Bored of exercise

I have a few wii fitness games and researched many more thing is i start well then get bored and miss days of have other things to do or have kids running about etc.
I'm undecided on whether to invest in an exercise bike (cant do much bigger equipment as space is limited) or to buy a normal bike and get outside (but thats always time and weather dependent, i know i wont ride in the winter or the rain) or get over my fear of the gym and sign up (no kids no distractions and may fit my day better)


  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    are you trying to chose one and stick with it? that's never really worked for me, I have to mix it up

    my current exercise goes something like this
    sundays - walking in the countryside with a walking group, and some weeks, badminton in the evening with the walking group again
    midweek - mixture of gym with a colleague at lunch time, swimming on a thursday evening (some weeks) with my husband, or couch to 5k jogging/walking alone, or with my husband

    and I'm about to try zumba

    Not finding I'm getting bored, because I'm mixing it up a lot. I would get very very bored of wii games.

    Is there anyone locally you can drag out with you? Can you exercise with the kids? I've seen people jog while their kids cycle, or even jog round the park while their kids are on the swings etc in line of sight.
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    Hi Terri,

    I have to have a lot of variation, too. I also have to get up very early before my son is awake. Do you have cable TV or Netflix? On my cable, my oldest son pointed out that I have a lot of free shows on there from "Exercise TV". When I wake up, I can jog, do one of many shows that I have access to, or I can punch my punching bag (40 bucks on craigslist).

    Hope you find some routine that keeps you interested :)

    Ohh-- I found a used copy of "Insanity" but it's too intense, at the moment.


  • HolsDoinIt
    HolsDoinIt Posts: 327 Member
    as far as bikes go..when i first started exercising i bought these under the desk pedals that seem to do okay. theyre not to big and can fit almost anywhere.
  • HolsDoinIt
    HolsDoinIt Posts: 327 Member
    is there things for exercise on netflix
  • talysshade
    talysshade Posts: 273 Member
    I have a bike, since everyone in our country (Netherlands) does to get around, so i do cycle a lot. But when i can i also love to take walks and just do whatever i feel like that day (even clean to burn calories, makes my mum happy)

    I ALSO have wii fit and although sometimes i get bored with the exercises, too.. i always strive to beat my own high scores, or find someone to play on wii fit with you, so you can play together and try and beat each other, that's what i always try to do. Or simply have someone there watching as i do my exercises to help me. Change it up with some other home exercises for specific body parts of which there are plenty online.
  • Terri73
    Terri73 Posts: 238
    I guess as i have not got time i really need to make time. By the time ive done the morning school run and get home i have about an hour to get some housework done and get the next kid ready to take to school. So i do get plenty of walking exercise as i'm doing it most of the day. Is about 5+ miles a day. In the evenings im too shattered to get off my butt( maybe that needs to change). I do play kinect games and that can work up a bit of a sweat
    Just want something to fit in for a quick workout.