A long run gone BAD but it was worth it!

Here is a description/summary (filled with sarcasm and bitterness) of my lovely run on Saturday 4/30/2011

I ended up going for a run Saturday. I had to drive to my friends’ house and park in her driveway to avoid our muddy driveway and dirt roads. The plan was to run 7 miles out and turn around and come back. I am running along and the weather is perfect…sun is shining…traffic is not too bad….then I get to mile 5 and I start to feel it. First a light breeze….by mile 5.5 it’s a steady light wind….by mile 6 is PUSHING ME ALONG PRETTY GOOD FROM BEHIND! I knew I was in trouble. I kept going to mile 7 all the while thinking about continuing on into town and keeping the wind at my back and just calling when I got 14 miles from the car to have my husband come get me. As I got closer to the 7 mile mark/turn around I said to myself…..”Self…..you better practice running into the wind incase it’s windy on race day”…..so I argued with myself for a minute. I called myself names for a minute then turned around and started back towards the car.

I maintained a really good pace until the turn around. My turn around was of course at the bottom of a hill with the wind to my back. When I turned around I was at the bottom of said hill looking UP with the wind now full on front and if I had to guess it was gusting to maybe 30 mph. With nothing to break the wind at all…..all open farm fields and very few houses so it was strong. I carried on and did my run/walk ratio of 2:1 so 10 minutes of running and 5 minutes of walking. I was slowing down with each passing mile. At mile 10 I was down to my last sip of water so I called my husband and he brought me some much needed fluids.

I continued on…..remember slowing with each passing mile. Took forever for mile 11 to roll up….the mile between 11-12 was super flat and I kept trying for the positive self talk….. telling myself “this is perfect…nice….flat….no traffic….I can see for about 2 miles…..perfect”. Then I hear “^$#% wind….$#$%$^ wind” from the little negative mini me sitting on my shoulder laughing at me and swearing like a sailor.

Finally…..mile 12 shows up on my watch. I make a turn and not really sure how the wind got WORSE but it did with the right turn. Pretty flat road so I can almost see the stop sign which would be mile 13 way off in the distance. I had to cover my nose/mouth with my hand since the wind was actually taking my breath away (like it does in the winter with cold wind). I drop my 2:1 ratio down to 2 minute run (actually shuffle at this point) and 1 minute walk at elderly speed (I would say 90+ years old…maybe 90+ with bad hip speed). Then at about 12.5 I give up and walk. The little mini me on my shoulder is still sitting there laughing and swearing. I FINALLY get to mile 13 and I shut my timer off and decide I am just going to walk the rest of the way. I slow to a pace of about 1.8 mph – 2.0 mph and I swear out loud numerous times at the wind.

I totally give up and call my husband to come get me….ring ring….ring ring….no answer. I mutter a few swear words. I tried my friend where my car is parked……ring ring…ring ring….no answer…again muttering to self. I try my husband again…..no answer….I call him names (bad ones). I try my Mom…ring ring…ring ring…..ring ring……I say out loud “I am being punished for SOMETHING”….and I am just about the hang up and like an angel off in the distance I hear my Mom’s voice on the other end of the phone. I AM SAVED! She comes to my rescue and for the short mile to the car I am lectured on my age and that I have no business running this distance that I am too old and am going to hurt myself. I just smile a big smile and say THANK YOU. I am just so happy to be in the car and out of the wind I don’t care what she says. All I really heard was Charlie Browns teacher……no real words just sounds…..I smile and nod my head to express my appreciation 

I went home and took a shower to wash the white salt layer that had dried on my face. The water in the shower reminded me of the ocean with a strong taste of salt. I was proud that I did what I did but I was glad it was over.

So….that was my run. I know…a bit dramatic but every word is TRUE….I swear it!


  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    HAHAHA! Thanks. I know those feelings (though I am not at the point of running yet). I can't imagine calling all those people and no answer. How frustrating. But you did 13 miles. Incredibly impressive! Great job. Stupid wind!!! :wink:
  • tbever
    tbever Posts: 173 Member
    So funny! I know how all of that feels! The cussing, the negative self-talk, the little devil that sits on my shoulder, etc! I also know that you ran 12.5 miles, and I think that is pretty impressive! Kudos to you!!
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    Love this!!
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    That is impressive, even though things went bad.