Start 30 day shred tomorrow (5/2)



  • katemarjoram
    katemarjoram Posts: 203
    Day 10 level 1 done. Today I was struggling not to vomit after being sick and in the emergency room yesterday. Am siting here now on the couch previewing level 2.

    My big news is that today I reached (and actually surpassed) my goal weight.
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member

    I finished Level 2 Day 2 tonight. I'm starting to get discouraged because even though I have been dedicated to this as well as getting the elliptical most evenings, I haven't lost any inches and my weight isn't dropping considerably (no more than the usual 1 pound a week). I am not expecting a miracle, but it's been almolst 2 weeks and I was hoping for a bit more.....:indifferent:

    On the positive side, when I was doing some of the cardio exercises tonight, my underwear kept falling down. :embarassed: There must be something happening!
  • alb_photog
    alb_photog Posts: 110 Member
    I started level 3 today.

    I've been doing 30DS along with running 3-4 miles OR 1/2 of workout 1 of 6 week 6 Pack Abs. I've lost 3 lbs, and I do feel like I'm starting to see definition.
  • katemarjoram
    katemarjoram Posts: 203
    Hang in there frats. I was at a plateau for about a month and it only started to shift this week.

    I just did day 1 of level 2. I did level 1 standing on the rug but today it kept bunching up under my feet so I think I might need to do level 2 on the tiles. I found those narrow squats with the v lift at the end really hard. On the upside I burnt 238 calories which is more than I did during any day of level 1.
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    Level 2 day 3 done! I find she is really making me sweat at this level. But my knees are hurting a lot less, which is fantastic!
  • alb_photog
    alb_photog Posts: 110 Member
    5 miles and level 3 done. Goodness I'm knackered!
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    Level 2 Day four done! I can't remember what they are called, walkout pushups, maybe? I don't care how flexable I become I don't think I will ever be able to get from the pushup back to touching my toes without bending my knees!
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    Level 2 Day 5 done!
  • katemarjoram
    katemarjoram Posts: 203
    Level 2 day 4 done. Nearly halfway. Tonight felt a little easier though I still hate those chair squats with the v-fly at the end.
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    Level 2 day 4 done. Nearly halfway. Tonight felt a little easier though I still hate those chair squats with the v-fly at the end.
    I can't do those! They rip my knees apart! I find that if I just squat and keep my legs still, and just do the v-lifts it is easier.
  • katemarjoram
    katemarjoram Posts: 203
    Level 2 day 4 done. Nearly halfway. Tonight felt a little easier though I still hate those chair squats with the v-fly at the end.
    I can't do those! They rip my knees apart! I find that if I just squat and keep my legs still, and just do the v-lifts it is easier.

    I might have to try that. I had been doing the combination move but on the second set I've been doing three or four combined squats/v-flies then giving my shoulders a break by doing a straight squat or two before then resuming the combination move.
  • katemarjoram
    katemarjoram Posts: 203
    So today will be day 15 for me (I missed last Wednesday after spending the night in the emergency room).

    I had my boyfriend do a few measurements for me last night because I couldn't wait until day 30. I don't appear to have lost anything off my waist or thighs, though these were probably two of my most toned areas to start with. I have, however, lost 1.5cms (0.6 inch) off my upper arm and 3 cms (1.2 inches) off my hips. Whoop whoop!!!!!
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    Fantastic. I took my waist and hips last night and havne't lost anything...:grumble: AND I haven't lost a pound :explode: ...Hopefully I just hit a plateau and will get over it soon!

    BUT, I am happy to hear that you are losing!
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    Level 2Day 6 DONE! I am past the 1/2 way mark!!!:bigsmile:
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    Level 2 Day 7 DONE!
  • katemarjoram
    katemarjoram Posts: 203
    Level 2 Day 7 DONE!

    Well done frats - 17 days without missing a workout. I am doing my 17th workout today - am thinking I might try and do a double workout on the weekend so I catch up, although with the time zone differences I think we'll end up finishing on the same day providing I don't miss any more days.
  • katemarjoram
    katemarjoram Posts: 203
    Day 7 Level 2 done and I got through without stopping or modifying anything although my second set of v-flies weren't quite at Natalie's standard.

    Previewed Level 3 - it looks intense but I'm keen to start it on Monday.

    I can now definitely feel a change in the shape of my hips and butt.
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    Day 8 Level 2 done. Those v lifts are KILLING me!

    The next few days are going to be bad for me. Tomorrow night I have a work thing and I don't know what time I will get home. Friday night I am going to see Bridesmaids:smooched: :bigsmile: and probably won't get home till late. I can get one catch up in Saturday morning, but we are having company for dinner Saturday, so I will probably drink red wine instead of being tortured by Jillian :drinker: Hopefully she will be able to forgive me!

    Level 3 won't be fun after taking all of that time off.......
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    I made it through Day 9 level 2 but I kind of cheated. I didn't get home until 8:30 and I wanted to watch Grey's Anatomy, so O fast forwarded through parts of the strength training...I know it shouldn't count but I counted it anyways!
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    I made it through Day 9 level 2 but I kind of cheated. I didn't get home until 8:30 and I wanted to watch Grey's Anatomy, so O fast forwarded through parts of the strength training...I know it shouldn't count but I counted it anyways!