What do you think?

funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss

Atleast for this week. I'm not logging my calories. I don't know if I'll even be logging in! There goes my 370 day perfect attendance "record," lol. I tried to starve myself today. I made it until 7:30pm on a cup of coffee, a small package of freeze-dried pear slices, a sugar free popsicle, and a large diet coke. Then, my hands started shaking. My vision blurred. I think I might have lost consciousness for a few minutes. I was in the movie theater, pretending to watch Fast Five... I don't even remember the movie. All I can remember is thinking to myself, "I am strong. I am strong. I can do this."

I can't do it. I'm scaring myself. I bummed money off my dad and stumbled out to the snack bar. Two hot dogs with ketchup and relish. Afterwards, we went to publix (grocery store) and I got a chocolate chip cookie sandwich. You know, two chocolate chip cookies with like 2 inches of icing in between. I don't care at this point. I'm not shaking anymore. Thank God.

I'll tell you the truth. I was planning on eating only 600 calories tomorrow even after starving myself for a day. Then I was going to eat 700 the next; I planned on increasing my goal by 100 everyday until I got back up to 1200. I had this idea that starving myself would retrain my stomach to eat like a normal skinny girl... Whatever that means.

Now, I've decided to stop counting calories for the next week. While at the grocery store, I picked out some things that I normally don't get because of my calorie restrictions. I got cliff bars, INDIVIDUAL servings of peanut butter, sushi for lunch tomorrow. :) I'm scared. I'm really nervous about this. I'm going to listen to my body. Eat when I hungry, stop when I'm full.

Rules for this upcoming week:
1. 8 glasses of water a day. If I'm not going to track calories, I'm going to track water. I NEED more!
2. If I go out to eat with the family, I shall eat whatever I want...from the kids menu (or get something from a low cal menu). Kids meals are normally the right serving size.
3. If I want a desert, I have to share!
4. I can only have something really junkie every other day. This includes candy, cake, french fries, cookies, etc. Only ONE serving of this junk too!
5. The rest of the time I'm to eat healthy. (My dad's making fresh cherry tomato and black olive salad tomorrow for dinner. This is acceptable!)
7. Exercise every night, 30 minutes minimum! Don't wear HRM. There's no need to stress about those calories either.

What do you guys think? Any rules I should add? Yes, I want to keep the junk food rule. I'll totally blow it if I don't allow myself some junk. I want to eat like a normal teenager -- french fries and pizza every now and then.


  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I don't think you need rules, I think you need to relax. You've been a member here for over a year, you should have some good habits by now. Eat generally healthy foods, but don't be afraid to indulge, especially if you're exercising. I can pretty much guarantee that you aren't going to count calories for the rest of your life, so let go of that control for a little bit. Don't go crazy, but don't be so strict. Don't think about your weight, being skinny, etc. Just live your life and be happy. Give yourself some freedom.
  • holly0623
    holly0623 Posts: 66
    I really don't think you need anyones approval on here. If you feel like you need to do something for yourself that is going to help you, then do it. We are all here for you, but no one is going to give you a magic answer on what you should do. Do what you need to do (:
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I really don't think you need anyones approval on here. If you feel like you need to do something for yourself that is going to help you, then do it. We are all here for you, but no one is going to give you a magic answer on what you should do. Do what you need to do (:

    I'm an approval junkie. :blushing: :blushing:
  • joyfoolous
    joyfoolous Posts: 22 Member
    I understand the approval thing, I feel that need too a lot. But the thing with dieting is that you can't limit yourself to muhc, and you cant over do it. I think you are never supposed to go below 1000 calories, and thats pushing it because most sites say 1200, including this i think...good luck! Maybe you could also try dieting on the weekdays and eating what you want on weekends?
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Do you really want to know what we think? Ok, you asked. Life is not a set of rules. It took me 45 years of failed diets, gastric bypass and a slew of other things to realize life is not "all or nothing." If you want to succeed, you need to relax and take an "everything in moderation" attitude. If you try to deprive yourself of anything, you're just going to end up eating other things first, and then break down and eat whatever you were craving (whereas, if you had just let yourself have what you wanted, you could have had a bite or 2 and been fine).

    What rules do you need?

    1. Come to MFP and log what you eat.
    2. Keep at or close to your "net" calories
    3. Exercise
    3. Don't forget to eat back your exercise calories

    If you haven't learned this in the 300 days you've been coming here, and by already losing the 127 lbs, I'm not sure anything we say here can help you "get it."

