
Is anyone taking any supplements to help them lose weight? If so, what are you using and are they working?


  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    I don't take anything to help me lose weight, but I take a general multi-vitamin as well as 6,000mg Flaxseed Oil and 6,000mg Omega 3 Fish Oil daily. All are good to take for regular health.
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    I take B-6 and B100's for metabolism and energy
  • Jeanet69
    Jeanet69 Posts: 19
    Hi. I would suggest to talk to your physician before taking certain supplements for weight loss. Certain illness can be aggravated or become worse if if your taking these supplements.
  • Kaldrmjolka
    Kaldrmjolka Posts: 86
    B12 for metabolism, a green tea extract pill for energy that helps burn fat (right before exercising), and an acai berry supplement instead of the 100 calorie juice option (taken when I eat) to suppress hunger urges, all that good stuff. None of the pills I take promise to make my fat vanish but they help me little at a time.

    That and I drink a detox tea with my green tea (replaced coffee with tea) every now and then, just helps cleans your system and tastes pretty good mixed with the pomegranate green tea.