Vacation time fear...How can I deal?

Tomorrow I will starting a short vacation & I'm not really sure how to go about it...I'm being realistic I know I will be gaining some weight because  they're will be some drinking involved. I'm not planning on sitting much, going to some places, but, incorporating the workouts might take some time juggling because I usually workout on the elliptical at home, ride my bike or do a short jog .I also still plan to log my shameful as some might be, I know I can't have my cake & eat it too, but I'd like to get thru the vacation with minimal damage if possible. This will be the first time since I joined MFP that I go on vacation so I'm new as to what to do & my FEAR is a great weight gain. Can anyone share some tips or advice on how they get thru their vacations ?


  • Kimmie54
    Kimmie54 Posts: 23 Member
    I would say try to still be somewaht mindful of what you eat, at least for breakjast and lunch and stay as active as possible. I did that on my cruise last year and worked fairly well for me :) good luck!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I went camping with my boyfriend and his parents last summer. I had really just started this journey, was watching every piece of food I put in my mouth AND was working out 6-7 days a week. I knew that I wouldn't be able to really watch what I ate since they were providing the food and working out? Not possible. So, I went camping and tried not to worry about it. I ate what I wanted, walked a bunch and enjoyed myself for the week. (I don't drink, so drinking wasn't an issue). You know what? I came home from that week and I had dropped 5lbs.

    So. Go. Enjoy yourself. TRY and watch your portion sizes, but go ahead and enjoy your vacation. Log your food. And try not to worry.
  • fourbcrew
    fourbcrew Posts: 107 Member
    I see you do have a game plan and that's what important. Walking will help alot... Enjoy yourself and just try to make healthy choices...You can do it!!!:-)
  • fourbcrew
    fourbcrew Posts: 107 Member
    I see you do have a game plan and that's what important. Walking will help alot... Enjoy yourself and just try to make healthy choices...You can do it!!!:-)
  • fourbcrew
    fourbcrew Posts: 107 Member
    I see you do have a game plan and that's what important. Walking will help alot... Enjoy yourself and just try to make healthy choices...You can do it!!!:-)
  • mierla
    mierla Posts: 25
    Watch what you drink, work out how many calories in a glass of wine, beer or whatever you're having. Vodka with zero calorie lemonade is about 70 cals with 1 shot of vodka, a lot better than a 300cal medium/large glass of wine! It's also fizzy so you'll be full up after 2 glasses! I think white wine spritzers are low cal-ish too, and they'll have the same fizzy effect!
    Go for grilled fish and white meat as the main part of your meal rather than a salad- less likely to have high calorie dressings and keep you full longer.

    You've learnt over using MFP 'good' foods and 'bad' foods, just keep that in mind and don't think 'its a holiday, i deserve a treat' because you'll just gain! Good luck!
  • GettingThisDone100
    GettingThisDone100 Posts: 27 Member
    Last year when I went on vacation to Orlando my hubby asked me to take a break from EVERYTHING, counting, working out, everything. I thought he'd lost his mind, which I'm still not sure isn't completely true :laugh:
    But I did, since he is so supportive I figured I'd give him a week. I ate anything I wanted, still substituted something because ice cream on my pancakes just sounded wrong :noway:
    I enjoyed my time and didn't worry about it, got on the scale and lost 3lbs that week :noway:
    I don't drink but I love sweets and had my fill of dinning out. Good Luck with whatever you decide to do :flowerforyou:
    I'll be going on vacay soon again, and figured I'm gonna gain, but hope to maintain...either way I'm going to enjoy myself :blushing:
  • mierla
    mierla Posts: 25
    Watch what you drink, work out how many calories in a glass of wine, beer or whatever you're having. Vodka with zero calorie lemonade is about 70 cals with 1 shot of vodka, a lot better than a 300cal medium/large glass of wine! It's also fizzy so you'll be full up after 2 glasses! I think white wine spritzers are low cal-ish too, and they'll have the same fizzy effect!
    Go for grilled fish and white meat as the main part of your meal rather than a salad- less likely to have high calorie dressings and keep you full longer.

    You've learnt over using MFP 'good' foods and 'bad' foods, just keep that in mind and don't think 'its a holiday, i deserve a treat' because you'll just gain! Good luck!
  • mierla
    mierla Posts: 25
    Watch what you drink, work out how many calories in a glass of wine, beer or whatever you're having. Vodka with zero calorie lemonade is about 70 cals with 1 shot of vodka, a lot better than a 300cal medium/large glass of wine! It's also fizzy so you'll be full up after 2 glasses! I think white wine spritzers are low cal-ish too, and they'll have the same fizzy effect!
    Go for grilled fish and white meat as the main part of your meal rather than a salad- less likely to have high calorie dressings and keep you full longer.