    Take it from someone who has been there - if you travel the road you are heading down... YOU WILL GAIN ALL YOUR WEIGHT BACK.

    *Sorry, blunt but honest.*
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    I don't think you need rules, I think you need to relax. You've been a member here for over a year, you should have some good habits by now. Eat generally healthy foods, but don't be afraid to indulge, especially if you're exercising. I can pretty much guarantee that you aren't going to count calories for the rest of your life, so let go of that control for a little bit. Don't go crazy, but don't be so strict. Don't think about your weight, being skinny, etc. Just live your life and be happy. Give yourself some freedom.

    I totally agree! Be a teenager, You know what is working for you! stop obesessing! You have been an inspiration to us! So go and live your new life with your new body. Take all the things you have learned and apply them.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Do you really want to know what we think? Ok, you asked. Life is not a set of rules. It took me 45 years of failed diets, gastric bypass and a slew of other things to realize life is not "all or nothing." If you want to succeed, you need to relax and take an "everything in moderation" attitude. If you try to deprive yourself of anything, you're just going to end up eating other things first, and then break down and eat whatever you were craving (whereas, if you had just let yourself have what you wanted, you could have had a bite or 2 and been fine).

    What rules do you need?

    1. Come to MFP and log what you eat.
    2. Keep at or close to your "net" calories
    3. Exercise
    3. Don't forget to eat back your exercise calories

    If you haven't learned this in the 300 days you've been coming here, and by already losing the 127 lbs, I'm not sure anything we say here can help you "get it."

    Take it from someone who has been there - if you travel the road you are heading down... YOU WILL GAIN ALL YOUR WEIGHT BACK.

    *Sorry, blunt but honest.*

    Sorry, but I've been really struggling lately. Counting calories is stressing me out, and I've been purposely starving myself. My parents think I developed an eating disorder. I don't know what else to do.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I am going to agree with your parents on that, you do sound like you have an eating disorder, you do not need to starve yourself to lose weight, I am living proof of that as are many whom I have helped on here time and again, you have a very damaged view on eating and trusting food, you do not need approval, what you need is someone to take you under their wing and train you to live a healthy lifestyle develop a healthy body image and learn that there is a better path. I have done this more times than I care to count for several ppl on here and continue to work with many more ppl on here. My advice is to get back to basics, keep things simple and stop stressing about it. You can do this and be happy with how you look and be very healthy.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Do you really want to know what we think? Ok, you asked. Life is not a set of rules. It took me 45 years of failed diets, gastric bypass and a slew of other things to realize life is not "all or nothing." If you want to succeed, you need to relax and take an "everything in moderation" attitude. If you try to deprive yourself of anything, you're just going to end up eating other things first, and then break down and eat whatever you were craving (whereas, if you had just let yourself have what you wanted, you could have had a bite or 2 and been fine).

    What rules do you need?

    1. Come to MFP and log what you eat.
    2. Keep at or close to your "net" calories
    3. Exercise
    3. Don't forget to eat back your exercise calories

    If you haven't learned this in the 300 days you've been coming here, and by already losing the 127 lbs, I'm not sure anything we say here can help you "get it."

    Take it from someone who has been there - if you travel the road you are heading down... YOU WILL GAIN ALL YOUR WEIGHT BACK.

    *Sorry, blunt but honest.*

    Sorry, but I've been really struggling lately. Counting calories is stressing me out, and I've been purposely starving myself. My parents think I developed an eating disorder. I don't know what else to do.

    I know how you feel. A while back counting calories just got to be too much for me when combined with all the other things I was dealing with. I stopped logging my foods and didn't worry about my calories since I knew I had good eating habits. I know portion sizes and I only eat when I'm hungry. As soon as I stopped counting everything I felt a huge weight was lifted, I just felt so much better. (Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get to the gym often so I didn't end up losing any weight, but I didn't gain any either. I can't eat fewer than 1400 calories if I want to lose so exercise is incredibly important to my weight loss. If I don't exercise, I don't lose.)

