Beetroot - Give me ideas and recipes

lalilalu Posts: 102 Member
I'm obsessed with the stuff at the moment. It's sooo delicious, and good for you to boot. I've just been roasting it with other veggies, and I made it into an awesome dip today by boiling one up and then blending it with garlic and some laughing cow cheese (didn't have any yoghurt left).

So can I have some more ideas, how else can I induge my obsession for the red stuff.

One a TMI side note, it's producing some scary results when I go to the toilet, but it's worth it!


  • melissajmorrison
    melissajmorrison Posts: 1 Member
    I don't have a recipe, but try searching for a beetroot pickle recipe. It goes really well on top of a salad to make it more interesting and moist. :)
  • leaseylou
    leaseylou Posts: 5
    I like to roast baby beets, then while still warm, peel them & toss with some baby spinach leaves, a little low fat fetta, and some horseradish. Horseradish & beetroot make an awesome combo!