Needing some help and encouragement!

So I started this site a couple months ago and I was doing pretty well but I've fallen back into my old habits since I've been so busy. I'm a senior in college and graduate in a matter of days so I thought this summer would be perfect to concentrate on my diet and exercise. I'm also a chef so it's hard to stick to a strict diet. I'm just looking for any new friends and/or advice! I love listening to every ones stories and hearing how successful they are when sticking to being healthy. I hope to do the same :)


  • abaker768
    abaker768 Posts: 79 Member
    Keep your head up girl!!!!! I'm stuggling with work, school, family, everything!!! I'm not a chef, but I do cook a lot and tend to OVER cook and taste EVERYTHING!!!! Feel free to add me if you want to!!!! I like to quote a favorite movie quote of mine, "Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming........ "
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Feel free to add me. Being a fairly good cook myself I find it a great challenge to make up new recipes that meet my current caloric needs and satisfy. If I want to do my decadent stuff I make sure it is something I have to take "whole" to work. I have an Almond Roca cookie that is totally dangerous for me to make but I can get by with the pecan pie bars cause they are a "whole" pan of temptation..weird I know.
  • kiisha_11
    kiisha_11 Posts: 55
    Keep your head up & Stay Positive. You Can Do It!
  • dgard77
    dgard77 Posts: 3 Member
    I actually just signed up today and I understand what you mean. This is the entire reason I signed up, so that I could find people to connect with that understand. I am good for awhile and then something clicks and I fall off. This time I swear that I am going to do this. My family is wonderful, but they do not understand. My husband is always telling me I am beautiful, but I don't feel that way.

    I have found in the past that visual aides work best for me. I take pictures of myself along the way, so that when I start to slip I can look at those old "fat pictures" and think OMG I do not want to look like that again. This seems to set me back on my path. I actually carry a few of them around with me. Plus when I go to try on clothes in a dressing room I can pull them out and think WOW did I look like that cuz now I look GOOD.

    Please message me any time you need a pick me up because things together are much easier than things alone.
    I learned a new quote the other day and it has stuck with me and I am using it as my mantra.
    "if it is to be it is up to me !" these are the 10 most powerful 2 letter words in the American Alphabet.

    I hope that something I have said will help you out. Just think being a chef you will be able to help teach other people how to cook and make it taste good and be good for you! maybe you could start with me - because I am NOT a good cook! :)
    Good Luck to you !
  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 411 Member
    Welcome! I can totally relate. I'm a few weeks into culinary school, and it's a totally different experience with food as opposed to just cooking all my meals at home. Being surrounded by food all day can really be challenging, but I'm finding ways to sample products and limit my intake each and every day. Feel free to add me, and I'm sure we can push forward together!
  • dgard77
    dgard77 Posts: 3 Member
    Love Dory - I may have to borrow that quote too!
  • AprilMLowe
    AprilMLowe Posts: 447 Member
    Hi I am graduating from Culinary school in a few days to! I hear you about being a chef and food being an enemy! I am a pastry chef and sugar is my worst enemy! I would love to be your pal and help each other out in weightloss! Maybe we can share recipes or cooking ideas.

    :smile: April
  • beeizzy
    beeizzy Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am new to the group and am happy to be here.
  • LisaMariaCallow
    I joined about a month ago-this has been an amazing site!! I've always been a fan of food journaling so this was right up my alley! Don't get discouraged, just take 1 day at a time, and know that you have a "family" of supporters on here...friend me @ LisaMariaCallow!! Good luck!! You can do it!!:smile