Hello everyone!

Hi, all!

I signed up for an account here around New Year's but haven't used it. I have had success the past couple months with weight loss ... I'm trying to figure out my plan of attack for the summer. I was going to do Weight Watcher (again) but decided that I would give MFP a try! :) I want an easy way to count calories and like the mobile option that is available. So I'm hoping that this will be a good option to keep on track.

Currently for exercise I am on week on of Chalean Extreme. Just trying to be persistent and move! Will be glad when/if summer ever comes ... which is questionable in Minnesota! ;)

Looking forward to chatting and looking for support here! Thanks! Kris :)


  • fitcrew
    fitcrew Posts: 67 Member
    You can do this!! I am a newbie as well and love MFP so far!! Its really keeping me accountable and on track! Your gonna love it! Good luck with your journey :)

    Its You vs You
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    I am new to the site as well. I love it so far. I have found most the people I have met on here very encouraging. Good luck on yoour goal. If you are looking for friend feel free to add me.
  • jnchorn
    jnchorn Posts: 250 Member
    Welcome. This site is very addictive. :) I am working on the 30 Day shred with Jillian plus 30 minutes of walking daily.