How to control cravings / eating during PMS

ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
So yesterday I went over roughly 1200 cals for the day. I just couldn't control my cravings and just kept eating ALL afternoon. I was feeling so sick by the time I went to bed. I know there are some foods I missed logging in. It was BAD. How do you control those cravings? Or control the over eating? So frustrating... :mad:


  • JigglyPig
    JigglyPig Posts: 231 Member
    You went over 1200 calories? How many do you normally eat? Lol, 1200 sounds like a typical amount as it is. That's overeating for you? When I am having lots of cravings I will do a couple different things: exercising helps a lot. It reduces my cravings, occupies my time, helps me burn calories (which is always a good thing as it is!), allows enough time to pass for the craving to pass as well, and re-motivates me on my journey. Another thing I will do is drink a TON, ton, ton of water. This helps during period week anyway, but furthermore it helps me to feel temporarily fuller. I also try to occupy my time somehow so that I "forget" about my craving. Lastly, sometimes I WILL give in to my craving. It's important for me to make this is a LIVABLE lifestyle. Am I really going to NEVER eat a brownie ever again? No way! So, I'll have the brownie. BUT I won't have the whole PAN of brownies. That's the difference. Just have one and TRACK IT, and move on with your day. Your craving will be satisfied, you won't feel suppressed or deprived, and you'll be living a SUSTAINABLE diet. Good luck fedup. You can do it!!
  • Ive heard tha when you get a craving, if you wait 10 minutes before eating the food you're craving, the craving will subside a bit. wait another 10 minutes and i guess it will be gone? dont go and eat whatever youre craving straightaway!
    I crave food in general so im gunna try this myself....good luck!
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I think the OP is saying that she went 1200 calories over her alloted calories.

    I like fruit, so that helps me. I will eat a banana with some hershey's syrup if I need chocolate or some fat free, sugar free chocolate pudding with some fat free whipped topping mixed it. It tastes like I am eating something really bad for me and helps quell the cravings.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I measure out a serving of dark chocolate chips and a serving of almonds - it is like a candy bar without the added sugars, fat and unpronounceable ingredients.
  • ldon37
    ldon37 Posts: 145 Member
    Ok, I did this about a week ago. If fact, I had a 3-day binge fest. It was my first time really cheating since starting mfp in mid April. You cannot get down on yourself. Just start fresh today. If you think about it in the proper perspective, 1200 calories is only .3 of a pound. Not much damage done at all. You can still have a good weight loss week. So try to just refocus on your goals, put the junk food down:wink: , and start again. You CAN do it!!!!!
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    Ive heard tha when you get a craving, if you wait 10 minutes before eating the food you're craving, the craving will subside a bit. wait another 10 minutes and i guess it will be gone? dont go and eat whatever youre craving straightaway!
    I crave food in general so im gunna try this myself....good luck!

    I tried this yesterday I even drove to the grocery store to get me the multigrain tortillas. I just couldn't help it. Never had it so strong of a craving!
  • PrfctGdess
    PrfctGdess Posts: 257
    Ok, I did this about a week ago. If fact, I had a 3-day binge fest. It was my first time really cheating since starting mfp in mid April. You cannot get down on yourself. Just start fresh today. If you think about it in the proper perspective, 1200 calories is only .3 of a pound. Not much damage done at all. You can still have a good weight loss week. So try to just refocus on your goals, put the junk food down:wink: , and start again. You CAN do it!!!!!

    Great way to put it!! :)
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Don't hate me... but I definitely haven't had this problem too badly when I have had TOM...mainly because I think I have really just kept so much bad stuff out of my house. And when I am at work, I am armed with only my food/snacks that I've brought for the day. I've got myself so convinced that going out to pick something else up is just such a waste of time and money that I will just eat what I have. Hang in there!!
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I shove a huge piece of fruit in my mouth and chew slowly and drink water. That's really my only game plan for that.
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    The excercising part makes sense... this was the first weekend that I didn't get a workout in.... I was trying to change things up and not do it on weekends.... and go for a walks instead... but woke up yesterday to SNOW!!
  • anardini86
    anardini86 Posts: 4 Member
    I have honestly been trying to figure out how to do this for the longest time. Some say increase your calcium intake 10-12 days before your period. It's really difficult. I cannot control them and I don't care anymore. After I'm done with my period all that weight comes off and I'm back to eating healthy and regular. I look at that time of the month a time when I can enjoy and eat what I want and not feel guilty, because I know this what my body needs right now. I do try to keep it healthy for the most part with salads and high protein foods, but I still eat some junk and it's not a bad thing.
  • sassysmom35
    sassysmom35 Posts: 130 Member
    I did this exact same thing this past Sunday except I went waaayyy over my daily limit. Like 3000 calories over. It was awful. I felt like crap in every which way you can imagine. Monday I got right back to work and stayed within my calories and walked 3 miles. Yesterday same as Monday. Today I decided to weigh myself to see exactly how much damage I had done and low and behold I had LOST 2 lbs since my last weigh in (2 weeks ago). So one day really is just one day. No matter how bad you were or how bad you feel just wake up the next day and get right back to it. You cant let it get you down. Just hop up and get right back on the horse. TOM is always the hardest for me too and that one day is almost impossible to be good. I still hate that I did it but it was a learning experience and I feel fine now. And no lasting damage after all. Good luck to you and feel free to friend me if you like.
  • faradaysdream
    faradaysdream Posts: 91 Member
    Every TOM I go out of control for 6 300-500 over a day...usually in chocolate :(
  • lilianaturcanu
    lilianaturcanu Posts: 9 Member
    Waw....I just figured out that I have the same thing...for the last 3 days I just cant stop eating...and its japortising my diet and my weight loss...I knew I am having some times bad days, but never connected them to the period. Now at least I have an explanation. Hang in there, you are not alone! Drink water, exercise and this days will pass
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    I knew I craved food, especially carbs, before my period.

    When I paid attention to my body and followed hunger cues, I learned that there are also days at the end/just after my period where I don't want much at all.

    So, I eat more before and less after. :)
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