My boy is sick!!!! : (

ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
My hubby just got home and called boy has a fever and is just laying there on our bed...not jumping and running and climbing and laughing like he normally does!

I'm so upset...I know kids get sick, but I wish I was there with him!!!! AND why didn't my mil call me to tell me earlier! now I have to wait for the 6:15 train.grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

ANYWAY! please say a prayer he's okay....I know it may seem silly for me to ask that for a fever, but he can't always tell me what is wrong due to the Autism...and I just get really really nervous in my I never know when to over react or not...and just watch him like a hawk to figure out what it is....this is the part of ASD I HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!:explode: I'm sure he'll be fine....I just need to see him w/ my own eyes....dh put him on the phone w/ me and I said, "hi buddy, are you okay?"....and he said in a sick little voice..."hi momma...see d' lada...bye bye! and then rolled over and gave the phone to daddy....he always wants to talk and be poor kiddo!:brokenheart:

okay sorry to vent...I'm feeling more upset cuz I'm not w/ him....he never gets sick....sigh

hugs and thanks for listening!
:frown: Ali


  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    My hubby just got home and called boy has a fever and is just laying there on our bed...not jumping and running and climbing and laughing like he normally does!

    I'm so upset...I know kids get sick, but I wish I was there with him!!!! AND why didn't my mil call me to tell me earlier! now I have to wait for the 6:15 train.grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

    ANYWAY! please say a prayer he's okay....I know it may seem silly for me to ask that for a fever, but he can't always tell me what is wrong due to the Autism...and I just get really really nervous in my I never know when to over react or not...and just watch him like a hawk to figure out what it is....this is the part of ASD I HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!:explode: I'm sure he'll be fine....I just need to see him w/ my own eyes....dh put him on the phone w/ me and I said, "hi buddy, are you okay?"....and he said in a sick little voice..."hi momma...see d' lada...bye bye! and then rolled over and gave the phone to daddy....he always wants to talk and be poor kiddo!:brokenheart:

    okay sorry to vent...I'm feeling more upset cuz I'm not w/ him....he never gets sick....sigh

    hugs and thanks for listening!
    :frown: Ali
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Ahh...mama bear!! I know how much it sucks to be away from our babies when they're sick. :frown: :heart:

    He'll be in your arms before you know it!! Hang in their girlie!! hug.gif

    Love ya!! :heart: :heart:
  • msce2
    msce2 Posts: 35
    I will be praying for him! Hope he is feeling better soon!!!!!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I know how much that sucks.... i am so sorry.

    I know with my son since he is autistic his pain threshold is high so basically when he is at that point its time to take him to the doctor because of dehydration
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Awwwww my poor lil cyber nephew!!! I pray that he recovers quickly from whatever he has!

    It stinks when our kids are sick. I know I feel COMPLETELY helpless and just want to be here with J.T. too!

    You'll be with him soon, cuddling on the bed with him and all will be right with the world!!

    Hugs! Take care of yourself hun!!!

    :heart: :heart:
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    I'm so sorry:frown:
    Keep us updated!
  • 1harleygal
    1harleygal Posts: 226 Member
    :heart: I will definately keep your little guy in my prayers, being a mom myself I know exactly how your feel. My little guy stands 6'4" and is 32 yrs old I still have problems coping when he gets sick since he lives in Albuquerque, NM & I can't be there!:frown:
  • obliged
    obliged Posts: 465
    awww :sad:
    *hugs to my little cousin and my american libra*
    hang in there girlie, i know how helpless my mum feels when i get sick (which is alot, and badly) you'll feel better when you finally see him:flowerforyou:
    keep us updated please?
    love you's both!:heart: and the prayers were a given:flowerforyou:
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    thank you all!!! :heart: ....come on 6:15!!! :ohwell:

