How can you cure a sweet tooth?



  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Like everyone is saying cut out sugar for about 2 weeks

    Also watch out for sugars in *real foods* there is a lot more of it there than you would think I was buying a tomato sauce w 9g sugar, I've found one brand of prepared sauce with 2g and or I'll get plain old tomato sauce in a can and doctor it up with spices 1g

    While I try to mind sugar. I love, love, love chocolate and refuse to eliminate that.
    Cocoa powder in coffee. (all the chocolate none of the sugar)
    Dark chocolate (usually the higher the cocoa content the less room for sugar, but always check)
    And my favorite fall back. Trader Joe's chocolaty cats, cookies for people They are lightly sweet, but very chocolatey

    Made a mistake last week and bought a box of Joe-joe's thinking I would be able to control myself and eat a few at a time, like I can with the cats. Oh baby was I wrong.
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    I have Weight Watchers Sweet Shop Favourites sweets - 35g box of boiled sweets for 83kcals a box = 1 pro plus point

    they are the ONLY sweets I have, and I only have 1 or 2 sweets every 2 or 3 days

    having to carry around a 300lb body for the last 5 years means i'm not lucky enough to have a sugary day and it majorly affecting me - for some who are already slim, they may put on a lb or 2 and still be slim - but for me, adding 1 or 2 lbs on to of what I already carry is enough to tip me too far into the infertile stage
  • rsqsquad05
    rsqsquad05 Posts: 125
    Well, it's encouraging that the cravings will stop, although I am skeptical :) I know myself and I don't think I can cold turkey the sweet additction as I have never had to watch what I eat before. I will start cutting it in half until its gone like several of you have suggested. Thanks for such a tremendous response, it took my mind off the craving and I opted for a better alternative. I didnt buy the snickers bar either, just in case you were wondering.
  • rsqsquad05
    rsqsquad05 Posts: 125
    I had no idea that weight can cause you to be infertile?! Good luck with your goals girl and thanks for the advice!
  • traceywaugh
    traceywaugh Posts: 144
    i am too a sugar addict. I have always struggled to keep a control on how much sugar i eat. After reading the other comments im going try and cut out sugary foods for a month see if it makes a difference
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    Agree that baby steps is the best way if you eat a lot of sugary food. Took me about six weeks to cut back to nothing, mind you I was eating several bags of crisps and a couple of chocolate bars a day. Now anything but good quality high in coco chocolate tastes far too sweet.