

  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    I hope that it's okay if I join in a day late. Tuesday thru Sunday challenge?
    I've been out of town for almost a month and put some weight back on. Also, been sick & did something to my back. I'm feeling better (not well)... but want to get back on track. I'm going to start slowly, though.
    Here's my goals:
    1) No binging!!!
    2) Food log every day.
    3) Move some at least 3X this week
    4) 6 glasses of water per day
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    Sunday was a treadmill day - worked out for over an hour. yesterday, i tried to do a couple of workout dvd's online - only made it through the first one and the warmup of the second. but it was still over half an hour.

    went back to bed this morning before i remembered that i wasn't supposed to. oops!

    and i only had 2 liters of water yesterday, but i think i'll make it to the 4-liter mark today, so i'm all good there.

    and now i'm headed back to the treadmill!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    C2 5K W2 D1 again, finished with 2 miles total.
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Well, I fell asleep with my daughter at 7:45pm and just woke up at 11pm... whoops. And I am more than ready to go back to sleep but I had to come downstairs to shut the lights and computer off.

    Also, I had a massive, hour-long nosebleed while at work today and doctor's orders are to not exercise and do anything strenuous tonight. BOOOOOO. Anyways, hope everyone had a good day today and you're all working hard at your goals!
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I HIT MY SECOND MINI GOAL!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    That was exciting to see on the scale this morning!

    Unfortunately... two rude people ruined my elated feeling. Supposedly my boss said to my coworker that she didn't believe I had lost 40 pounds because she can't see it. (She does not see me everyday... she sees me maybe once a week or every other week... I run my own office, she just checks in from time to time.) My coworker, apparently, was shocked and said "You can't see it? She's doing great." and my boss said "You can see it?" and coworker said "yes, especially in her face and upper body."

    Gee, thanks. Yes, I know I am still super morbidly obese but it really just made me feel cr@ppy about myself. Add that to the crotchety old lady who was my last patient of the day who told me to push her wheelchair faster, that I need to burn more calories (she said it nastily), and I felt defeated.

    Anyways... whatever. People are rude and people suck and I have YOU awesome people who will cheer me on and support me. I am making a difference in my life. It's not going to happen overnight and I can't beat myself up about it. With that said... I will update my exercise progress:

  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    SuzMac -- 40 pounds is awesome!!! Congrats on your weight loss and hitting your mini goal!!!
    I can't believe how rude some people are.

    I am so happy you are here and YES, we will cheer you on and support you.
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    So far so good! No binging, logging food, 6 glasses of water, and exercising -- 2x so far this week.
  • scaatynj
    scaatynj Posts: 51 Member

    That was exciting to see on the scale this morning!

    Unfortunately... two rude people ruined my elated feeling.

    CONGRATS on meeting you goal! As for the rude people, forget about them, they are not important! You and the fact that you are achieving your goals are what's important. Always remember Karma and they will get theirs!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member

    :drinker: C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S :drinker:

    this is sooooooooooo AWESOME!!!!!! You have been doing so wonderful!!! I admire your DEDICATION & DETERMINATION!!!!!


    I can't stand people like that!! Why bother??????

    You don't need that kind of negative people. They are just JEALOUS and probably SCARED!!

    The more you reach your goals, The more CONFIDENT you become!! THIS WILL MAKE SOME PEOPLE FEEL THREATENED,

    they have to try and bring you down!!


    :heart: You are an AMAZING & WONDERFUL person!! :heart:

    Let them think what they want, YOU know better!!!!! And it shows on the scales, on your body and in your clothing!!

    I love you girl and am So very PROUD of you!!!!!!

