May 30DS Group :) :)



  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I got to day 6 and hurt my ankle :-( I rolled it during the warm up on level 2 and it has been severly swollen for two days :-( Hope I can jump back in soon.
  • JessieAnneMarie
    Oh boy! I did day 7 today! I skipped a day so I should be on day 8.. :/!! Im on level 2 and plan on doing this for another week:) How is everyone else doing with 30DS!!
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    Hello! I just noticed this thread and thought I would chime in....I just finished level 2 and getting ready to start level 3 tomorrow. Hoping it's not even harder than level 2. Though I am getting used to it and not as sore as I was in the beginning, level 2 is definitely more intense of a workout than level one was. I have lost 2 inches already since starting the 30 Day Shred just 3 weeks ago. An inch off my waist and an inch off my!
  • JessieAnneMarie
    That is awesome!! keep up the good work! I havne't measured myself since I started but that was only a week ago! I just started level 2.. have you lost any weight? Or have you not weighed yourself since you started!! good luck! We can keep eachother motivated!