    You've learnt over using MFP 'good' foods and 'bad' foods, just keep that in mind and don't think 'its a holiday, i deserve a treat' because you'll just gain! Good luck!
  • talysshade
    talysshade Posts: 273 Member
    Can't offer much more advice than what's already there. I AM on holiday right now and it's tough since for a change i'm not doing the cooking. But i ask everyday what they're planning on making and what i'm expecting to have for chips or drinks in the evening to even it out throughout the day. I even still had a good portion of french fries today, but still under my calorie goal due to my planning.

    Enjoy yourself and just keep track.. you'll do fine. (And if you come back and have gained a lot, remember it might also be a lot of waterweight retained from different food than usual)
  • mamijujuphat
    mamijujuphat Posts: 407 Member
    Thank you so much for your input.:smile: ...I appreciate it & I will take it into consideration....not to mention try to enjoy myself in moderation as some have pointed out:wink:
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I've never understood that saying "have your cake and eat it too." Why else would you have cake? Does anyone buy cake just to look at? Of course if I want cake I want to eat it. Duh.

    ...Anywho, don't sweat it Mami. Just have fun and do your best to not go too overboard. Have fun!
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    When I'm travelling, I pick one meal to splurge on (usually dinner & drinks), and then keep the others reasonable. I take Clif bars, apples, etc., with me, so that I have good things to munch on for breakfast. I also try to get in at least an hour or more of walking, if I can't make it to a gym or pool.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    You already have the knowledge tools to navigate your way around healthier food options. Since you'll be on vacation, the important thing is NOT to stress over every little thing. That's why you're on vacation in the first place, right? If you're going to restaurants and whatnot, ask them to prepare dishes to your liking. If that's not possible [I don't know why it wouldn't be], then seafood and/or chicken with veggies is always a good option. Log it in as best you can.

    If you're staying in a hotel, utilize their fitness room. If you're staying somewhere without the necessary equipment, since you already like jogging or running, waking up a bit early to go outside for a morning run might be nice. If you're out of outdoor options, do calisthenics like jumping jacks, running in place, lunges, squats, push-ups, knee thrusts, sit ups, etc. You don't need equipment to get your HR up.

    Above all else, just enjoy it. When you come back, get back on it like clockwork. Any gain will come off. It's not gonna be that big of a deal in the long run. "Eat it. Enjoy it. Log it. Love it. Lose it."
  • kelligonzales
    kelligonzales Posts: 391
    Number one because there is drinking involed you need to push the water cause drinking dehydrates the body, not to mention the salt from the food you'll be talked into eating. but it might do your body to get a little switch up it might boost your motabolism. Workout when you can, and enjoy yourself
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    ^^ What everyone else said, but just remember you're on vacation. Just try not to stress over it too much and enjoy your time. You've worked hard and deserve it.

    Just try to make the best decisions you can while not going overboard. You're already being very realistic with your expectations and that's a good first step. When you get back I'm sure you'll quickly drop whatever you gained while on vaca.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I've never understood that saying "have your cake and eat it too." Why else would you have cake? Does anyone buy cake just to look at? Of course if I want cake I want to eat it. Duh.

    ...Anywho, don't sweat it Mami. Just have fun and do your best to not go too overboard. Have fun!

    TOTALLY agree. I've always wondered where they saying comes from....seems ridiculous to me. ha

    My advice - vegetables and LOTS of water! Make sure that you get a salad with lunch and dinner. That's what I usually do. It helps me not over do it with the "bad stuff" while on vacation. I can still have dessert but usually only want a bite or two.
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    I've never understood that saying "have your cake and eat it too." Why else would you have cake? Does anyone buy cake just to look at? Of course if I want cake I want to eat it. Duh.

    lol i had the same thought when i was a kid. i always thought it should be "eat your cake and save it, too". in fact, that's how i still say it, even to this day.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I'm with the other who say just enjoy yourself. It's your vacation!! How many times a year do you get this opportunity? I know that when I go on vaca with my fam later this year, I'm not going to stress. I'm going to eat what I want, when I want. Then get back on track the next week. No big deal.

    EDIT: Whatever you do, just stay away from the regular soda. Get diet or zero with your meal (of course, water is preferable :) ) Even when I have a huge cheat meal with a desert and everything, I always get a diet soda with it. There's NO reason for an extra 200+ calories for a drink.
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    wherever you're goin on vacation there has to be some change to your daily habit. so log the walks the sight seeing the and try to see if there is a fitness facility to get a shrot workout in and damnit enjoy your time off girl! :)

    i mean are you goin camping? is there hiking involved? you goin to a hotel? is there a pool??

    find a way to make it fun and a part of the trip :)