    :flowerforyou: HOLD YOUR HEAD HIGH!! :flowerforyou:
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Suz I feel you!!! I went shopping yesterday I had been refusing to go up sizes to the 22 the 20s were painted on tight in Dec, and yesterday I was fitting very comfortable in 18 and I could get some 16s on and zipped but were very uncomfortably tight. Was so excited I bought 2 pair of 16 shorts to make me get there this summer.
    Congratulations it is so Awesome to come so far!!!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Suz I feel you!!! I went shopping yesterday I had been refusing to go up sizes to the 22 the 20s were painted on tight in Dec, and yesterday I was fitting very comfortable in 18 and I could get some 16s on and zipped but were very uncomfortably tight. Was so excited I bought 2 pair of 16 shorts to make me get there this summer.
    Congratulations it is so Awesome to come so far!!!

    :flowerforyou: kris :drinker:
    A W E S O M E

    :love: YOU ARE A ROCK STAR:love:

    I am just so impressed with you gals!!

    keep me motivated!!
    summer is just around the corner and in a few weeks I will have the summer OFF!!!!! YEA!!!!!!
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Wow... the love and support you guys have shown is just amazing. I am truly blessed. THANK YOU each one of you! I am exhausted or I would be able to type out individual replies!

    I met an MFP'er tonight! It was GREAT and I wish we had more time to spend chatting!

    I'm off to bed... today I did 30 mins to make it 125/175
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Congrats Suz! What an awesome acomplishment! I'm so happy for you :happy:

    So I as re-reading my post, and decided to delete it ... sounded like a whole lot of excueses. I'm fessing up. I've only worked out once this week, I need to make time to take care of me. Find the time to workout, get dedicated. Food wise today I went a little overboard at dinner. but that's over and done with.

    Tomorrow is a new day. And next week is a new week.
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Congrats Suz! What an awesome acomplishment! I'm so happy for you :happy:

    So I as re-reading my post, and decided to delete it ... sounded like a whole lot of excueses. I'm fessing up. I've only worked out once this week, I need to make time to take care of me. Find the time to workout, get dedicated. Food wise today I went a little overboard at dinner. but that's over and done with.

    Tomorrow is a new day. And next week is a new week.

    all I can say is MEEEEEEE TOOOOOOOO!! :blushing:

    :flowerforyou: You are NOT alone!! I just can't seem to shake this. story of my life.

    hang in there, you did so well so far, maybe you needed a break to refocus. OK NOW??? we refocused! :bigsmile:

  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    We can do it, y'all!!!!

    Yesterday, I drank 8 glasses of water & did Turbo Jam Cardio Party. No binging,

    Today, I walked 53 minutes (jogged/ran a little bit of that), also 8 glasses of water & no binging.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Really can agree Mak and MissDee just have not had motivation to work out this week.
    Having a very busy week at work and just haven't had the energy when I get home. Have remained pretty good with my food though on here it doesn't look like it my bodybugg show an average of 760 daily calorie deficit for the week so far. So I should still manage 1-1.5 lb loss this week if I behave over the weekend. Have Birthday party for my husband's grandma and my mom so I MUST BE GOOD!!!!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Thansk for the support and refocus everyone! Huggggs :)
    Good luck with your weekend Kris!
    Off to a concert tonight. Jumping around an screaming at the top of my lungs conta right!? Have a great night all :)
  • scaatynj
    scaatynj Posts: 51 Member

    My goals for this week are:
    1 - Eat more veggies
    2 - Exercise at least 100 mins on the stationary bike
    3 - Open and use the pilates DVD when it arrives this week

    Veggies, check! In addition to salad everyday had spinach 3 times, zucchini twice and stewed tomatoes once!
    100 min exercise check! Did the bike a min of 20min Sunday through today
    Pilates, have the DVD and plan to open it tomorrow! Drank too much wine tonight to replace my exercise calories to safely try it. OOPS!
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Today has not been a good day. I am having a mentally challenging day and I can't wait to crawl into bed and be over with it. I don't want anyone commenting on my food diary from today so I am not going to "complete food diary" today... it's just that kind of day.

    Exercising some of it off made me feel only marginally better. I need to find other avenues to deal with my emotions than eating (binging?)... exercise can't be a solution because it didn't help today.

  • scaatynj
    scaatynj Posts: 51 Member
    Just did 30 minutes of Pilates. All goals met - for this week :)