Fasting after a "cheat" day?



  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    If I ever fasted, it certainly would not be as punishment either. I've only fasted a few times in my life (for religious reasons, primarily) and it felt so good to not have to think about food/calories for one day! A relief... and a nice exercise in discipline.
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    That is more a reflection of the amount of mis-information about fasting in the developed world. While if this behavior was a regular thing it might be an ED, but simply doing things this way are fine. I don't do that after a spike day because I don't want to turn fasting into a punishment. Instead intermittent fasting is a tool I choose to use.

    I agree with you here. I also agree with those who warn about fasting. For some people, it can really throw things out of whack. Anyone with blood sugar issues, anemia, etc, should avoid it.

    People fast for religious reasons as well, and I've done this several times without a negative impact. I think most people get uncomfortable with fasting because of how quickly those who are obsessed with weight loss will sometimes take an idea, such as fasting once a month, and run it into the extreme, such as fasting four times a week.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I can understand the idea, but it seems like that mentality could easily turn into an eating disorder. I have fasted before, and hated it. I would much rather go back to a normal schedule after a cheat day.
  • Anidorie
    Anidorie Posts: 291 Member
    if i ave a really bad day of food, i skip the next day of food or the next two days and maybe the next three.
  • elsll
    elsll Posts: 14 Member
    I didn't read all the posts, but I did this a few weeks ago (no one had suggested it, I was just trying to "make up" for falling off the wagon). I got very lightheaded and even felt close to nausea by the next morning. It was severe enough I didn't feel safe to drive, and had to call into work. It took a pretty good sized breakfast and lunch to get me close to feeling normal again.

    I didn't have anything checked out, but it had to be something of a blood sugar swing or something similar. I will NOT do it again, as obviously I cannot tolerate it. Many cultures fast regularly and religiously (double meaning there, lol) and they seem to tolerate it, but it's definitely not for everyone. My advice is to proceed with caution. I now know that if I "cheat" then I have to live with it...
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I don't think bingeing (which is what a cheat day CAN be) and then starving yourself the next day is a very healthy way of losing weight. If you want to have a cheat day - fine. Go ahead and do it. But, don't neglect to feed your body the next day. Go back to the way you normally eat and move on.

    I wouldn't binge and then fast, binge and then fast. It isn't healthy. Plus, with my blood sugar fasting would make me incredibly sick. Heck, I have a hard time fasting when I have to have surgery or whatever. It's really hard on me. My body much prefers a constant stream of food coming in.
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    I don't think bingeing (which is what a cheat day CAN be) and then starving yourself the next day is a very healthy way of losing weight. If you want to have a cheat day - fine. Go ahead and do it. But, don't neglect to feed your body the next day. Go back to the way you normally eat and move on.

    I wouldn't binge and then fast, binge and then fast. It isn't healthy. Plus, with my blood sugar fasting would make me incredibly sick. Heck, I have a hard time fasting when I have to have surgery or whatever. It's really hard on me. My body much prefers a constant stream of food coming in.

    I totally agree with you. If you are going to "cheat" one day then just cheat, then move on. One day in the scheme of things isn't that bad anyway.
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    When you fast, the idea is to eat your preceding meal to prepare for your fast. If you binge, this is not happening, you eat unhealthily and you'll notice it when you fast. Fasting should be as easy as possible and that is only going to happen if you prepare well. So, last meal, a light one, protein, good vegetables, leafy greens, some vegetable juice perhaps, and that's it. Certainly not a binge that needs to be off-set by fasting.

    I see people here describe fasting as "weird" or "unnatural". It isn't, but bingeing one day and fasting the next is not the way.
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    The "smartest" thing to do is after a cheat / overeat / just didn't care day is to get back to your normal routine the next day. Everyone has heard that anything under 1200 and your body goes into survival mode.

    No it doesn't.
  • kimbirdy
    kimbirdy Posts: 2 Member
    Just exercise a little bit more than you usually do for the next few days (but of course don't eat more to compensate for the calories burned on those days). Extremes of any kind are generally a bad call, in my experience.

    Also, the whole idea of having a binge day kind of goes against the whole healthy lifestyle change idea. Why continue binging? Why feed that dragon? Just forgive yourself, exercise a little more, and move on. Try not to do it again and remember that you are still a good person. We all eat too much from time to time. That's what happens in the western culture.
  • jordanlell
    jordanlell Posts: 340 Member
    I don't care if it's healthy or unhealthy--or if it involves getting to eat everything in the world in one day-- nothing but veggie juice and water for a whole day sounds like torture to me. I tried eating nothing but raw fruits and veggies on this crazy body cleanse that I thought I'd try, and it was awful. I lasted a day, and I was sooooo hungry.
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    I don't care if it's healthy or unhealthy--or if it involves getting to eat everything in the world in one day-- nothing but veggie juice and water for a whole day sounds like torture to me. I tried eating nothing but raw fruits and veggies on this crazy body cleanse that I thought I'd try, and it was awful. I lasted a day, and I was sooooo hungry.

    yes, because you were spiking your insulin all the time. fasting means: no food intake, only water.
  • jordanlell
    jordanlell Posts: 340 Member
    I was supposed to do that "cleanse" thing for a week, and I don't need any scientific evidence to tell me it was a bad idea. That was pre-MFP, and this has been a much, much better experience! And much more effective.
  • maurilax
    maurilax Posts: 51 Member
    Fasting for a day does not have to be unhealthy.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    We are naturally designed to be able to handle "famine" for some periods of time. 15-24 hours without food is not unhealthy, and if anything, will actually improve your blood sugar levels and cholesterol. Side note: applies to normal, healthy adults.

    Fasting is easier, however, when you start a 24 hour fast with a filling, healthful meal complete with a good protein and fat source. Satiety is key. Don't expect to shovel a big bowl of pasta and dessert down your gullet and last for 24 hours drinking nothing but water. If you do, well then, kudos to your outstanding willpower.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    I've heard of water and lemon fasts, but wouldn't try it. I just don't have the will power for it. :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    I actually do that to a degree, but I dont fast. My wife and I go out and eat a good bit. Most of the time I'm able to get something reasonable and keep it in the calorie range. About once a month I just get whatever I want, then for the next day or two just make sure to eat only 1200 calories. The way I figure I'm still making up for the 'cheat' a bit, but I'm also getting the minimum requirement.

    Who knows what's best or not, I certainly dont. I'm basically just winging this thing. So long as the lbs keep coming off I figure it's working.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Might also want to distinguish here between "fad" fasts extending beyond 24 hours and utilizing liquid calorie (sugar) sources in the form of juice and intermittent fasts ranging from 16-36 hours with no calorie consumption.
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    I don't fast after a "cheat" day [which I don't like to call them cheat days, either] but I watch what I eat. I was HORRIBLE yesterday [in fact, I was pretty bad all last week to be truthful] and today I'm drinking lots of chai [sans milk], had a bit of granola for breakfast, will be having salad for lunch and dinner. I'm also trying to get in at least 80oz of water.

    I don't like thinking I have to punish myself for a day where I get off track. I'm human, I make mistakes. Sometimes I just want to enjoy fatty food, and it was Mother's day, I was celebrating with family!

    People are always going to be pro or anti something, you have to do your research and decide what you want to do for yourself to be healthy, or as healthy as you can be.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    read this

    I have been doing LG 16/8 for 6 weeks with good strength gains, same body weight and decreased skinfold measurements (aka BF%). Working well for me. Previously, I was a 5-6 meals a day guy.
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