Want to mingle mii's?

MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
Hi! I'm noticing a lot of us MFPalers have wii's. Is anyone interested in sending mii's to each other?? I looked up the directions, and they seem pretty easy. We could send each other our contact info in private messages (I wouldn't recommend posting here). If interested, please post your interest here and then we can all message each other.

Wii Friends

You can share Miis with all your friends using WiiConnect24. Just team up and follow these simple steps…

1. Enter each other’s Friend Code into your Wiis.
2. Make sure your Wii consoles are using WiiConnect24.
3. Select 'Wii Friend' from the Mii Plaza menu.
4. Drag a Mii into the envelope and select the friend you want to send it to.
5. Get mingling!

You can send up to 20 Miis a day. And in time, your Miis will also mingle with your friend's friends, and then with their friends! The more Wii Friends you have, the more your Miis can mingle.

Mii Parade

Miis love to travel. But you’ll need to help them on their way with these 3 easy steps:

1. Turn each Mii’s Mingle feature on by selecting ‘Mingle’ under the Mingle option.
2. Then turn on WiiConnect24 and register at least one Wii Friend.
3. Finally, go to Mii Parade and change the Travel Settings located in the Mii Channel to ‘Travel’.

That’s it! You’re all set. Before you know it, your Miis and your friends' Miis will all start appearing in each other’s Mii Parades.


  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    I would love to have my Mii do some mingling..... But my console isn't connected to the Internet- will have to look into how I do that. :smile:
  • ales1979
    ales1979 Posts: 269 Member
    Yay! I'd love to Mii Mingle :) You want to send me your 'friend code' in a PM? I'll send mine over to you tomorrow (when I have the Wii on for some Wii fit!) This will be FUN :)
    Ales xx
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Great!! I'll do this tomorrow as well. Have to remember how to get to my friend code. LOL

    Davali - easiest way is to connect to your wi fi if you have. If not, you can hardwire into it just like you do with computer. Once connected, you will probably have to set up a wii internet account, but it's free. See if you can test it out and get it running. Would love to add you!
  • ales1979
    ales1979 Posts: 269 Member
    Where do I enter the 'friend code' ?

    Is my code the 'registration number' for my Wii Console? The 16-didgit number?

    I'm a bit of a dummy at new tech sometimes lol! :laugh: