
alfie43 Posts: 3
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
how do i stop myself craving bad food such as cakes and biscuits?


  • talysshade
    talysshade Posts: 273 Member
    You don't.. If you like them, sadly you're going to crave them. The only thing you can do is learn to deal with them. Plan some space in your daily meals for just a little bit of that delicious snack you want. Or use it as a reward after an especially good achievement or work out.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I used to be a sugar-a-holic . . . chocolate, candies, everything. I actually had to go "cold-turkey" like when I quite smoking years ago to beat the constant cravings. It is proven that the more you have of these "empty calorie" items the more you will crave them . . . sadly it took me almost 2 months for the cravings to subside . . . that was almost a year ago that I did this "experiment" and guess what????? . . . . I absolutely no longer crave these things anymore . . . I haven't had chocolate or sweets in months and no longer crave them in the least.
    Short term pain for long term gain . . . . good luck!
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    It will take good 'ol will power... at first. Sugar is chemically addicting to your body. The more you eat, the more you want. I had to be ROCK hard about saying no to cookies, cakes, etc... for about 2-3 weeks. It was VERY hard, but after that, I stopped craving them.

    I will sometimes get a strong urge for some chocolate around TOM - I will sometimes let myself have one piece every once in a while. (Like one piece, once a month).

    Is it hard? Honestly, not anymore. Sugar is like a drug, once you can detox yourself from it, you won't miss it anymore. But I won't lie, those first few weeks are tough - you'll have to want your health and your figure more than anything in the world.

    To help yourself out:

    1) Throw out all sugary items in your house. Take 'em to the food pantry or something.
    2) Hang a tiny bikini on the door so you are reminded every time you leave the house what you are working towards.

    If I, the biggest chocoholic in the world, can do it. So can you!
  • Eating whole grains and protein help curb cravings for me. I find myself wanting ice cream after eating pizza, even though I'm not hungry because things like white bread turns into sugar in our bodies. That makes us crave more sugar. A diabetic friend refers to powdered sugar donuts as 'white heroin.' Have one for breakfast and you may crave sugar the rest of the day.

    When you have something like white bread or spaghetti sauce with sugar, pay attention to whether you get crave something sweet. I am curious what you find out.

    Friend me if you would like. Can use friends on this journey!
  • artist797
    artist797 Posts: 2
    I agree----eating foods with lots of added sugars is perhaps worse than consuming fats. Candy, ice cream, pastries, even some cereals with enough sugar will not satisfy your hunger but only drive you to consume more calories.
    I definitely agree with either going cold turkey or reducing the amount of sugars in your diet (with the exception of fruits) to get off of a "sugar addiction".
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