Sugar is Poison???



  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    I didn't open the link, but I'm guessing it's flawed already. Vegan/Vegetarian sites seldom tell the whole story.


    You guys must be looking at crap sites. There are some amazing vegetarian resources out there.

    these guys are probabl those meat heads who feel threatened by they put us down at every turn.
  • HeatherMarie1174
    I didn't open the link, but I'm guessing it's flawed already. Vegan/Vegetarian sites seldom tell the whole story.


    You guys must be looking at crap sites. There are some amazing vegetarian resources out there.

    these guys are probabl those meat heads who feel threatened by they put us down at every turn.

    You are probably right! Veggies UNITE! :)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Sugar has been referred to as "white death". I try to avoid as much as I can from man-made sources.
  • TheDeviation
    TheDeviation Posts: 149
    these guys are probabl those meat heads who feel threatened by they put us down at every turn.
    If by threathened you mean scared of the noxious gases that many vegans & vegetarians emit as a result of their limited diet lifestyles, then yes.

    I'm far from a meat head. Just not worth wasting time reading an article that is guarateed to be slanted to one side or the other. And yes, that goes for carnivore sites too.
  • jrusso28
    jrusso28 Posts: 249 Member
    Watch this video, I found it yesterday and have alredy posted it on some other threads.
    Very interesting and worth the time to watch it.
    Sugar: The Bitter Truth
  • TheDeviation
    TheDeviation Posts: 149
    Watch this video, I found it yesterday and have alredy posted it on some other threads.
    Very interesting and worth the time to watch it.
    Sugar: The Bitter Truth
    Very long, but I agree worth watching.

    Here's a shorter video of the same guy:
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    Watch this video, I found it yesterday and have alredy posted it on some other threads.
    Very interesting and worth the time to watch it.
    Sugar: The Bitter Truth
    Very long, but I agree worth watching.

    Here's a shorter video of the same guy:

    Couldn't hang for the long version.. Very interesting. Sugar is typically the one place where I find myself going into the red. One of my current goals is to eat less of it, but like this guys points out, its in flipping everything!!

    Thanks for sharing!
  • sanitariumzero
    I agree with what this man has to say, especially about high fructose corn syrup. HFCS has made it's way in nearly everything in the past 30 years and if you look the consumption of HFCS compared to the percentage of obese people over the same time frame, they're almost right on par with each other. Something is definitely going on there. Personally, I avoid sugars if I can. If I see HFCS listed on a food label, I look for an alternative. Sugars from fruits are the exception for me.
  • TheDeviation
    TheDeviation Posts: 149
    Sugars from fruits are the exception for me.
    Yep. He states that in the video as well. Claims the fiber + fructose helps.
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    Very interesting, I've long held the view that the body doesn't handle sugar very well, and turns it very quickly into fat, whereas if you eat extra calories in protein, the body can use them much more efficiently. I struggle with giving up sugar completely, but feel SO much better when I keep it limited!

    Actually, it's the reverse. Your body runs on sugar (glucose). Your body converts everything into glucose so that it can make ATP (your body's true fuel). The problem with eating only sugar is that your body handles it very efficiently, so you are hungry again in an hour, causing you to eat more. Your body turns the sugar into fat because you just gave it a ton of sugar and you aren't burning it. By having more protein and fiber in your diet, it takes longer for your body to digest it. You can lose weight by only eating sugar, google the twinkie diet.

    Sugar is only half glucose. The other half is fructose, which is metabolized directly in the liver bypassing the glucose/insulin reaction. Once in the liver, 30% goes STRAIGHT to fat. Fructose is the problem, not glucose.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    these guys are probabl those meat heads who feel threatened by they put us down at every turn.
    If by threathened you mean scared of the noxious gases that many vegans & vegetarians emit as a result of their limited diet lifestyles, then yes.

    I'm far from a meat head. Just not worth wasting time reading an article that is guarateed to be slanted to one side or the other. And yes, that goes for carnivore sites too.

    I was about to get all defensive, but then I noticed you put a "many" in front of the vegetarians part. Carry on.