newcomer question

Hey everyone! I am new to this site (currently using another site as well) and while trying this out for a day I already have questions about my "daily summary". First off, it started at calories remaining and stated it was at 1220, after i logged my meals and exercise for the day it stated i had 3134 calories remaining with a net of -1914. I was unsure what this meant and was curious if anyone could maybe explain this to me... it would be of the utmost help and appreciation! thank you!


  • JennaLee1486
    JennaLee1486 Posts: 101 Member
    MFP gives you back your exercise calories to eat. If you burn 1000, you can eat an extra 1000 and still hit your goal. What I do is make sure I eat a minimum of 1200 calories, and I eat back about half of my calories from exercise. You do need to eat a little more if you exercise a lot in my opinion. Just look at your food calories and see what you have for that number. The net is when your exercise calories are subtracted from the calories you ate.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,956 Member
    :bigsmile: the simple answer is that your base calories are fine if you spend the day at your desk or on your couch, but the more active you are, the more fuel your body needs so as you enter your workout calories (being as accurate as possible) you find that you can consume more. Eat more healthy food, don't just use it as an excuse to eat junk. An active body needs good fuel :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • bigredhearts
    bigredhearts Posts: 428
    Thank you both! so todays exercise was just work seeing as this is my one day of not working out, usually i do about 500 extra cals of workout 6 days a week. so how much if my exercise says i burn 3300(on a day of not working out) and my goal for the day is 1200, making my calories available at around 3000, how much extra should i be taking in to be healthy?
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    If you have a physically active job you should probably set your base activity settings higher ( go back to the goal page and you will see). This gives you more calories per day to account for your active lifestyle and then you only have to log extra exercise not day to day work stuff.