    I keep calling to check....trying to get play by play so I can figure out what it all are right though once I'm there I'll be able to look at him and see for myself....and cuddle up next to that sweet boy:heart:

    thank you so much for the prayers...really really really appreciate everything!
    Ali :flowerforyou:
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Oh Ali, you are not silly at all, you are a wonderful Momma!
    I hope he feels better soon.
  • hnlymark
    hnlymark Posts: 191
    I'm sorry to hear that. Take a deep breath, relax, and get home safe for him. I'm sure all will be well, especially since he obviously has such loving parents. You sound like a fabulous mommy! :flowerforyou:
  • jlwhelan1
    jlwhelan1 Posts: 664

    Aww poor kido

    I swear I can diagnose my son's common aliments within a few moments of being with him..(ear infection, etc. by his behavior). Moms just know how serious it is. Hope it's just a little bug that passes quickly for your son.
  • EllaBella
    EllaBella Posts: 140
    That stinks when you can't just rush to him and hold him. I know that is my first instinct is to rush to my kids. At least he is with his dad. It is like a double edged sword--sometimes it is better not to know until your home, so you don't worry yourself sick, and yet if you didn't find out til you got home you'd be madder than heck 'cause nobody told you sooner. Hang in there and try not to stress too much--he's in good hands.:smile:
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    Ali, as soon as you walk in the door, I guarantee he's going to get a lot better. He needs his mommy so you're doing the right thing in going home. Wrap yourself around him, showering him with kisses, and work your magic. I'm so sorry he's sick. My daughter just came home sick too, but I can only imagine how terrifying it is with a child who may not communicate everything they're feeling as freely as they may want to. But you know your baby and as soon as you see him, you'll know what to do. Sending hugs, prayers, and good wishes your way. Keep us posted!!!
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    Hope that he gets better!!!:flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    How is your baby Ali?? I hope he feels better!! My son has had sort of like a cold for a week now. Poor thing!!! :cry: :flowerforyou:
  • Fit2btied
    Fit2btied Posts: 486
    Awww...I pray that he has a speedy recovery!
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    well I've been home for about 40 mins now thanks to a nice train delay!:grumble:

    oh my poor baby...he's sleeping now w/ Daddy so I can get something to eat although honestly I have no appetite....he's really sick....he kept grabbin' at me and pushing me away, and kiddo doesn't moan...:ohwell: so I know he really feels horrible....I think its nausea....stupid Autism, I can deal w/ anything you throw at us but come on the child is sick and he can't tell me what it not playing fair....:explode: ....thank God I'm used to it and can read him like a book....I pray I always can, or he can tell me more and more as he gets older.:heart: ............. he can speak, just not really conversational, like if I say if he gets hurt and I don't see him he'll come to me and say...ARE you okay?! and show me or he'll be holding what he hurt.....or sometimes if its not so bad, he'll say ....Its okay..., you can kiss it?!....things like that....he talks more but not when he's sick...when he's sick all bets are off....anyway....the main thing is I want him better! :ohwell:

    I hope its just a little bug and it will pass soon, but if its like this tomorrow I'll call the ped....I don't care if I seem like the neurotic mom......I'd rather be safe than sorry.....when he was 9 mths old he had a fever, his first...I freaked of lasted I made my hubby who w/ the nurses kept assuring me it was first time mom gitters all kids get sick and fevers....true I suppose...BUT we take him and he gets admitted for 10 days! he had a urinary infection and well that was because he had urinary reflux and that turned into two years of numerous urologist appts, meds everyday for 2 yrs...13 VCUG (not fun!!!), nuclear ex rays, and three surgeries...the last one was 5 hrs about freak out time! point is....I'd rather be safe than sorry.....ya know! lol

    Thanks soooo much for all your prayers.....they helped him and me! I know I'm lucky he's healthy and happy and I'm truly blessed so I really hate to whine or complain and I'll blame it on nerves:wink: ...but I do appreciate you listening to my venting!!!....:flowerforyou:

    so okay I love you guys and again sorry to go on about this...I just get alittle freaked for so many reasons!
    NOW back to your funnies you sweet people!!! :happy: ....sorry to be a downer:ohwell:
    who is watching the pit? ......sigh....:noway: :ohwell:
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    I hope he feels better soon!!!!
  • jlwhelan1
    jlwhelan1 Posts: 664
    (((Ali & son)))

    I know all too well. Take care of you too.