    If the counting is causing you stress, take a break. Just give yourself time off and don't worry about it. Maintain healthy eating and exercise habits, indulge when you need to. (We all need to now and then!) Don't worry about weighing in for a little while either. Don't give up on your goals, but just allow yourself time to focus on school, friends, having fun. Trying to lose weight is definitely stressful. You've done a great job so far and you will continue to do the same great job. But you have to take breaks, you have to relax, and most importantly, you have to eat!
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    Do you really want to know what we think? Ok, you asked. Life is not a set of rules. It took me 45 years of failed diets, gastric bypass and a slew of other things to realize life is not "all or nothing." If you want to succeed, you need to relax and take an "everything in moderation" attitude. If you try to deprive yourself of anything, you're just going to end up eating other things first, and then break down and eat whatever you were craving (whereas, if you had just let yourself have what you wanted, you could have had a bite or 2 and been fine).

    What rules do you need?

    1. Come to MFP and log what you eat.
    2. Keep at or close to your "net" calories
    3. Exercise
    3. Don't forget to eat back your exercise calories

    If you haven't learned this in the 300 days you've been coming here, and by already losing the 127 lbs, I'm not sure anything we say here can help you "get it."

    Take it from someone who has been there - if you travel the road you are heading down... YOU WILL GAIN ALL YOUR WEIGHT BACK.

    *Sorry, blunt but honest.*

    Sorry, but I've been really struggling lately. Counting calories is stressing me out, and I've been purposely starving myself. My parents think I developed an eating disorder. I don't know what else to do.

    Girly, you've done wonderfully so far!

    From my perspective, I agree about still keeping a general mental figure of calories consumed, even if you're not actually logging it on MFP, since you are still working towards a goal. You've been doing this for so long, it should be second nature by now, so you know how to keep yourself in check... even if it's subconsciously! That has been my success for maintenance, yet while losing, I was very rigid and it took some time to find that balance. So, if your family is cooking something calorie ridden, have a small serving, and load up on low calorie foods to keep you feeling full/satisfied (lean protein & green leafy veggies) throughout the day. EAT & LIVE MINDFULLY :flowerforyou:
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    You've received great advice thus far just wanted to throw in my support.
  • angeljamin
    angeljamin Posts: 234 Member

    Sorry, but I've been really struggling lately. Counting calories is stressing me out, and I've been purposely starving myself. My parents think I developed an eating disorder. I don't know what else to do.

    Sweetheart, you are beautiful regardless of your weight. From reading your post and study various eating disorders I'm afraid that your parents might be right. Maybe you can ask for their help? I will keep you in my positive thoughts. I believe that you know what is right and as a smart girl, which you clearly are, you will make the right choices :heart:
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    When I followed body for life back in 2007, I didn't count a single calorie. I just followed the plan of eating a serving of lean protein, and a serving of healthy carbs, five to six times a day with at least 2 servings of vegetables a day. Exercised 6 days a week, and lost 40 lbs in 6 months. You don't need to count calories if you eat the right foods. I even had a free day once a week, where I usually binged on junk, but I kept to the plan reliigiously.

    If calorie counting is stressing you, there are ways to still lose weight without counting them. Good luck.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Take it from someone who has been there - if you travel the road you are heading down... YOU WILL GAIN ALL YOUR WEIGHT BACK.

    *Sorry, blunt but honest.*

  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    Do you really want to know what we think? Ok, you asked. Life is not a set of rules. It took me 45 years of failed diets, gastric bypass and a slew of other things to realize life is not "all or nothing." If you want to succeed, you need to relax and take an "everything in moderation" attitude. If you try to deprive yourself of anything, you're just going to end up eating other things first, and then break down and eat whatever you were craving (whereas, if you had just let yourself have what you wanted, you could have had a bite or 2 and been fine).

    What rules do you need?

    1. Come to MFP and log what you eat.
    2. Keep at or close to your "net" calories
    3. Exercise
    3. Don't forget to eat back your exercise calories

    If you haven't learned this in the 300 days you've been coming here, and by already losing the 127 lbs, I'm not sure anything we say here can help you "get it."

    Take it from someone who has been there - if you travel the road you are heading down... YOU WILL GAIN ALL YOUR WEIGHT BACK.

    *Sorry, blunt but honest.*

    Sorry, but I've been really struggling lately. Counting calories is stressing me out, and I've been purposely starving myself. My parents think I developed an eating disorder. I don't know what else to do.
    Based on nothing but your post, I agree with your parents. Starving yourself and obsession so much about how little you can put in your body are HUGE red flags. Now I am not saying you have an eating disorder yet, but that you may be heading down that path if you don't make some huge changes right now. I don't mean this is in a snarky or mean way at all, but have you seen or are you seeing a therapist? If you are not, that is something you may want to look into. No shame in that game, I have seen one for my eating issues as well (mine are of the compulsive overeating variety though).
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