I am new and I have ?'s about trying to start running.

I started walk/run on a college track on Wed. I would walk a lap and then run a lap and I would do this for 2 miles. Today I couldn't run the a whole second lap. Is this too much for me? When will running get easier? I go at a really slow pace but I love it. Please any suggestions on how to make this easier! TY!


  • mamato2babes
    Try the C25K program (couch to 5K). You can google the plan online or there is even an app. for it!
  • bearinthebigbluehouse
    bearinthebigbluehouse Posts: 43 Member
    TY! I will look in to it!
  • monoxidechick
    monoxidechick Posts: 339
    I am sure that many people will suggest the c25k program, it starts off really slow with only 1 min of jogging at a time and over 9 weeks gets you running for 30 min at a time. It is so nice because it takes the guess work out of pushing forward and keeps you motivated. I am at the end of week 5 and will be running for my first 20 min without walking breaks today. I feel like I am ready to do this.

    You can find links online for a printable schedule or apps for an ipod or smartphone. Look for the free apps, they work the same as the pay ones.

    Congrats and Good luck and feel free to add if you want support, I am just starting my running journey also!!
  • Mando55
    Mando55 Posts: 140
    The more you do it the easier it will become. If you are new at running look into the Couch to 5k C25K program, google it. It's a great tool to help you start running. Make sure you listen to your body and take rest days. Also, you need to have the correct running shoes for the style of running you do. If you can, go to a running specialty store where the watch you run and recommend a shoe for your style. I lost most of my weight by running. It's addictive. I use Nike Plus for motivation too. If you have any questions ask away.
  • richiedbond
    richiedbond Posts: 58
    I just finished the couch to 5K program and it was awesome. A couple months ago I couldn't run half a mile and yesterday I ran 3 miles so it totally works. There are alot of people on here who have started groups for the C25K so if you are going to do it and need motivation you should try and find them. Add me if you need any help
  • biceptor
    biceptor Posts: 18
    here's a link to a nice program for runners starting to get back in the game, or for those that aren't used to running.


    take it for what it's worth, i hope it helps

    good luck!
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    *hand waves* Here's another advocate of the C25K program. It's good!
  • Mando55
    Mando55 Posts: 140
    I personally didn't do the C25K when I started running cause I didn't know about it. Wish I had. I've heard nothing but positive things about it though. I'm now starting to run again. Hurt my calf muscle when a dog jumped out and chased me. I took a bad step and pop my calf went. Good luck to you.
  • ysamatar
    ysamatar Posts: 484 Member
    I am trying to start to run too. I always wanted to run, infact the last time I ran was 20 years ago.
  • fiona408
    fiona408 Posts: 5 Member
    Another vote for C25K here...I just started week 5 today and it is such an amazing program. I never believed I would have progressed as much as I have!!
    Good luck!
  • morningmom
    morningmom Posts: 100
    bump for later
  • elizamc
    elizamc Posts: 285 Member
    Good for you! I really want to encourage you....

    I started to run at the end of February having never been a runner nor considered myself to be one, and especially being mid 50's with arthritis and chronic asthma . I had been 'power walking ' a 3mile road circuit for some weeks before a chance conversation with my Pilates teacher who really encouraged me to try it.

    I looked at the Couch25k programme but it was beyond me -no way could I start out by running for 2mins! I started walking 1.5-2mins and running for 30secs and over 2months I've increased the running by 15secs increments and now road run for 2mins and walk for a min on varying circuits of mostly 4miles. On the treadmill I can run for 2mins and walk for 45secs for 60mins and have managed 15mins straight with relative ease.I run and walk on alternate days.

    If I can do it - anyone can do it...and what a feeling of achievement it brings....I wish you every success!

    I'm happy to 'friend' you if you would like to add me.
