SAHM 5/2 - 5/8



  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Shoppie~I miss that stage of baby. I LOVE babies. As everyone can tell since I have soo many children. :laugh:

    KC~I love to see loss on the scale but love to see it in the measurements even more. Hope you see a good size loss.

    Well got to get very busy today. Went to the zoo on a field trip today and so of course the kids have been going crazy form that and I still haven't done my 2 hours today of cleaning the school.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Where is everyone? The last post was posted 2 days ago....Must be busy?

    Not a lot going on here, just checking in. My little guy is on day 3 of learning to walk on his own, and he's doing pretty good. He goes in on Monday for his 1 year check up. That would be pretty cool if he walked in to his appt :smile:

    Not a lot going on this weekend either. I think we're just going to stay at home and hopefully pray for a quiet non stressing day on Sunday (Let's see what the inlaws have planned)

    Will be checking in later. Have a good day, ladies!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    I haven't worked out once this week, I'm exhausted from last week's party prep and R's sleep patterns have changed completely. She hasn't nursed at night for a WEEK now (yaaaaaay), but she's getting up much earlier for the day and I haven't adjusted. We're also struggling with naps. She used to sleep 12 hours over night with one night nurse, then took a 3 hour nap in the middle of the day. Now she's only sleeping 9-10 hours at night, needing her nap WAY earlier, and then taking a catnap on the couch around 4, which is too late, it effects bedtime. Ahhhhh. Oh well, we'll figure it out, eventually.

    I lost 1.6 lbs despite not working out and cheating more than usual. I was nabbing a cracker or a few nuts here and there without logging them, which I never do. Yet lost more than I have in 2-3 weeks. Whatever. Halfway there!
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey Ladies! I know, it's been dead on here for the past couple of days. We've been busy building a deck on the back of our house..eating alright, staying moving...hope everyone has a good weeked!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Good morning, ladies!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    This weekend will be like no other, just do whatever comes along. I'm going to go get some cleaning/organizing done while waiting to see if hubby is coming home. We're not doing anything for Mother's day until the weekend of the 20th.....we have our 5 year anniversary coming up and we just decided to celebrate both, we do it on one weekend instead of 2 weekends in a row, Mother's day this weekend and our anniversary is next weekend.

    I'm off for now. Will check back in later. Have a good Saturday! :happy:
  • htuzzi324
    htuzzi324 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm new to MFP and to being a SAHM. My son Patrick is 4 weeks old, and I'm looking to get back into my pre-pregnancy clothes, since I hate living in sweats and baggy shirts. I try and do a bit of walking everyday, and have started to try and make healthy food choices for myself, though that is hard when I live with a meat and potatoes kind of guy. I've restarted my daily yoga routine, and I'm anxiously waiting for my 6-week appointment so I can be cleared to go back to the gym and start really working out again.
    Nice to meet you all!
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Barb-Sounds like a good plan! We like to combine celebrations too, except for our birthdays. :smile:

    Wildcat-That's great! You weren't in a plateau before, were you?

    KC-Woohoo for a new deck!!

    Welcome htuzzi!!

    We have been pretty busy around here too. Today DH actually had the day off AND it was nice so we did yard work. (We also celebrated mother's day and he let me sleep until 8:45am!!) He mowed the lawn for the first time and I planted flower bulbs (that have been sitting in a closet for two years!) and we pulled out some dead bushes surrounding the telephone pole out front. My plan is to pick up some soil and plant crocuses and sunflowers. I may buy some wildflower seeds for the in between time, but I don't want to plant too many flowers out there. :laugh: I also planted some spinach in a spot where I pulled up a plant that began taking over my raised flower bed. Later in the day we went to a picnic at a park, went for a walk when we came home, and ran around with the kids. We were ouside from about 10am-7pm. Can't wait to be outside all day again tomorrow!! I hope everyone else had a great Saturday, and happy mother's day to everyone for tomorrow!!!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member

    Wildcat-That's great! You weren't in a plateau before, were you?

    Oh I went back and forth between 17 and 18 lbs lost for a month or so? Maybe longer. I was really close to 20 lbs lost at the end of March and should have made it easy by mid-April. It totally didn't happen. I increased my calories about 2 weeks ago, maybe that's finally catching up to me :happy:

    Technically it's after midnight, so happy mother's day mamas!! :flowerforyou: We're meeting my parents' at a halfway point for lunch tomorrow, I'm excited for amazing seafood!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    My eating has been awful the last few days - it was DH's birthday and I have basically not had meals, just cake :noway: My DD's operation is tomorrow and I'm really stressed about it so have decided to just leave it until that is out of the way.

    Happy mothering sunday all those who have it today (not me!)
  • AngelaLVGJN
    AngelaLVGJN Posts: 39 Member
    Happy Mother's Day! We are finally getting some sun here in Ohio! I really need more sun! After moving from Nevada and California to Ohio, it has been a big change! I miss being outside with the sun. Had a good weekend camping here, despite the rain! Luckily, we have a trailer, so we can hang out in there if we need to. We love to camp even in bad weather, because it forces us to get away from our computers and spend even more time with our kids just playing and enjoying them.

    Shoppie - sending good thoughts and prayers for your DD's operation tomorrow. Hang in there and good luck!

    Wildcat - Congrats on the loss!

    Barb - enjoy your celebration next weekend! Sounds like you have a perfect plan!

    Nicole - your garden sounds wonderful. I haven't had time/energy to plant one for a couple of years! We are doing some tomatoes this year, but that is all. Hopefully next year we will put in a full garden!

    htuzzi - Welcome to the group and to being a SAHM!

    Hope you all have a wonderful next few days!
