weight loss

Hello everyone,
I am new to MFP and would like to lose about 10- 15lbs. I am 15 years old and am in the healthy weight range.
Do any any of you have any suggestions on how to lose the weight?


  • momma_roo
    momma_roo Posts: 146 Member
    Just follow the guidelines on MFP and you should do great! I have cut back on eating out. And started limiting my portion sizes. Also make sure to eat healthy foods vegetables, proteins and whole grains. And exercising regularly helps keep me on the right track. Add me if you want, I can always use a new friend.
  • catlady100
    catlady100 Posts: 154
    oh you're only 15. I don't know if the thread I was referring to would apply to you then.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Since you are only looking to lose 10-15, my suggestion is strength training. Cardio would probably help you some, but usually you still end up with a flat, flabby stomach (skinny fat). Strength training will give your muscles definition and help to reveal muscles you never knew you had. I believe the title of the thread is "not so heavy people trying to get leaner" and it's under fitness and exercise (i think).

    I am strength training to lose the last of my weight and I am doing this workout: