day off of endurance running and either rest your muscles or do some quick aerobic exercises tomorrow. Then do 1.5 again, take a day off. Then 2, then a day off and going up incrementally like that. I don't know if it will necessarily work, but a strategy similar to that worked for me. I'm running a half marathon in September and I'm almost there having followed a similar strategy to that since last year. Good luck.
  • flametoflight
    I know the is WAY late but I thought it might be helpful in the future.

    Run 1: 1 mile (run 3 mins/walk 1)
    the key is to push yourself. you have to make yourself go as long as humanly possible, which is easier if you know you have to go for 3 minutes. If you are in better shape than me, then try to run as long as you can, or set a new minimum time limit (5 or 10 minutes maybe). But the ultimate goal is to get to the point where you can mostly or entirely run the 3.1 miles.

    Day of Rest

    Run 2: 1 mile (run 3 mins/walk 1)

    Day of Rest

    Run 3: 2 miles (run 5 mins/walk 1)

    Day of Rest

    Repeat over the next two weeks trying to increase the amount of time in which you are running versus walking.