mbowman323 challnage Week 2 weigh in



  • lbfrueh
    lbfrueh Posts: 87
    Sign In: #4
    MFP SN: BethanyCM
    Starting weight: 255lbs
    Weekly goal: Wasn't to bad
    Weight-loss: 8lbs.
    According to my scale i have 12 more pounds to go. I think my scale is lying just to make me feel better :P
    But Thats good! i worked so hard last week.
    Keep up the good work everyone!!
    My scales numbers are small...Oh well.

    Nice job! Now, what's your secret??????

    I walk up and down the mountain i live on(2 times a day) drink lots of water. and stop eating when Im full hahaa. and some yoga twice a day... (if im up for it.) thats pretty much it. but let me tell you..the mountain is a beast and i want to croak half way up in the beginning. Which is why i walk in the morning and at night, so no one can see me :P

    LOL!!! I guess I need to get me a mountain to croak on!! LOL! Still, nice job and I hope it keeps working for you!
  • OliveLucas
    OliveLucas Posts: 84
    Starting weight: 142.6
    Weight loss: 0.3 :embarassed:
  • Raven5287
    Raven5287 Posts: 31
    61 Raven5287

    Starting weight: 137

    Todays weight: 137 (birthday weekend... i was bad)

    Goal weight: 130

    Totally forgot about the mini challenge :(

    Will definatly be meeting this weeks challenge because I quit drinking soda along time ago.... dont miss it a bit!

  • mskatec22
    mskatec22 Posts: 138 Member
    cw:142.2 I lost 1 lb. boo.:grumble:
    I have 19lbs to go.
    I did not count my steps, but I bet I did an extra 500 everyday in workouts. This week's challenge should be easy. I rarely drink soda.
  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member
    8 Cccaroline starting weight 182lbs, loss of 3.4 lbs.
    I didn't count my steps but did several long walks so should have done it over the week. I don't drink soda so that won't be a problem!


    for some reason, It's not copying the right hand side of the photo. It should say 178.6lbs
  • lynenz
    lynenz Posts: 29
    Starting weight 143
    Current weight 140.8
    Goal weight 123
    I have lost 2.2 lbs! Yay! 17.8lbs to go!
    Didn't count my steps but I did a bit more running around (errands) this week so maybe I completed the mini challenge? Lol. Ive only been drinking water with lemon lately so this weeks mini challenge should be a breeze! :D
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    Your sign in number: 10
    Your MFP SN: crystal_sapphire
    Starting weight 160
    Weight loss 0
    Picture of the scale showing your current weight: i will get out ml camera for next week
    I only have _20_more pounds to loose to meet this goal!!
    I did bad on the mini challenge, but i look forward to this week's
  • dlrandolph
    dlrandolph Posts: 30
    Starting Weight: 185
    Current Weight: 180
    Goal Weight: 155
    I have 25lbs to go!
    Walked a lot at work, but didn't count steps

    I have lost overall, but I did gain in the past week. Didn't eat right or exercise due to long work hours, state surveyors arrived for a two day survey, travelled out of state, and husband got sick and had to go to ER. Just a really bad week. Now ready for a new week!

  • jules_02
    jules_02 Posts: 46 Member
    CW: 153.8
    Lost 0.6
    Forgot the picture part
    I only have 19.4 more pounds to loose to meet this goal!!
    I did great on the mini challange.
  • john9795
    john9795 Posts: 21
    #30 John9795
    Starting weight: 226.6
    Weight loss:2.8 pounds


    I only have 17.2 more lbs to go!!
    This weeks mini challange was I didnt do it.
  • jbconnelly
    jbconnelly Posts: 170 Member

    Your sign in number: 81
    Your MFP SN: jbconnelly
    Starting weight 229
    Weight loss 2.2
    I only have 17.8 more pounds to loose to meet this goal!
    I did not complete the mini challenge
  • Sarahcuda
    Sarahcuda Posts: 76
    65 Sarahcuda
    todays weight: 200

    Sorry... haven't figured out how to post a pic yet...

    This weeks mini challenge didn't really happen, I need to get a pedometer.... But this new challenge will be a cinch!
  • LCombs08
    LCombs08 Posts: 6 Member
    42 Ltarlton
    SW: 150
    -2 lbs!
    CW: 148
    GW: 130


    (I could NOT get it to load on here from Photobucket. I tried every code they gave me! Here is the direct link and I made it my profile pic LOL)
    I only have 18 more pounds to loose to meet this goal!!
    I try to take at least 10,000 steps a day. I met the minichallenge!! I gave up pop a LLOONNGG time ago! :)
  • myranda2888
    myranda2888 Posts: 69 Member
    Apparently my scale at home is three pounds off from the doctors scales and my workout scales from work, so I'm going to assume they're right, meaning my starting weight was different then posted before, but whichever one is counted doesn't matter to me.

    Sign #: 50
    MFP SN: Myranda2888
    Starting weight: 222
    Today's weight: 219
    Mini Challenge: I felt like I did great, I'm always up for a challenge:)

  • myranda2888
    myranda2888 Posts: 69 Member
    Oops, let's try this again. Sorry about this.

  • Katmela
    Katmela Posts: 21 Member
    Starting weight: 193 pounds
    Weight loss: 3.4 pounds
    I only have 16.6 more pounds to lose to meet this goal!!
    I did just okay on the mini challenge.

  • LCombs08
    LCombs08 Posts: 6 Member
    42 Ltarlton
    SW: 150
    -2 lbs!
    CW: 148
    GW: 130


    (I could NOT get it to load on here from Photobucket. I tried every code they gave me! Here is the direct link and I made it my profile pic LOL)
    I only have 18 more pounds to loose to meet this goal!!
    I try to take at least 10,000 steps a day. I met the minichallenge!! I gave up pop a LLOONNGG time ago! :)

    Sorry I made a typo! My SW was 151! I've lost 3 lbs!
    I have 17 lbs left!
  • dlrandolph
    dlrandolph Posts: 30
    After my husband insisting that I had not gained 8lbs over the weekend and reading other posts about digital scales (importance of weighing in the same area each time/level floor). I decided to re-weigh in...in my bathroom where I usually weigh and without clothes.This time my hubby snapped pic for me. Outcome: my weight stayed the same despite my bad weekend. I'm reposting my pic:


    Starting Weight; 185
    Current Weight: 171.4 (Starting weight for challenge)
    Challenge Weight by 6/21/11=151.4
    Goal Weight: 155
    I have 20lbs to go!
    Starting Weight: 185
    Current Weight: 180
    Goal Weight: 155
    I have 25 lbs to go!
    Walked a lot at work, but didn't count steps

    I have lost overall, but I did gain in the past week. Didn't eat right or exercise due to long work hours, state surveyors arrived for a two day survey, travelled out of state, and husband got sick and had to go to ER. Just a really bad week. Now ready for a new week!

  • Leslie2273
    Leslie2273 Posts: 152 Member
    4/25/11: 217 lbs
    05/02/11: 215 lbs (lost 2 lbs)
    I only have 18 more pounds to go to meet my goal!!
    I did 2.41 miles on the mini challenge.
  • swarla
    swarla Posts: 105 Member
    Starting weight--146.2
    Weight loss- 146.8; + .4
    GW: 130


    I am a little disappointed that I gained weight. Oh well, this week will be better!
    And I did ok on the mini challenge
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